
You can hurt yourself doing this...

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Dangling from the Skyvan bar, that is. Did my first exit like that in Eloy a week or so ago, and dislocated my shoulder while exiting the plane. I survived the landing without further damage, but will be out for a while with the shoulder. Just something to consider if you are trying this exit for the first time.

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More details?
How exactly?
I was on the floor holding the bar, and trying to gently roll out, but when I got there (beneath the plane) my arm was toast. I must have twisted it or somehow put too much pulling pressure on the joint while rolling out of the plane.

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Shoulder damage sucks. A lot. If this is the first time your shoulder has gotten messed up, keep it in a sling for a LONG time, see a doctor, and see about working in some physical therapy. It will only get worse if you ignore it. Good luck man. [:/]
"Don't touch my fucking Easter eggs, I'll be back monday." ~JTFC

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I think you answered your own question, yes you can hurt yourself. Everyone else, YMMV;) hope you heal quickly

editted to add emphasis on the "you" part:P
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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when you say "roll out" did you lie on your belly and do a forward roll out so you ended up back to earth/relative wind...
Yes, exactly. I guess I had one arm more tensed up than the other, or something. Can't say for sure - it went by so quick.

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Something I discovered while climbing -

Your joints can't take much of a shock load. If you grab a bar and let yourself drop, and let your arms stop your fall, you can get hurt. If you start out with your arms flexed, like you're doing a pullup, and gradually let your arms straighten, it's a lot easier on your joints. I learned this the hard way while aid climbing.

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Nope you won't be doing that exit again and yes sit flying may well be a problem in the future if you don't take it easy and rehabilitate the shoulder correctly now. My advice - don't rush back to jumping too soon !!

Take care
Doc Rich
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please, make sure you tell your doc that you are an athlete and will be putting strain on that joint. hopefully, he will refer you to physical therapy.
Oh yeah, he knows exactly what I intend to do (same guy fixed my wife's ankle about a year ago!). I'm going for an MRI tomorrow, and if there's no rotater cuff damage it's on to therapy. It looks like about 3 months off from jumping.

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