
Listening To Music While Skydiving!

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Hey Guys,

I have done two tandem jumps up here in canada & i can't wait to do my third so i can start my AFF/AFP in the coming season.
So this bring me to this one simple question!
Is it possible to listen to your Ipod while in freefall? I know it's a stupid question but i though i would ask it anyways!


Blue Skies B|:P:ph34r:
Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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This has been discussed many, many times before... You can use the handy search function for the details, but the general synopsis is that it's a bad idea for multiple reasons...

Yes it's possible to hear your ipod, but... Skydiving has enough hazards to wrap your mind around as it is... so why add something else to distract you?
Randomly f'n thingies up since before I was born...

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You know what i probably should have done the search but i totally forgot about doing it! I had not plan on jumping with my ipod when i only have two jumps under my belt, i was just curious about it!

Well the reason behind me askin this is because when i did my second jump i found it really hard to focus on the task i was given. Is there anything that can help make things quite while freefalling?
Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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haha....you know what i might have to check into that! Though i do remember listen to a doctor on SDR sayin that wearing ear plugs isn't a good idea!

Is there anything else that can possible help!!!!
Or do i suck it up and work around it?

Wanna Hug It Out, Lets Hug It Out..Bitch!

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haha....you know what i might have to check into that! Though i do remember listen to a doctor on SDR sayin that wearing ear plugs isn't a good idea!

Is there anything else that can possible help!!!!
Or do i suck it up and work around it?


I wear ear plugs while skydiving. No ill effects.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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Is there anything that can help make things quite while freefalling?

a hard helmet that comes down over your ears will reduce the wind noise and a full face will reduce it alot.

IMO ipods have the potential to divide your attention in a situation when you need 100% of your attention on 1 thing to save your life.
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Is there anything else that can possible help!!!!
Or do i suck it up and work around it?


Check out Surefire Sonic Defenders. They are vented to prevent the vacuum from building up in your ear, and you can still hear sounds below 80 decibels. I love mine!
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I have done two tandem jumps up here in canada & i can't wait to do my third so i can start my AFF/AFP in the coming season.
So this bring me to this one simple question!
Is it possible to listen to your Ipod while in freefall? I know it's a stupid question but i though i would ask it anyways!

From my limited perspective, I can't even imagine wanting any unnecessary distractions while skydiving. There's way more than enough to keep my mind well occupied. Just focusing on staying stable and pulling at the correct altitude is sufficiently challenging for me.;)
"safety first... and What the hell.....
safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy

POPS #10490

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I really really do not get why you would want to listen to music in freefall or under canopy. If anyone wants to do that, please get out on a solo pass and stay the hell away from others. "Cause of incident: skydiver was paying attention to his mp3 player not to what he was doing and to others" B|

Tip for audible makers, make one with a mp3 ringtone :S

ciel bleu,

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I can listen to music virtually anywhere at anytime i want..so why the need to listen to it whilst freefalling..im sure ppl can go without music for those few seconds. I enjoy listening to the sound of the wind rushing by.

If you are having trouble concentrating im guessing that its more to do with your body try to cope in the hostile environment...it isnt used to it yet...give it time and you should adjust to the aspect of freefall and cope better (thats what happened to me after my 5th or so jump...not all the way there yet but much more comfortable)

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Is there anything that can help make things quite while freefalling?

A ten penny nail and a butane lighter should do the trick.

Many people make the mistake of just using the ten penny nail. Sure that'll work but they soon find out why the need to lighter.

If you heat up the nail before inserting it into the ear canal it will cauterize the puncture on the way out and no bleeding will occur.
Voila, you have your concentration back.
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For freestyle, I'd think music would almost be a necessity but for any other freefall activity, I doubt it'd be the hot setup. Under canopy and under specific circumstances, I could see where it would work...like maybe canopy rw.

During the first Gulf War, many pilots were using "cockpit music", just like in the movie "Iron Eagle". There were several claims that it helped them improve their bombing accuracy. The Blue Angels (I think all flight demo teams) fly by a rhythmic, somewhat melodic cadence, delivered by the flight leader. Sometimes there's a need to achieve and maintain a "rhythm" and music is sometimes an effective means to that end.
"T'was ever thus."

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If you ever get the opportunity, get Norman Kent to relate the story about a time he and Deanna grounded themselves due to how music impacted her deployment altitude during freestyle jumps. It's quite a story...especially given their skill levels, even back then.

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