pontiacgtp00 0 #1 November 19, 2007 Well I made my first tandem jump yesterday, was pretty much the best thing ever. I'd like to continue onto an AFF training program, but I've watched some videos of AFF students having severe stability problems. Things such as violently spinning out of control, fast enough to cause a blackout. Is it really that hard to stay stable during a free fall? I didn't figure it would be that hard as long as you stay arched, relaxed, and keep proper arm and leg positions. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AFFI 0 #2 November 19, 2007 QuoteIs it really that hard to stay stable during a free fall? It is easier than taking a shit...Mykel AFF-I10 Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat… Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
p1mdg 0 #3 November 19, 2007 If you want an idea, book a few minutes in the tunnel to get a bit of a taster. I'm starting my aff in a couple of weeks. I did some time in the tunnel just as I said and it gives you a good idea of what's going on with your body. Have a look at my vid http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w2gulB8scQ4 this was my first visit to the tunnel, but it was my second 2 minute flight. For the first couple of levels of aff, instructors stay firmly gripped to you until pull time to help correct your body position. I don't know it all as I am only a student too, but I was just as curious as you were."When I left school I couldn't even spell skydiver. Now I are one!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tdog 0 #4 November 19, 2007 QuoteIs it really that hard to stay stable during a free fall? I didn't figure it would be that hard as long as you stay arched, relaxed, and keep proper arm and leg positions. You could be an AFF ground school instructor as you already understand how to do it! It is really that easy. Those who get all worked up thinking it is more complicated have a harder time. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
taylor.freefall 0 #5 November 19, 2007 I just finished AFF and although I got unstable once its very easy to get stable again, easier than you'd think. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #6 November 19, 2007 Yeah an instructor went over all this with me before the tandem, about 45 minutes of ground school. I thought it was strange how he was going over stable body positions with me since it was just a tandem; but I remember him saying something like since hes doing that it counts towards my A license. I don't really know much about that though. I was pretty relaxed during the freefall, checked my altimeter every 3 or 4 seconds then pulled the ripcord myself at 5000 feet, that was pretty cool. Did a few good turns on the canopy, but he landed it for me. I'm guessing the students who spin out of control do it because of lack of ground instruction/practice. Or just the simple fact of forgetting everything you learned as soon as you jump from the aircraft. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,346 #7 November 19, 2007 Quote It is easier than taking a shit... It's even easier when giving a shit. Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
billvon 3,031 #8 November 20, 2007 >Is it really that hard to stay stable during a free fall? No. All you have to do is arch. A great many students do not do that, and thus have stability problems. I can stand in a classroom and tell them they have to arch 134 different times in 134 different ways, and then practice it in hanging harnesses, on a trampoline, on creepers and standing up. And still, in every class of 5, 1 will tuck their knees into their chest out the door. Much of the skill involved in being an AFF-JM is being able to ride the exit for those first few seconds until they notice you shaking them, giving them signals and screaming "ARCH!" in their ear. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkwing 5 #9 November 20, 2007 The reason videos get posted is usually because they show something special, or unusual, or scary. Don't think for a moment that youtube represents skydiving. Sure, those things happened, but they are FAR from common. -- Jeff My Skydiving History Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rygon 0 #10 November 20, 2007 technically its piss easy but that doesnt mean anyone can do it. I do kickboxing and my 1st ever jump AFF lvl1 i was scared shitless but once out of the plane i took a deep breath and relaxed..bit like yoga/tai chi....its not what you do physically but mentally what helps. If youre up for it go and see what happens...if your in that plne youve got over the biggest obstcle already...afte3r that chill out, relax and have fun Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #11 November 20, 2007 Quote I'm guessing the students who spin out of control do it because of lack of ground instruction/practice. Or just the simple fact of forgetting everything you learned as soon as you jump from the aircraft. No, it's because talking about it, like many things, is a hell of a lot easier than actually doing it. They are first let go after about 3 minutes of FF experience. Given a few more minutes (that would be 180-240 whole seconds), most quickly figure it out, but in between can be entertaining/scary. I think the change for a diveflow of do nothing to a flow of 'turn 90, go forward, turn 90' in the next 30 seconds adds to the fun. Just a little bit of time pressure. I can't tell if you're truly concerned about this, or very confident in yourself. How about you go do it and report back to us then? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #12 November 21, 2007 I'm concerned about it, some people make it look like balancing on a tightrope, rocking back and fourth constantly....while others just fall steady as a rock. I plan on doing it next spring Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #13 November 21, 2007 Ah I can't wait until spring...I'm going for a static line jump saturday. Any advice? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #14 November 22, 2007 Have fun! Like your tandem, leaving the plane is scary, more so doing it alone. But you'll be very happy with yourself afterwards. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
labrys 0 #15 November 22, 2007 Quote Any advice? Since you've done a tandem, the exit should be easier mentally, so focus on your training, relax in the door, and remember to take a deep breath (enjoy that crisp, clean, wonderful air) and exit like you own the sky Owned by Remi #? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #16 November 23, 2007 Ah I'm getting excited now, I can't wait to crack open that door, take a deep breath of fresh air and take a leap of faith! When I was a kid I used to have this reoccurring dream of me parachuting...never any freefall just parachuting, I never thought it would actually happen of course....but it did and its as much fun as my old dreams were! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Broke 0 #17 November 23, 2007 Have fun, Listen to your instructors, and take your time.Divot your source for all things Hillbilly. Anvil Brother 84 SCR 14192 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #18 November 25, 2007 Well I didn't make the jump. By the time I finished training it was getting pretty dark...and something just didn't feel right about that situation. I'm going to go back and do the training again, I don't want to have any doubts about my ability to function when I'm jumping out of a plane at 4500 feet. Plus it was in the negatives outside (fahrenheit), that makes it like twice as hard to function I think. I'll go back in spring...I can't leave this incomplete. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #19 November 25, 2007 I did my FJC today too, but we had to start later in the morning than originally planned (it was too damned cold inside and out), so my jump will be tomorrow. I had read and re-raad the SIM and I reallythink that helped with understanding a huge mass of important information. I've got to admit I'm more nervous than before my tandem last month, but I'm also more excited. If I can just get some sleep tonight! Any idea when you will make the jump? Pat"safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pontiacgtp00 0 #20 November 25, 2007 Yeah I'm waiting till spring or summer, I can't take these freezing jumps anymore. But I WILL complete that jump! or else its going to haunt me Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #21 November 25, 2007 I about froze today, Under Armor, thermals, sweats, gloves, and I plan on adding at least one more layer tomorrow. The high is supposed to be about 40 degrees, but I just don't want to wait. Pat"safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladydyver 0 #22 November 25, 2007 Enjoy the jump....nothing quite like jumping in the cold on a beautiful day!DPH # 2 "I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~ I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
grannyinthesky 0 #23 December 10, 2007 I did enjoy the jump and the next one that I did yesterday, too. I was really surprised by how different the wind made the two jumps. Almost no wind the first time and way more than anticipated the second time. My instructors were right. Arching really does help control the instability. It's just remembering to arch and arch correctly. (By the way, a big thank you to my instructors and all instructors for being willing and patient with us beginners)I've looked at some videos of skydives that I've found posted on here, (I'm pretty much avoiding ones that are of things not going right for the time being. My imagination is vivid enough!) and it generally looks almost effortless to do cool looking stuff, and then, when I'm just trying to stay stable, it is so challenging. Well, I do like a challenge!"safety first... and What the hell..... safety second, Too!!! " ~~jmy POPS #10490 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
blackout 0 #24 December 10, 2007 Arching definitely helps with the instability, followed by being relaxed. I found myself a bit unstable on my first jump but it became better as i progressed. Just arch and relax and it will come easy, once you are out of the plane there is nothing you can do but hope for the best. so relax and enjoy and it will be much more enjoyable Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ladydyver 0 #25 December 11, 2007 Quote I did enjoy the jump and the next one that I did yesterday, too. I was really surprised by how different the wind made the two jumps. Almost no wind the first time and way more than anticipated the second time. My instructors were right. Arching really does help control the instability. It's just remembering to arch and arch correctly. (By the way, a big thank you to my instructors and all instructors for being willing and patient with us beginners)I've looked at some videos of skydives that I've found posted on here, (I'm pretty much avoiding ones that are of things not going right for the time being. My imagination is vivid enough!) and it generally looks almost effortless to do cool looking stuff, and then, when I'm just trying to stay stable, it is so challenging. Well, I do like a challenge! Glad to hear you are having such a good time. You will find that you spend a lot of time unlearning the bad habits that you have acquired. My first issue was backsliding, then landing.....I am excited to see what next season will bring in regards to bad habits as like you, I do love a challenge.DPH # 2 "I am not sure what you are suppose to do with that, but I don't think it is suppose to flop around like that." ~Skootz~ I have a strong regard for the rules.......doc! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites