skydivebaby 0 #1 January 25, 2008 Let me start by saying that stating Level 6 is kind of misleading. The AFF program I'm doing consists of 8 Levels; 3 Tandems & 5 Solos. Depending on one's perception, my 3rd solo could be considered Level 6 (which is what my program calls it) or Level 3 (because it's literally my 3rd solo). Anyway ... I'm on the island of Oahu. DZ is on the north shore and wind can kick up pretty good out here. Fortunately winds are pretty light in the morning, for the most part, but it's not always the case as it can pick up quiet fast. Jan.18,2008 - 1st solo (I don't owe beer do I? LOL) went smooth, considering I had a linetwist ... which I got myself out of with ease ... relief! Basic program (non-release) with one instructor (who btw is absolutely amazing!). Landed in DZ, no problem ... well took a few steps then fell forward but I was on the ground safe! Barely no wind that morning ... whew! Jan.22, 2008 - 2nd solo. This is why I'm frightened and nervous. Exit good, COA, 1 PCP, Instructor release followed. I was suppose to FF, then do a Right Turn, then Left Turn. Well, I started turning without trying. I know I tensed up immediately ... easy to say I'll be relaxed when on the ground. I tried to counter the turn but was unable to, and I ended up making the situation worse. I started turning even faster. It felt fast during FF, but watching the video it really wasn't that fast. In the video my arch during the spin was horrible and I did not check my Alt. I'm embarrassed to say this but it is what it is. Instructor gave me time to stable myself, which I was unable to and kept spinning faster, so he flew in to catch my arm and stable me. In the video you can see my body somewhat relax and arms come into a closer 45 degree angle rather than somewhat extended forward. Waive Off at 5,500'. Canopy opened no problem. Released brakes. Looked around for other canopies. Steerability check. Then I realize the radio was NOT turned on. At the time I couldn't figure out where the radio was and was focusing on the task at hand ... getting myself SAFELY to the DZ. The wind started to pick up so I turned into the wind ... back facing DZ. I made a newbie mistake by doing S-Turns to try to slow myself rather than Parking myself ... which btw no one had ever told me about Parking until afterwards. I turned forward into the wind on the Down Wind so I could see where I was going. At the Base Leg I was too high, 1,000', so I had no choice but to continue down wind. By this time I'm lined up with the runway! Turned into Base Leg, now I'm over the runway and a plane is below me at the end. I look to my right, then left, and decide left is better because there is more grass. No problem getting to grass area. Had to make small corrections, but landed safely doing a roll to my left when my feet touched the ground. FYI ... I weigh 115 lbs using a student canopy 220 Navigator. Okay, so my 2nd solo was horrible and great. Horrible because I could not get myself out of spinning like a helicopter blade. Great because I landed safely without radio assistance ... pretty good for a newbie if I do say so myself Tomorrow is my 3rd solo ... weather permitting. I hope I can sleep tonight because my stomach is in knots and here I am posting for the first time on this board. It's cathartic. I need to get this out of me. Set my pride aside and say to the world ... I'M SCARED AS ALL HELL! All I want for this jump is to FF stable with a good arch, and of course land safely! I know this won't be enough to pass this level and I'll have to repay and retake this, but that's okay. I need to get back into the air ... get back on that horse that threw me off of him ... so to speak. I know spinning is common for students but I'm so dam scared this will happen again and I won't be able to stop. So many skydivers (Tandem Masters, Instructors, etc.) gave me the most wonderful support after my 2nd solo ... even the owner sat with me and talked trying to sooth me ... wow so wonderful! If anyone else has had a similar experience during AFF I would love to hear your story. I know my post is kind of long. Thanks so much for taking the time to read Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites moto89 0 #2 January 25, 2008 I'll I will say is this: Have fun, enjoy the dive, and don't forget to smile. Before exit on one of my student jumps my instructor looked at me and smiled, motioning towards his mouth for me to do the same. It actually made a difference in my mindset and subconsciously reminded myself that I was doing this to have fun, not to be terrified. Other than that I would say talk to your instructors who know you and your history much better than anyone here does. It seems you have already done that so keep on keepin' on and make some jumps. Relax and stay neutral and you should find yourself nice and stable. Welcome to skydiving!Less talking, more flying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Baksteen 84 #3 January 25, 2008 Congrats on your jumps! You got into a corner, but made the right desicion, which is defined as "got to the ground safely". If you're nervous about the freefall, maybe you could ask your instructor for tips about how to stabilise yourself in freefall, as well as how you can check the symmetry of your body."That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport." ~mom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites BIGUN 1,346 #4 January 25, 2008 Quote 2nd solo. This is why I'm frightened and nervous. Okay, so my 2nd solo was horrible and great. Horrible because I could not get myself out of spinning like a helicopter blade. Great because I landed safely without radio assistance ... pretty good for a newbie if I do say so myself Sheesh, 115 lbs, you're one of them slipperry little suckers, ain'tchya? Darting over here, darting over there. It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE, It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE!!! OK. Now, I'm just screwin with you. Have I got to the face yet? Alright, let's get to it. I'd say what guys... At least 60-75% of all students get into a spin at some point? And, as you mentioned, the student's perception is that it's happening faster than it is. I'm not going to give you any tips or tricks on how to get out of it, cause we all kinda have a rule that if we're not your Instructors and weren't on the dive, then we're prolly not the best one's to be giving advice on the Internet on how to skydive - they are. Just know this... What you experienced is not unusual. It'll get fixed. Listen to your Instructors and don't get all over-amped about not sleeping and fucking it up tomorrow. Focus on success. You're actually going to be surprised when tomorrow prolly goes flawlessly and you spent all night frettin about it and then pull it off like a champ. Then, the crash will occur. I'd say tomorrow afternoon sometime, the adrenaline will wear off, the sun will start to warm you up; be close to some place where you can get a good combat nap in, you're going to take it. Have fun tomorrow. Let us know how it went.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites yamtx73 0 #5 January 25, 2008 Your experience sounds VERY familiar... did you steal that from my log book? Seriously though, de-arching and spinning were serious problems I had (3 level 6 jumps, 3 level 7 jumps). I even panicked and pulled at 7500' on one jump. My problem was not relaxing and doing toe taps, my legs were uneven causing the spin. Talk to your instructors (again), and keep trying.... and try to relax (easier said than done as a student).... Yoiu landed safely and walked away, be happy with that! The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites kschilk 0 #6 January 25, 2008 I had the same problem....yep, jump #6 too. It lasted for 2 or 3 jumps, even my instructors couldn't see an obvious reason. Finally, out of frustration, I paid extra for a vidiot....hoping the video would show what we couldn't see but as soon as the cam was there, the spinning stopped and never returned. Obviously, the spin-gremlins are camera-shy. "T'was ever thus." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites auburnguy 0 #7 January 25, 2008 I was scared shitless on my first 3 aff's. almost had a panic attack on the first one. Never had the dearching problem though."If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way." - Homer Simpson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Jewels 0 #8 January 25, 2008 Is it done yet??! How did it go? Details, please. TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites rygon 0 #9 January 26, 2008 when did my 1st ever 90deg turn it was went everywhere..week later i did exactly the same stuff and it worked perfect...dont know why (cept the feed back from my insructors was good) and once i could turn i couldnt believe how easy it was...stick at it and im sure you will achieve the turns very soon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skr 1 #10 January 26, 2008 > I'M SCARED AS ALL HELL! So was I. One thing that helps is to make a lot of jumps close together. The first jump of the day feels a certain way, but then you are into a certain mode and the second jump of the day feels a different way. The mental gear shift from mere mortal to skydiver is not as big. You start to have faith that your chute is going to open, and you get acclimated to the experience of freefall and canopy, and the fear of the unknown starts to subside. If you can make two jumps on Saturday, and two more on Sunday you will pass through these early scaries in no time. That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Skr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grannyinthesky 0 #11 January 26, 2008 Quote > I'M SCARED AS ALL HELL! So was I. One thing that helps is to make a lot of jumps close together. The first jump of the day feels a certain way, but then you are into a certain mode and the second jump of the day feels a different way. The mental gear shift from mere mortal to skydiver is not as big. You start to have faith that your chute is going to open, and you get acclimated to the experience of freefall and canopy, and the fear of the unknown starts to subside. If you can make two jumps on Saturday, and two more on Sunday you will pass through these early scaries in no time. That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Skr That sure sounds like good advice. you probably have no idea how much I would like to jump more than once in a day, though. The weather jjust never cooperates. I've ended up spending half of about every day I've been at the DZ waiting for clouds to clear or wind to die down. I hope the OP has better luck than I have had. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Joea 0 #12 January 26, 2008 Should we be concerned that you haven't posted how your jump went on Friday? Don't leave us hangin'!It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. - Clarence Worley from "True Romance" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Lastchance 0 #13 January 26, 2008 I have to say congrats on getting back without radio assistance and landing it at the DZ. I'm not sure but my guess is that it was not your responsibility to make sure your radio was on but instructors. Congrats, good luck, relax and have fun. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skydivebaby 0 #14 January 27, 2008 How many times will I have to redo this Level? LOL! I have to laugh because I'm so over crying! I told my Instructor Sasha (got permission to use his name on the net) before we started anything yesterday morning where my head was at and what my goal was for Solo #3. I wanted to concentrate on FF and a stable arch. I told him I know it's not enough to pass this level but that's okay. I need to FF stable before working on to turning. Sasha is so wonderfully supportive and said, "FF stable in a good arch without turning is a success in itself". We did more ground work, and of course on the ground my arch is perfect. Dam, when is it gonna be perfect in the air! GRRR! We wait for the 1st load to go up because of the cloud and wind situation. Sasha needed to make sure it was okay for me to jump. We're good to go for 2nd load. So we're in the plane and I'm more scared than I have ever felt. I was crying off and on ... sigh. Sasha hit my helmet trying to snap me out of it ... which worked ... temporarily ... LOL. Once we're ready to get to the door and exit I'm feeling much better. Nervous yet calm. I'm focused on the task at hand. Here's how it went ... ~ Exit good. ~ COA ... wait for OK hand signal. ~ 1 PCP At this point I knew Sasha was going to release me. In my head I was thinking about FF stable in a good arch. And if I started spinning to ARCH because that should stop the spin. ~ Instructor release. Fell a few seconds okay. Then started spinning. I arched as best I could but it wasn't helping. I started spinning faster. In my head I could hear, "What the hell am I doing wrong?! I'm arching! But I'm making it worse!". ~ Instructor flies in to catch me by jumpsuit leg. Now I'm stable. ~ Waive off at 5,500'. When I go to Pull I can't find it! Sasha had to grab my hand to help me ... sigh! ~ Canopy opens good. Release brakes. Look around for other canopies. Steerability check. At this point I know my Instructor is talking on the radio but I can't understand him, it sounded like static. I keep focused on the task at hand and I know if I can't hear him throughout this I'll have to land by myself. ~ Winds are picking up. I look at the 1st check point where I'm suppose to be at 3,000' but I'm at 4,000'. I park myself, making small corrections to keep myself inline. ~ At the 3rd check point I'm at 1,500', but I'm suppose to be at 1,000'. Now I hear my Instructor on the radio saying, "If you can hear me do a 360 right turn.". I do it and all is good. ~ Instructor guides me into the DZ. I flare. And I LAND ON MY FEET! WAAHOO! I remember hearing in my head when I was about to flare, "Please give me something good today and let me land on my feet!". Greg (a cameraman at the DZ that I've been getting to know) comes out to the field. I haven't even started to daisy chain yet ... to busy crying out of frustration. I can hear my Instructor over the radio, "Don't cry!". I hide behind Greg and cry on his chest. My body is heaving and I'm crying harder than I ever have in my life. Once again I hear on the radio, "Stop crying. I can hear you crying from here.". I look up at Greg and start to laugh. I get myself together, daisy chain, pick up canopy, and walk to the deck. So once again it was horrible and great ... LOL! My Instructor and I looked over the video and holy heck! My arch wasn't good as I had thought. My hands we not inline ... left hand lower than right. And what's worse is my left hip was sticking out, which forced my legs into a left angle. That explains me turning left. When we look at the video of Sasha getting a hold of my jumpsuit, he told me, "I had you by a couple of fingers, and you got stable on your own.". Now how the hell?! I know it's got to be because I know he's got a hold of me and I'm relaxing ... which obviously I'm not relaxing when frustrated, spinning and unable to stop. I know I need to relax. Easier said than done! But I will work on this! My BIGGEST problem is that I'm so frustrated when spinning out of control that I can't tell which way I'm spinning. I have been completely honest with Sasha about this. I have to. It's the only way he can know what's going on with me and help. I've tried my best to figure out which way I'm spinning, but dammit if I'm able to. Sasha gave me advice on what to do to determine which way I'm spinning. I'll try it next time, and hope I don't get so frustrated that I make it worse. All I can do is keep trying! We were going to jump again yesterday. It was cloudy and winds started to pick up so we waited. Sasha worked camera and tandems, and I hung out talking to various TM's and AFF Instructors. The owner talked to me again, consoling me and giving me advice ... did a little ground work with him. How awesome that he would take the time with me, especially with all that he has to deal with ... so wonderful! By 2pm I was done. Exhaustion from adrenaline, frustration and crying had set in. Plus that's a long wait from 2nd load, around 9am until 2pm ... and I probably wouldn't have jumped for another hour or so. I let Sasha know I was done for the day and I'll be back on Tues, Jan.29. I can jump on Tuesday's and Friday's. So the longest I wait is 3 days ... well, weather permitting. I feel oddly calm right now. I woke up today with junk rolling through my head and pushed it out. I'll have to work on this until Tuesday. I'm not gonna beat myself up ... as I'm usually famous for doing that. I'm giving ALL of myself to become a skydiver, and that's all I can ask of myself ... to keep at it, giving my all. Now, how much I'll abuse my MC until I can FF stable in a good arch and pass this level? Hopefully not too much! LOL! And as skr said ... That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Roger that! Thank you everyone for your support! It's so wonderful that strangers gather together to support me and not even know me. I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites faulknerwn 38 #15 January 27, 2008 Read my student logbook - I sucked :-) But eventually I got it and 5000 jumps later I'm the teacher now! Stick with it! W Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skydivebaby 0 #16 January 27, 2008 Quote Read my student logbook - I sucked :-) But eventually I got it and 5000 jumps later I'm the teacher now! Stick with it! W I'm still reading your log, but sounds like me ... LOL. I've got the CC down, but dam my arch! You give me hope! Ok going back to reading your log. Thanks so much for the link! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skydivebaby 0 #17 January 27, 2008 Quote Sheesh, 115 lbs, you're one of them slipperry little suckers, ain'tchya? Darting over here, darting over there. It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE, It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE!!! OK. Now, I'm just screwin with you. Have I got to the face yet? Actually you had me laughing ... thanks I needed it! I told my Instructor about this and he laughed too. So you made 2 people laugh ... nice! And once again it was HORRIBLE & GREAT ... LOL BTW, I'm not only one of them slipperry little suckers, you can add manic and spastic to the mix ... LOL! Thanks for your support and everything you wrote. Much appreciated! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grannyinthesky 0 #18 January 27, 2008 Thanks so much for posting the link to your logbook. My last jump wasn't everything I had hoped it would be. This made me feel a lot better. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites faulknerwn 38 #19 January 27, 2008 This is my favorite entry :-) 16. 10/3/93 Palatka C182 45 10/3:10 10 second delay. Climbout good. Did right barrel roll on exit, spent rest of dive unstable (whip spin). Pulled on time. CC good. Lived through it again! CP Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grannyinthesky 0 #20 January 27, 2008 On my last jump (three weeks ago....damn weather.....) I basically spent the whole freefall time with my instructor just keeping his hand on my harness as I tried to figure out how to stop potato chipping. Finally, I though about relaxing. I relaxed my arms and legs and, poof, I was instantly stable. I didn't do any of the turning I was supposed to do, but I'm hoping it was a lesson that will stay with me so that when I repeat the dive (if the skies ever clear0, I'll be able to actually see if I can turn. Of course, after reading about your adventures, there may be a few surprises there too. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites faulknerwn 38 #21 January 27, 2008 I always tell my nervous students that when they look at me on their coa that I want to see a giant grin - after all its hard to be tense if you're sporting a big grin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grannyinthesky 0 #22 January 27, 2008 Yeah, a grin really helps. I jumped with a different instructor one time and when I was checking in with him before exiting, he stuck his tongue out at me. I did a lot better that jump than I had the one before. I just looked at your home page....Hi fellow math nerd."safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites The_Don 0 #23 January 27, 2008 . Finally, I though about relaxing. I relaxed my arms and legs and, poof, I was instantly stable. . Thats the key! Took me 5 level 4's to find it! Your gonna kick ass! I am NOT being loud. I'm being enthusiastic! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites grannyinthesky 0 #24 January 27, 2008 Now if the weather will just clear up on a weekend so I can try it out before I forget what I learned. it sure was an incredible feeling. Wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble,,,,,,relax........stables. Wow "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites skydivebaby 0 #25 January 27, 2008 Quote This is my favorite entry :-) 16. 10/3/93 Palatka C182 45 10/3:10 10 second delay. Climbout good. Did right barrel roll on exit, spent rest of dive unstable (whip spin). Pulled on time. CC good. Lived through it again! CP I know unstable whip spin ... LOL! You've had quiet a skydiving journey! Amazing! Re: smiling ... maybe I should look at my Instructor and smile before he releases me ... that might help. I'll talk to him about this ... sure can't make things worse than it is Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites Prev 1 2 Next Page 1 of 2 Join the conversation You can post now and register later. If you have an account, sign in now to post with your account. Note: Your post will require moderator approval before it will be visible. Reply to this topic... × Pasted as rich text. Paste as plain text instead Only 75 emoji are allowed. × Your link has been automatically embedded. Display as a link instead × Your previous content has been restored. Clear editor × You cannot paste images directly. Upload or insert images from URL. Insert image from URL × Desktop Tablet Phone Submit Reply 0
moto89 0 #2 January 25, 2008 I'll I will say is this: Have fun, enjoy the dive, and don't forget to smile. Before exit on one of my student jumps my instructor looked at me and smiled, motioning towards his mouth for me to do the same. It actually made a difference in my mindset and subconsciously reminded myself that I was doing this to have fun, not to be terrified. Other than that I would say talk to your instructors who know you and your history much better than anyone here does. It seems you have already done that so keep on keepin' on and make some jumps. Relax and stay neutral and you should find yourself nice and stable. Welcome to skydiving!Less talking, more flying. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Baksteen 84 #3 January 25, 2008 Congrats on your jumps! You got into a corner, but made the right desicion, which is defined as "got to the ground safely". If you're nervous about the freefall, maybe you could ask your instructor for tips about how to stabilise yourself in freefall, as well as how you can check the symmetry of your body."That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport." ~mom Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,346 #4 January 25, 2008 Quote 2nd solo. This is why I'm frightened and nervous. Okay, so my 2nd solo was horrible and great. Horrible because I could not get myself out of spinning like a helicopter blade. Great because I landed safely without radio assistance ... pretty good for a newbie if I do say so myself Sheesh, 115 lbs, you're one of them slipperry little suckers, ain'tchya? Darting over here, darting over there. It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE, It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE!!! OK. Now, I'm just screwin with you. Have I got to the face yet? Alright, let's get to it. I'd say what guys... At least 60-75% of all students get into a spin at some point? And, as you mentioned, the student's perception is that it's happening faster than it is. I'm not going to give you any tips or tricks on how to get out of it, cause we all kinda have a rule that if we're not your Instructors and weren't on the dive, then we're prolly not the best one's to be giving advice on the Internet on how to skydive - they are. Just know this... What you experienced is not unusual. It'll get fixed. Listen to your Instructors and don't get all over-amped about not sleeping and fucking it up tomorrow. Focus on success. You're actually going to be surprised when tomorrow prolly goes flawlessly and you spent all night frettin about it and then pull it off like a champ. Then, the crash will occur. I'd say tomorrow afternoon sometime, the adrenaline will wear off, the sun will start to warm you up; be close to some place where you can get a good combat nap in, you're going to take it. Have fun tomorrow. Let us know how it went.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
yamtx73 0 #5 January 25, 2008 Your experience sounds VERY familiar... did you steal that from my log book? Seriously though, de-arching and spinning were serious problems I had (3 level 6 jumps, 3 level 7 jumps). I even panicked and pulled at 7500' on one jump. My problem was not relaxing and doing toe taps, my legs were uneven causing the spin. Talk to your instructors (again), and keep trying.... and try to relax (easier said than done as a student).... Yoiu landed safely and walked away, be happy with that! The only naturals in this sport shit thru feathers... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kschilk 0 #6 January 25, 2008 I had the same problem....yep, jump #6 too. It lasted for 2 or 3 jumps, even my instructors couldn't see an obvious reason. Finally, out of frustration, I paid extra for a vidiot....hoping the video would show what we couldn't see but as soon as the cam was there, the spinning stopped and never returned. Obviously, the spin-gremlins are camera-shy. "T'was ever thus." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
auburnguy 0 #7 January 25, 2008 I was scared shitless on my first 3 aff's. almost had a panic attack on the first one. Never had the dearching problem though."If you don't like your job, you don't strike! You just go in every day, and do it really half assed. That's the American way." - Homer Simpson Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jewels 0 #8 January 25, 2008 Is it done yet??! How did it go? Details, please. TPM Sister #102 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rygon 0 #9 January 26, 2008 when did my 1st ever 90deg turn it was went everywhere..week later i did exactly the same stuff and it worked perfect...dont know why (cept the feed back from my insructors was good) and once i could turn i couldnt believe how easy it was...stick at it and im sure you will achieve the turns very soon Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skr 1 #10 January 26, 2008 > I'M SCARED AS ALL HELL! So was I. One thing that helps is to make a lot of jumps close together. The first jump of the day feels a certain way, but then you are into a certain mode and the second jump of the day feels a different way. The mental gear shift from mere mortal to skydiver is not as big. You start to have faith that your chute is going to open, and you get acclimated to the experience of freefall and canopy, and the fear of the unknown starts to subside. If you can make two jumps on Saturday, and two more on Sunday you will pass through these early scaries in no time. That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Skr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #11 January 26, 2008 Quote > I'M SCARED AS ALL HELL! So was I. One thing that helps is to make a lot of jumps close together. The first jump of the day feels a certain way, but then you are into a certain mode and the second jump of the day feels a different way. The mental gear shift from mere mortal to skydiver is not as big. You start to have faith that your chute is going to open, and you get acclimated to the experience of freefall and canopy, and the fear of the unknown starts to subside. If you can make two jumps on Saturday, and two more on Sunday you will pass through these early scaries in no time. That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Skr That sure sounds like good advice. you probably have no idea how much I would like to jump more than once in a day, though. The weather jjust never cooperates. I've ended up spending half of about every day I've been at the DZ waiting for clouds to clear or wind to die down. I hope the OP has better luck than I have had. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joea 0 #12 January 26, 2008 Should we be concerned that you haven't posted how your jump went on Friday? Don't leave us hangin'!It's better to have it and not need it, than need it and not have it. - Clarence Worley from "True Romance" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Lastchance 0 #13 January 26, 2008 I have to say congrats on getting back without radio assistance and landing it at the DZ. I'm not sure but my guess is that it was not your responsibility to make sure your radio was on but instructors. Congrats, good luck, relax and have fun. I may be getting old but I got to see all the cool bands. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivebaby 0 #14 January 27, 2008 How many times will I have to redo this Level? LOL! I have to laugh because I'm so over crying! I told my Instructor Sasha (got permission to use his name on the net) before we started anything yesterday morning where my head was at and what my goal was for Solo #3. I wanted to concentrate on FF and a stable arch. I told him I know it's not enough to pass this level but that's okay. I need to FF stable before working on to turning. Sasha is so wonderfully supportive and said, "FF stable in a good arch without turning is a success in itself". We did more ground work, and of course on the ground my arch is perfect. Dam, when is it gonna be perfect in the air! GRRR! We wait for the 1st load to go up because of the cloud and wind situation. Sasha needed to make sure it was okay for me to jump. We're good to go for 2nd load. So we're in the plane and I'm more scared than I have ever felt. I was crying off and on ... sigh. Sasha hit my helmet trying to snap me out of it ... which worked ... temporarily ... LOL. Once we're ready to get to the door and exit I'm feeling much better. Nervous yet calm. I'm focused on the task at hand. Here's how it went ... ~ Exit good. ~ COA ... wait for OK hand signal. ~ 1 PCP At this point I knew Sasha was going to release me. In my head I was thinking about FF stable in a good arch. And if I started spinning to ARCH because that should stop the spin. ~ Instructor release. Fell a few seconds okay. Then started spinning. I arched as best I could but it wasn't helping. I started spinning faster. In my head I could hear, "What the hell am I doing wrong?! I'm arching! But I'm making it worse!". ~ Instructor flies in to catch me by jumpsuit leg. Now I'm stable. ~ Waive off at 5,500'. When I go to Pull I can't find it! Sasha had to grab my hand to help me ... sigh! ~ Canopy opens good. Release brakes. Look around for other canopies. Steerability check. At this point I know my Instructor is talking on the radio but I can't understand him, it sounded like static. I keep focused on the task at hand and I know if I can't hear him throughout this I'll have to land by myself. ~ Winds are picking up. I look at the 1st check point where I'm suppose to be at 3,000' but I'm at 4,000'. I park myself, making small corrections to keep myself inline. ~ At the 3rd check point I'm at 1,500', but I'm suppose to be at 1,000'. Now I hear my Instructor on the radio saying, "If you can hear me do a 360 right turn.". I do it and all is good. ~ Instructor guides me into the DZ. I flare. And I LAND ON MY FEET! WAAHOO! I remember hearing in my head when I was about to flare, "Please give me something good today and let me land on my feet!". Greg (a cameraman at the DZ that I've been getting to know) comes out to the field. I haven't even started to daisy chain yet ... to busy crying out of frustration. I can hear my Instructor over the radio, "Don't cry!". I hide behind Greg and cry on his chest. My body is heaving and I'm crying harder than I ever have in my life. Once again I hear on the radio, "Stop crying. I can hear you crying from here.". I look up at Greg and start to laugh. I get myself together, daisy chain, pick up canopy, and walk to the deck. So once again it was horrible and great ... LOL! My Instructor and I looked over the video and holy heck! My arch wasn't good as I had thought. My hands we not inline ... left hand lower than right. And what's worse is my left hip was sticking out, which forced my legs into a left angle. That explains me turning left. When we look at the video of Sasha getting a hold of my jumpsuit, he told me, "I had you by a couple of fingers, and you got stable on your own.". Now how the hell?! I know it's got to be because I know he's got a hold of me and I'm relaxing ... which obviously I'm not relaxing when frustrated, spinning and unable to stop. I know I need to relax. Easier said than done! But I will work on this! My BIGGEST problem is that I'm so frustrated when spinning out of control that I can't tell which way I'm spinning. I have been completely honest with Sasha about this. I have to. It's the only way he can know what's going on with me and help. I've tried my best to figure out which way I'm spinning, but dammit if I'm able to. Sasha gave me advice on what to do to determine which way I'm spinning. I'll try it next time, and hope I don't get so frustrated that I make it worse. All I can do is keep trying! We were going to jump again yesterday. It was cloudy and winds started to pick up so we waited. Sasha worked camera and tandems, and I hung out talking to various TM's and AFF Instructors. The owner talked to me again, consoling me and giving me advice ... did a little ground work with him. How awesome that he would take the time with me, especially with all that he has to deal with ... so wonderful! By 2pm I was done. Exhaustion from adrenaline, frustration and crying had set in. Plus that's a long wait from 2nd load, around 9am until 2pm ... and I probably wouldn't have jumped for another hour or so. I let Sasha know I was done for the day and I'll be back on Tues, Jan.29. I can jump on Tuesday's and Friday's. So the longest I wait is 3 days ... well, weather permitting. I feel oddly calm right now. I woke up today with junk rolling through my head and pushed it out. I'll have to work on this until Tuesday. I'm not gonna beat myself up ... as I'm usually famous for doing that. I'm giving ALL of myself to become a skydiver, and that's all I can ask of myself ... to keep at it, giving my all. Now, how much I'll abuse my MC until I can FF stable in a good arch and pass this level? Hopefully not too much! LOL! And as skr said ... That's expensive, but if you're hooked you're going to be broke for the rest of your life anyway so you might as well plunge in :-) :-) Roger that! Thank you everyone for your support! It's so wonderful that strangers gather together to support me and not even know me. I appreciate this from the bottom of my heart! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #15 January 27, 2008 Read my student logbook - I sucked :-) But eventually I got it and 5000 jumps later I'm the teacher now! Stick with it! W Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivebaby 0 #16 January 27, 2008 Quote Read my student logbook - I sucked :-) But eventually I got it and 5000 jumps later I'm the teacher now! Stick with it! W I'm still reading your log, but sounds like me ... LOL. I've got the CC down, but dam my arch! You give me hope! Ok going back to reading your log. Thanks so much for the link! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivebaby 0 #17 January 27, 2008 Quote Sheesh, 115 lbs, you're one of them slipperry little suckers, ain'tchya? Darting over here, darting over there. It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE, It was GREAT, it was HORRIBLE!!! OK. Now, I'm just screwin with you. Have I got to the face yet? Actually you had me laughing ... thanks I needed it! I told my Instructor about this and he laughed too. So you made 2 people laugh ... nice! And once again it was HORRIBLE & GREAT ... LOL BTW, I'm not only one of them slipperry little suckers, you can add manic and spastic to the mix ... LOL! Thanks for your support and everything you wrote. Much appreciated! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #18 January 27, 2008 Thanks so much for posting the link to your logbook. My last jump wasn't everything I had hoped it would be. This made me feel a lot better. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #19 January 27, 2008 This is my favorite entry :-) 16. 10/3/93 Palatka C182 45 10/3:10 10 second delay. Climbout good. Did right barrel roll on exit, spent rest of dive unstable (whip spin). Pulled on time. CC good. Lived through it again! CP Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #20 January 27, 2008 On my last jump (three weeks ago....damn weather.....) I basically spent the whole freefall time with my instructor just keeping his hand on my harness as I tried to figure out how to stop potato chipping. Finally, I though about relaxing. I relaxed my arms and legs and, poof, I was instantly stable. I didn't do any of the turning I was supposed to do, but I'm hoping it was a lesson that will stay with me so that when I repeat the dive (if the skies ever clear0, I'll be able to actually see if I can turn. Of course, after reading about your adventures, there may be a few surprises there too. "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
faulknerwn 38 #21 January 27, 2008 I always tell my nervous students that when they look at me on their coa that I want to see a giant grin - after all its hard to be tense if you're sporting a big grin Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #22 January 27, 2008 Yeah, a grin really helps. I jumped with a different instructor one time and when I was checking in with him before exiting, he stuck his tongue out at me. I did a lot better that jump than I had the one before. I just looked at your home page....Hi fellow math nerd."safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
The_Don 0 #23 January 27, 2008 . Finally, I though about relaxing. I relaxed my arms and legs and, poof, I was instantly stable. . Thats the key! Took me 5 level 4's to find it! Your gonna kick ass! I am NOT being loud. I'm being enthusiastic! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #24 January 27, 2008 Now if the weather will just clear up on a weekend so I can try it out before I forget what I learned. it sure was an incredible feeling. Wobble, wobble, wobble, wobble,,,,,,relax........stables. Wow "safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivebaby 0 #25 January 27, 2008 Quote This is my favorite entry :-) 16. 10/3/93 Palatka C182 45 10/3:10 10 second delay. Climbout good. Did right barrel roll on exit, spent rest of dive unstable (whip spin). Pulled on time. CC good. Lived through it again! CP I know unstable whip spin ... LOL! You've had quiet a skydiving journey! Amazing! Re: smiling ... maybe I should look at my Instructor and smile before he releases me ... that might help. I'll talk to him about this ... sure can't make things worse than it is Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites