
What can we do about Skyride?

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If you look at the Skyride website they have changed their pictures on their skydive websites to ASC pictures. It seems little by little we are making a difference.:)

Na, check this out...


keep in mind that tennessee skydiving center was owned by the late Chris Martin and now his family. It will be reopened soon under the watchful eye of Beezy.

I would love to hear from a legal weenie on how someone can make a website like this. It'd be like me making a website called "Blockbuster" and renting videos from it... I'd get sued so fast my head would spin...

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Question is whether or not there is still a registered business that is doing business as TSC....

And once again, that is pretty shitty, pretty low...

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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question. how can you be a Tennessee skydiving center when the directions direct you to ASC? Wouldn't that make you a georgia skydiving center:S

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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question. how can you be a Tennessee skydiving center when the directions direct you to ASC? Wouldn't that make you a georgia skydiving center:S

Details, details..... sheesh!

FGF #???
I miss the sky...
There are 10 types of people in the world... those who understand binary and those who don't.

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Guess that might hurt the image that they're actually 50 different dropzones, when they can only get pics of 12 people.

They told me they had over 400 dropzones. Did they wean it down to 50?:S:D

Be kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle.

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Question is whether or not there is still a registered business that is doing business as TSC....

And once again, that is pretty shitty, pretty low...

Well despite the fact that this website has been up long before TSC closed, TSC shut down temporarily as the family attempted to sell the business. I'm 100% sure they did not sell it to Ben or Carey.

Food for thought...

and yes, Lee, the directions do lead to GA... but notice there are no distances or times in those directions... just vague "take this hwy to this hwy"... and if you call them (like I did when I found out... amazingly, that there was a Skydive Nashville... and it had a twin otter... how cool is that) and ask for directions you have to beat out of them what city and state they are located in. If you weren't smart enough to Yahoo everything (like I like to do before making a new trip) and just followed the directions, you'd be 1/2 way there before you figured out you got decieved. Man I feel dirty for ever jumping there...

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Guess that might hurt the image that they're actually 50 different dropzones, when they can only get pics of 12 people.

They told me they had over 400 dropzones. Did they wean it down to 50?:S:D


What she means is that if you go to say

and then google the names of the people

Google 1

Google 2

Google 3

you get a number of other SR sites with the same testimonial.

For your entertainment pleasure you can Google the other names, add in skydive to the Google search to find the SR sites.

There are over 900 domains registered to CASC, Inc or Cary Q.

I realize there are people that do not understand what SR is doing. It is a geek-techno thing after all.

SR sites

Make It Happen
Parachute History

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Have they only put that web site up since Chris went in?


No that website was up before... as I recall Chris complaining about it. You can't do much about it without lots of money for lawyers to sue them. It's not like most DZOs have a ton of extra money hanging around...

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Speaking of not having money, I want all of you to listen VERY carefully. This is Trey, the DZO of Skydive Atlanta in Thomaston.
This past month we have had our google ads that are paid click thru's triple. In other words people are going to the Google ads and clicking them indiscriminately. That is, those of you who are trying to hurt ASC/Skyride are inadvertently costing us a fortune.
My partner and I believe it's a direct result of suggestions made on this forum.
The result for us: we will have to limit our exposure and real potential customers will never make it to us, they will end up at ASC, who can absorb the costs.
The result for ASC: Cary will pay a little more and get the same results. You are not hurting him, he has the money to deal with it.
Although your intentions are appreciated, you are not helping. Let the DZO's handle it. There are plans in the works.
If you really want to help, don't jump at their DZ's and continue to hold those that support Ben and Cary accountable for that support.
Please pass the word on to anyone who might be clicking on these ads.


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What Trey is trying to say is that people are clicking on “Skydive Atlanta” thinking its ASC/Skyride.

Its not.

Its Skydive Atlanta.. the other guys.

Please don’t click our links… It costs us big time bucks. Since this thread started, our Google adword bill doubled, doubled and doubled again in the past three months.

Know what you’re clicking!


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I would not be surprised if it were not "the other guys" who is clicking your links. By the way, Trey, I am glad that your dropzone is not using the "skydive auburn" website you used to have prior to you taking over. That made the DZO of the actual dropzone five miles from Auburn very angry. Now that ASC is using that site, my dad, Buddy Blue, D-597, can vent his hatred toward Cary and his wife (who learned to skydive in Opelika.)

The bottom line is that any DZO who fraudulently draws business away from a nearer, USPA group member DZ is just wrong.

Chuck Blue
Raeford Parachute Center

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and then google the names of the people

Google 1

Google 2

Google 3

you get a number of other SR sites with the same testimonial.

OMFG...this is hilarious...I wonder if they got paid to write and submit all those letters? Are these real people, I wonder?????
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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We actually still own the domain name. We used it for 2 reasons.
One- so Ben and Cary couldn't.
Two- we are a legitimate competitor for Auburn's business, the same distance from Auburn as Atlanta, Columbus, and Macon. People in Alabama don't want to drive to "Atlanta" to skydive, even though were not that far. Furthermore, that web site said on the front page, "located 90 miles from Auburn in Thomaston, GA." It doesn't get any clearer than that.
We use the web site "Skydive Middle Georgia" as well. There's no harm in advertising the same company under other, more local names. As long as you are honest about your location.
And we are the only turbine nearby, with a 15,000 sq foot facility and at the time, the only 7 day a week operation serving Auburn. We never told/tell anyone we are any closer than we really are, we don't need to in order to compete. And we never deny to a customer that your Dad is closer, even today.
Drawing business away from another DZ is just competition, when done honestly, it's the American way.


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We actually still own the domain name. We used it for 2 reasons.
One- so Ben and Cary couldn't.

I did a search on Skydive Auburn and only B&C's ASC sites came up......?????
My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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I wonder if Dropzone.com has considered not displaying Skyride related dropzones on their dropzone page; or at least posting a consumer alert or warning of some kind.

That would be a question for Sangiro. I will say that in my experience, HH tends to stay neutral.:)

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I wonder if Dropzone.com has considered not displaying Skyride related dropzones on their dropzone page; or at least posting a consumer alert or warning of some kind.

Drawing the line as to how "related" a DZ is to Skyride is tougher than it might appear at first glance.

Did a DZ accept a certificate to help out someone who was down-home screwed otherwise? If so, does that make them a partner in crime or a good samaritan?

If a DZ accepted one or more certificates, but got stiffed by Skyride when they tried to redeem them, are they a partner or victim of Skyride - or both?

I don't think dropzone.com lists any of the Skyride dropzones that exist only in cyberspace; I would be more supportive of listing only such DZs as take up-jumpers (no tandem-only operations) than omitting those whose business practices would not earn a DZO a halo (the saintly variety).

For one thing, there are operations out there that are something less than 100% compliant with various standards without Skyride's help. For another, I have been to dropzones over the years that used to be terrible and are now outstanding, and vice-versa, so I can't think of a means that I would trust to rate them.

The policy of listing dropzones and having feedback is not perfect (feedback can be artificially skewed either way), but it leaves the responsibility where I feel it belongs - with us, the skydiving public.

As far as a caveat goes, I think the publicity this thread represents is doing a pretty good job.

Blue skies,


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There have been reviews removed from some of the Skyride dropzones' entries due to their rather blatant advertising nature. Attention is being paid.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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I did a search for www.skyride.com at www.bbb.org, and they didn't show up with any complaints. I have always recommended to all of my friends and family who arn't always good at spotting a scam to check the Better Business Beureau before making any online or telephone purchase from an unrecognised company.

Complaints can only be made by those who have actually been a victum of bad business practices. If anybody that reads this falls into this catagory, I would strongly recomend filing a complaint with the company on the BBB's website.

I would also point out that places like the BBB only work when people use them. If you've had a bad business experience with a company, report them to the BBB! And make sure to check the BBB before you do business with any unfamiliar companies.
Matt Christenson

http://www.RealDropzone.com - A new breed of dropzone manifest software.

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