heidihagen 0 #1 December 21, 2004 Hey! I was wondering, is it acceptable to tip tandem instructors? I just started AFF and have done several tandem jumps. ALLLL of my instructors (tandem and stp—well, they just rock!) have been so incredibly nice & helpful. I know this is what they are there for, but it seems like they go out of their way. Anyway, the reason I ask: I saved up and prepaid the course so I could do it all at once.... so, I'm very come and go BUT I always feel like they deserve more just for spending so much time working with me. The word "tips" came from "to insure prompt service" -- so would tipping imply that I want special treatment? I'm always very good when it comes to the obvious (waiters, etc)... so one half of me says, "sure why not... I tip my hairdresser and I couldn’t live w/o her" BUT the other half says "they're there to make sure you don't die... tipping would be an insult!" --- so which one is right? Tipping doctors for example is completely unethical … so would this fall into the same service b/c of its serious nature? If anyone has tipped, what was the reaction? The last thing I want is weird looks or weirdness. There aren't any signs saying indicating whether they take them... but usually, you just have to KNOW when is acceptable/appreciated. Well, I'm new at this and have nooo idea! I haven't noticed anyone slipping green and have NO idea how much of the cut they receive (a lot I hope---they’re the best!), so any input would be appreciated!!i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tdog 0 #2 December 21, 2004 QuoteHey! I was wondering, is it acceptable to tip tandem instructors? And what about AFF instructors? I am past that, but did wonder... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DALAILAMA 0 #3 December 21, 2004 I would say that tipping is definately not out of line. Instructors soliciting for tips is however, way out of line. The tip is almost always given at the end of an event, so the idea that it ensures prompt service is kind silly. I believe a tip is more of an acknowledgement of appreciation. therefore tipping is completely the choice of the patron and not at all out of line. If someone feels it makes them happy by tipping then so be it, tip away. I have and always will refuse to take tips (I have been known to be forced to accept alcohol) because I feel bad enough taking money for teaching someone what I think everyone should have the privledge of experiencing. I don't even like someone trying to pay me when I pack for them just because I know that they need help in "making the next load"."Dropzone.com, where uneducated people measuring penises, has become an art form" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodypilot1 0 #4 December 21, 2004 Tipping is a good gesture, that you felt safe and had a great time, for the services they gave you. Some instructors may refuse the tip, but most will except, since they don't make a whole lot doing it full time anyway. Dont be shy, show them your gratitude for keeping you safe. Edwww.WestCoastWingsuits.com www.PrecisionSkydiving.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #5 December 21, 2004 Looking at your profile it looks like you jumped in Spaceland...I bet who ever you TI was down there would appreciate a tip, BUT its definately not expected. As a TI that pays the bills by doing tandems I will say that tipping is appreciated. Its definately NOT expected, but its a nice to recieve. I'll give you some examples and I'm sure it'll apply to who ever your TI was. A tip means that I might be able to go out to eat that night instead of cooking at home. A tip might help pay off a little more on a credit card that month. A tip might mean an extra fun jump at the end of the day. And/or A tip might mean I buy some good beer to take home. HOWEVER. If you need that money for your next jump, I would much much much rather see you use the money to jump again. I know that personally I get much more satisfaction seeing a student continue and do well then just recieving a tip. So the moral of the story (as others have already said in this thread), feel free to tip if you feel like an instructor went above and beyond, but by no means are you expected to tip. Some non-money tips I've recieved that I thought was very nice was a 12-pack of Shiner Bock, a nice cigar (since the student knew I smoked) and a very nice thank you card mailed to the DZ. Out of all of those I think the card was the coolest, it was hand written by a 73 year old women I took on a tandem about a year ago. Other then that, I've had a handful of people give me $20 before, which is cool.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bodypilot1 0 #6 December 21, 2004 QuoteOther then that, I've had a handful of people give me $20 before, which is cool. And what about all the phone numbers ya get on the $20 bills Dave? Or was that just for the 73yrold.... Edwww.WestCoastWingsuits.com www.PrecisionSkydiving.com Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Tink1717 2 #7 December 21, 2004 Tipping for all instructors is very much appreciated.Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off. -The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!) AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,346 #8 December 21, 2004 My opinion is a little different than most. I don't and won't accept tips. Should one decide to become a student and I their Instructor, I would not want any conflict of interest. I'm more comfortable with a student making a beer run for everyone at the DZ and us sharing information after the light comes on. Just me.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LawnDart21 0 #9 December 21, 2004 For the most part I thank my "would be tippers" for their kind gesture and ask them to take the tip money and make a donation to the Make a Wish foundation. Every now and then if I have a bill to pay I will use it for that too. -- My other ride is a RESERVE. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sunshine 2 #10 December 21, 2004 I've noticed some DZs have signs hanging up saying "tips appreciated" or something similar. I think that is so TACKY!! ___________________________________________ meow I get a Mike hug! I get a Mike hug! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #11 December 21, 2004 QuoteI think that is so TACKY!! I 100% agree! We had a TI at Aggieland for a short while that had come from a large DZ out west and was getting quite upset that he wasn't getting any tips. I had to explain to him that getting tipped at Aggieland is very rare. We're in a college town that's in the country. If they're jumping, they may not *have* the money to tip. He wanted to put "tipping" signs up. Lets just say myself, the DZO and him had a come to jesus meeting on that one. We have no signs.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
riggerrob 643 #12 December 21, 2004 At my DZ, management is embarrassed by the whole concept of tipping. On the other hand, instructors cheerfully accept tips. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mfrese 0 #13 December 21, 2004 My take: Tipping after your first tandem jump would have been cool, but after you signed up for the course, you're a skydiver-in-training...save the money for your jumps, buy beer for appreciation. I'm always happy to accept tips from first-timers (well, almost always...I've had one or two people I was tempted to tell to take their tip, fold it into the most uncomfortable shape possible, and shove it up their ass), but once you're really starting to learn about the sport, you're part of the group, you shouldn't tip. Oh, and just for the record... QuoteBUT the other half says "they're there to make sure you don't die." Keep in mind that that's YOUR job, OK? Doctor I ain't gonna die, Just write me an alibi! ---- Lemmy/Slash Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Clite 0 #14 December 21, 2004 I am not an instructor or staff member at a drop zone,(so don't flame me, this is just a suggestionWes Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
AggieDave 6 #15 December 21, 2004 Quote Would it be unfair for just the person who took them on the jump to be the only one who got the tip? A lot of instructors will "pass it on" if they get tipped. If they get $20 they'll give $5 to the packer... NOT all will do that, but some will.--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andrewwhyte 1 #16 December 22, 2004 If you look at the profiles of those who are posting you will see that those who are saying not to tip, do not skydive as their sole source of income. By and large most professional skydivers file their income taxes at a level lower than their clients. Some tandem instructors take you for an adventure, while some hook you up before they exit, and leave you in the field. This is no different than the difference you get from various waiter/waitresses. I had a student this year who is a skiing instructor. His tip from one student was two weeks in Kuala Lumpur followed by a six resort skiing trip to South America. My point is you tip based on what you get, and what you can afford. If the guy doesn't want it, cool, but most will happily accept it. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Amanduh 0 #17 December 22, 2004 Hey there Heidi. Just some information from me. When I went through the program out there I had an instructor that went WAY out of his way to get me graduated before he moved back home. We got myself graduated on Sunday, and he was road tripping it back home that next Tuesday. I knew he passed up 'faster money' (tandems) by spending so much time with me when we were winded out or whatever. At the end of the program when I graduated, and the last night he was in town, I gave him a card with some 'small bills' in it. It was just to show my appreciation for how much time EXTRA he gave me. He really made skydiving something spectacular to me, and he taught me how to FLY. If you feel your instructors are going out of their way for you, or are doing an amazing job, I think it is an honest gesture to kick them down a few bucks. Just my opinion though.... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skyyhi 0 #18 December 22, 2004 QuoteMaybe a beer run or letter of appriciation to the DZ identifying certain people is better(and more money for your next jump, which still helps out the DZ). The letter is exactly what I did, and let me tell you, the impact it had on those guys who taught me to skydive was incredible. I sent a letter after I finished my AFF to the DZO and the head of the school. It was awesome to see the impact that a few kind words had. I named each and every instructor individually and gave them thanks. Of course, I also bought beer ALOT. I became known as the girl who bought beer no matter what, just because.________________________________________ Take risks not to escape life… but to prevent life from escaping. ~ A bumper sticker at the DZ FGF #6 Darcy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
bob.dino 1 #19 December 22, 2004 QuoteI became known as the girl who bought beer no matter what While I find the US concept of pretty-much-mandatory tipping really rather odd, this is the kind of behaviour I'd like to encourage! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Liemberg 0 #20 December 22, 2004 QuoteI have noticed in many cases more then one person is involved in getting the student in the air for their skydives. Would it be unfair for just the person who took them on the jump to be the only one who got the tip? There is the packer, instructor, manifest, pilot, DZO, vidiot, etc. That is why we have this big bowl standing at my place with a sign that says 'Beer money'. I reffer al tippers to it... "Whoever in discussion adduces authority uses not intellect but memory." - Leonardo da Vinci A thousand words... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyangel2 2 #21 December 22, 2004 QuoteA lot of instructors will "pass it on" if they get tipped. If they get $20 they'll give $5 to the packer... NOT all will do that, but some will. What about the manifester or the guy who is flying the plane? I disagree about tipping, it wasn't just the JM that did the work, it was everyone at the DZ, from the person who answered the phone when that student called out to the DZ to make their jump, to when the student walked into the DZ, signed the waivers, manifest checked out the paper work to make sure all the "T's" were crossed and all the "I's" dotted. Then manifest had to make sure there was a slot on the plane, make sure the JM was ready, make sure the rig was packed..........on and on. At a restaurant most servers have to split their tips with the busboy, bartender, and cook. A Tandem student has already paid enough money for a tandem ride. Giving out a tip isn't necessary. Besides, most tandem students are there for just a ride, kind of like an amusement park. Do you see the people on the Merry Go Round tip the operator? If instructors are counting on tips to add to their income, they are in the wrong line of work. Most instructors I know do the instructing for the love of the sport. Not to say they shouldn't be paid for their time and energy that it takes to work with students. Sunny, there is a local DZ that has Tipping Appreciated hanging were they train the students. Tacky! Maybe it's down, I don't know, it's been over a year since I've been to that DZ. BTW Dave, this is not directed at you. I just replied to you cause I know youMay your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydiverjerry 0 #22 December 22, 2004 hi ther and welcome to our skydive world! tips are nice but not a requirment, so you dont have to, for you and use to jump, a lot of people have to work hard, it takes a big team to make a skydive, packers pilots office staff riggers and instructors all play a part, the only thanks we want from our students or guests is KEEP SKYDIVING AND BE SAFE . finnish the course then if you feel the need buy us a bear (ring the bell) but it,s more important to us to see a big smile from you in free fall or when you land and thats thanks enough, and why we do what we do. blue skieslife is a journey not to arrive at the grave in a pristine condition but to skid in sideways kicking and screaming, shouting "fuck me what a ride!. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Travman 6 #23 December 22, 2004 If you are ever in Australia its not something you have to worry about. Tipping is hardly done in Australia, and when it is its usually confined to hospitality jobs, but even then its never expected unlike in the states. I'm sure the tandem master wouldn't mind, but I wouldn't give it too much thought here. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Shark 0 #24 December 22, 2004 QuoteDo you see the people on the Merry Go Round tip the operator? No, but their on-the-job fatality rate is low. I do not know of any amusement ride operators willing to risk their lives for other people's enjoyment. No one forces tandem passengers. They may tip if they want to. It may surprise you, but some "tippees" spend that money on beer or pizza to share with other dz employees; even personally delivering the goods. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
heidihagen 0 #25 December 22, 2004 Quote QuoteBUT the other half says "they're there to make sure you don't die." Keep in mind that that's YOUR job, OK? I knowwwww... I was just giving 2 extremes. Thanks for the feedback every1! somebody also messaged me a million links (old discussions/same topic), so I guess this isn't the first time you've had to answer this one.i didn't lose my mind, i sold it on ebay. .:need a container to fit 5'4", 110 lb. cypres ready & able to fit a 170 main (or slightly smaller):.[/ce Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites