skinnyshrek 0 #1651 November 9, 2005 QuoteOooooo! Time to make some popcorn and get a new beer. This should be fun! Much better than CATS! I'll watch it again and again. That's just so wrong dave. There are poor families that need to eat good times and bad Do you think he was on about chris martins wife when he said that????????????? do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thanatos340 1 #1652 November 9, 2005 It had nothing to do with anything personal or any vendetta’s. You work for a company that makes a living off lying to people. Your company has a LONG history of ripping people off. Your Company has 100`s of websites for drop zones that do not exist. These web sites are designed to deceive people. Your company routinely uses STOLEN Photographs and web pages designs in their effort to deceive people. They use images of Aircraft that does not exist and Staff Members that work at other dropzones. Your Company stooped to the lowest possible level when they Called AT&T and pretended to be Chris Martin right after his death in order to STEAL his 1-800 number. Your company LIES to their Customers about who they are and where they are located. Ben and Cary have been doing these things since long before they founded Skyride. They are continuing to do these things. Those of us who have been around for a while have seen them do so many unbelievable things in the name of "Marketing" over the years. Many of these things are Illegal and most are unethical. Go find a Job with an Honest Company. You will sleep better at night. Many of the Marketing tactics that your company uses are Illegal. You are working for a Criminal organization in my honest opinion. And YES, Many Skydivers (Myself Included) Refuse to Jump at ANY dropzones are associated with Skyride in any way what so ever. DZO`s should be concerned. They also should know better than to do business with an organization like Skyride to begin with. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
matthewcline 0 #1653 November 9, 2005 Jeff, OK, take out all the rumors and second hand info. You will still see a lot of folks who happened to be personally wronged by 1800skyride. If you would like the support of thes kydiving comunity and to make it foster then you will need to make big obvious changes, otherwise it is still a greedy business trying to fruadulently rise above the honest business'. Be honest in the web page adds. Be honest and remove the fake web pages. Be honest and charge a lagitimate price for your tandems with a DZ you have a CONTRACT with. Be honest and pay the DZ the fee they get from their usuall customer sources. Be honest and don't use the customers as away of running other DZ's out and buying them real cheap. Be honest to the customers, I am tired of hearing from them about how I did them wrong and I didn't talk to them from GA and stear them all they way through TN to get weathered out, but since they didn't buy weather insurance, no refund. Bottom line be honest. Once you do that you'll see your argument about having to put food on the table etc. etc. etc. Is just .... Dis-honest. The concept of Skyride would not be argued over if the practice of it was honest from the begining. The whole enterprise has been dis-honest for a while and 6 years ago that cost me a great opertunity. Jeff, I will be 1 of many who will repond to you. Thank You for at least attempting a diolague that may be productive. It will all depend on the honesty.An Instructors first concern is student safety. So, start being safe, first!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnnyD 0 #1654 November 9, 2005 QuoteSincerely, Jeff Golden King of all Trolls? Unified Heavyweight Champion of Trolls? .......Things that make you go hmmmmm....... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Elisha 1 #1655 November 9, 2005 Maybe it is some plant to reference his post in the lawsuit? Hmmmm..... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
marks 0 #1656 November 10, 2005 QuoteThere are plenty of people who work here – people like you and me. These people have families, children, good times, and bad times. Like people everywhere these days, many of the 1800SkyRide employees have personal and money challenges in their lives let me ask, do you have children Mr. Jeff Golden? ..................... QuoteMany of the complaints residing in this board’s messages seem to have been resolved by 1800Skyride prior to my joining the company. thats what they are telling you. QuoteI think several of the posts on this board center around Ben and Cary, whom I have met a few times, but who are not actively involved with 1800SkyRide’s day-to-day operations on a regular basis. Several other people around here provide more active day-to-day guidance. It seems there are personal vendettas targeted at Ben and Cary, which are also affecting 1800SkyRide’s image. ya, what he said. whatever. QuoteIn short, they are just real people working for a real company in a real world. i will attempt to make this shorter for you. your working for theives. QuoteBased on my observations, I don’t think this crusade against 1800SkyRide is justified. take the time to read this entire thread, take note of all the complaints then come back here and tell me how they arenot justified. i dare you. QuoteThere are plenty of people who work here – people like you and me. These people have families, children, good times, and bad times. yoou havent seen the bad times yet. QuoteAgain, these are just my personal observations. I see there are some on this board who seem to passionately believe the items posted here are true. I would like to provide my first-hand input so you don’t have to rely on second-hand information. go ahead and get in touch with me, and i will give you FIRST hand knowledge, not just the stuff you have observed, and the stuff they have told you. QuoteSome of these vendors have expressed their belief that many 1800SkyRide supporters are intimidated by the heated postings on this board; therefore, many of our supporters do not post here. do me a favor, call each and everyone of these vendors, that are left, and tell them to keep thinking that. as long as they do they are blind. thats good for you isnt it? QuoteThese supporters neglect to make positive statements about 1800SkyRide on such a board as this. They hesitate to praise their healthy partnerships with 1800SkyRide because they do not want to put themselves in the position of being criticized by people posting here. really? or are they scared we wont send them buisness anymore? im sure every dropzone who uses you is "praising" you. step off your stool! your not god, and neither is 1800skyride. QuoteIf you have an honest concern about 1800SkyRide that you would like to discuss personally with me, I will be happy to entertain your concerns. I don’t pretend to have all the answers; however, I am in a position to ascertain the truth about things here. So, please send me any valid concerns you have about 1800SkyRide. once you have learned the truth,and they find out about it, you will be promptly fired. Feel free to private message me here. Thank you so much for your time. Sincerely, Mark Shimell Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
dbattman 0 #1657 November 10, 2005 Don't hate us guys. We have bills and families and kids that need to eat like everyone else. We're just doing our jobs. Don't pick on us. Bwahahaha! Be careful where you place your loyalties. That is, if you're for real and not another B&C troll pretending to be another employee, or a satisfied customer, or a dropzone that is just pleased as punch with Skyride. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
popsjumper 2 #1658 November 10, 2005 I noticed he didn't address ANY of the issues brought forth in this forum, in the Arizona lawsuit, in the SkyRide countersuit vs USPA...anything. Get over it guys...probably some still-blinded-by-the-cash skyride employee and nothing more.....either that or a skyride lawyer fishing for "evidence" through the PM route.My reality and yours are quite different. I think we're all Bozos on this bus. Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lawrocket 3 #1659 November 10, 2005 QuoteMany of the complaints residing in this board’s messages seem to have been resolved by 1800Skyride prior to my joining the company. And, in a good faith effort, the company seems to be working with its vendors to address any remaining issues needing attention. I find this statemen to be pregnant with all kinds of things! It says a lot more than it purports to say and is ripe with possibilities for "I didn't say that" kind of things. He wrote something that sounds great, but it's a carefully worded statement to make sure he really isn't saying anything binding or explanatory. He wrote that "many of the complaints seems to have been resolved." This is a nice way of saying that many complaints have not been resoved. It seems that there is a "complaint" in Arizona that needs some resolution. He also wrote "seem." Things aren't always what they seem. I give him credit for saying that, though. But here's my favorite - "in a good faith effort, the company seems to be working with its vendors to address any remaining issues needing attention." First, there's "seems" again. But my main point - I think the vast majority of the complaints have nothing to do with the "vendors." Did that poor girl in Utah have a problem with the vendors? Nope. She had a problem with a sham gift certificate from Skyride - not a vendor. So, only remaining issues regarding "vendors" are "issues needing attention." If you are not a vendor, well, your issue doesn't "need attention." We've got an example of a remaining issue (that poor Utah girl) that apparently didn't need attention. She's not a vendor. The copyright issues dont' need attention. The vile, base, and contemptible actions with reagrd to Chris Martin's phone number don't "need attention." "issues needing attention" a nice way of saying "up yours" to everybody deemed not worthy of response. This wordplay is taken from the Terrell Owens/Drew Rosenhaus model of contrition: "Speak words, but say nothing." "I apologize if anyone was offended by my comments" means something entirely different than, "I apologize for my offensive comments." Much like "issues needing attention" is far different from, "addressing all complaints we receive to find a solution." I'm just pointing this out. Of course, maybe he meant to say "addressing all complaints." I request a clarification. My wife is hotter than your wife. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydived19006 4 #1660 November 10, 2005 Or as Yogi would have said; "I didn't really say everything I said."Experience is what you get when you thought you were going to get something else. AC DZ Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NtheSeaOrSky 0 #1661 November 10, 2005 With all due respect (and I personally doubt there is much) QuoteThere are plenty of people who work here – people like you and me. These people have families, children, good times, and bad times. Like people everywhere these days, many of the 1800SkyRide employees have personal and money challenges in their lives. They are thankful when things go right, and they hurt when things do not go as expected. In short, they are just real people working for a real company in a real world. Murders, rapists and theives also have all these qualities, and they too lack my respect or concern. Tyring to humanize them does not make them any less guilty. You are living in the real world and as such you can't be too surprised when you have to be responsible for your actions.Life is not fair and there are no guarantees... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
flyangel2 2 #1662 November 10, 2005 QuoteWith all due respect (and I personally doubt there is much) QuoteThere are plenty of people who work here – people like you and me. These people have families, children, good times, and bad times. Like people everywhere these days, many of the 1800SkyRide employees have personal and money challenges in their lives. They are thankful when things go right, and they hurt when things do not go as expected. In short, they are just real people working for a real company in a real world. Murders, rapists and theives also have all these qualities, and they too lack my respect or concern. Tyring to humanize them does not make them any less guilty. You are living in the real world and as such you can't be too surprised when you have to be responsible for your actions. Wow, comparing a Skyride employee to a rapists or some one that has murdered.........IMO, a bit much.May your trails be crooked, winding, lonesome, dangerous, leading to the most amazing view. May your mountains rise into and above the clouds. - Edward Abbey Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NtheSeaOrSky 0 #1663 November 10, 2005 I was not comparing an employee to a murder or rapist...only pointing out his attempt to (in my eyes) envoke pity for the employees is just as inefective (to me) as doing the same for the murderers, rapists, theives, etc. We are all entitled to our opinions.Life is not fair and there are no guarantees... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
aSkyRideGuy 0 #1664 November 10, 2005 Matt, Thanks for understanding what I am trying to do here. If I am not knowledgeable about a particular item, I will simply tell you, or I will attempt to attain relevant information from someone here who is knowledgeable about the item. Of course, I will not be able to respond to every post here --- I simply don’t have time. So, if I do not respond to something, it is not because I am trying to avoid an issue. It is simply that, due to my limited time, I have to prioritize and balance my work responsibilities with time spent responding to bulletin board messages. I will try to respond to all reasonable, non-abrasive private messages. This is because it is easier for me to answer private messages since I can easily go straight to them without reading a host of other messages that are not specifically addressed to me. However, if I respond to a private message, please feel free to post my response on this thread --- I am not trying to hide anything. I noticed that someone suggested I fill out more information in my profile. Since the profile information is primarily about skydiving, I really don’t have much to put in a profile. I am not a skydiver, and I am not trying to represent myself as one. I have been open about being a 1800SkyRide employee, and I will continue to be open and honest. Again, Matt, I appreciate your reasonable, measured response. Rest assured that, as I learn more, I will post details about specific items mentioned on this board and in my private messages. Thanks, Matt, and have a great day, aSkyRideGuy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thanatos340 1 #1665 November 10, 2005 I see alot of words but but you have not addressed a Single Issue here. What is Skyride doing about all the Fraudulent and misleading Websites they have? What is Skyride doing about all the STOLEN images they use on these web sites? What are Skyrides policies about Lying to customers about who they are and where they are? How do you respond to the CRIMINAL actions your company did in regards to the Theft of Chris Martins 1-800 number? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rasmack 0 #1666 November 10, 2005 I think he just said that he was new, and that he was going to investigate it. Maybe he deserves the benefit of the doubt for a day or two...HF #682, Team Dirty Sanchez #227 “I simply hate, detest, loathe, despise, and abhor redundancy.” - Not quite Oscar Wilde... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanHarrop 42 #1668 November 10, 2005 QuoteAccording to the video clip that I linked in my last post and to which you responded, no one from SkyRide management had returned the call of the reporter after he pointed out that the location he was referred to would not accept SkyRide certificates. Has anyone returned his call as of yet? I ask this question because of the numerous BBB reports (links can be found in this thread to the reports) that indicate no response form SkyRide when problems are brought to their attention. I just want to know if in the course of changing the direction of SkyRide answering complaints will part of the solution. Well I got a response when I PM'ed him the question above as previously posted. Unfortunately SkyRide's history means I question his honesty. He may be new, he may be honest but unfortunately SkyRide's history means he's got a credibility problem. Here is his response. Per his previous posting, I am free to post this: ++++ Hi Ian, Yes, when we got a link to the video clip, someone from 1800SkyRide contacted Mr. Gephardt yesterday. I am not sure where the breakdown in communication occurred on this one, but no one here seems to have a record of him calling us at all. We saw the clip and had someone call him yesterday. He indicated to our representative that he does not plan to do a follow up anytime soon, so I don't expect that anyone will ever air a balanced version of the story. FYI, the refund check that was issued to this customer was done before we knew of this reporter's interest in the matter. This customer did not purchase the upgrade to her tickets/gift certificate that would have made the ticket refundable, so her original request for a refund was denied according to normal company procedure. She requested an appeal which was reviewed on 09/15/05, at which time the details of her case were more closely examined and her refund request was approved. Her refund check was mailed the following day. As far as the BBB reports, I know we have people here who have been working very closely to correct inaccuracies on the report. Our procedure dictate that all BBB complaints should be addressed on the day they are received, and responses should be mailed the following business day. Ian, I appreciate you contacting me. Sincerely, Jeff Golden ++++"Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Thanatos340 1 #1669 November 10, 2005 QuoteFYI, the refund check that was issued to this customer was done before we knew of this reporter's interest in the matter. This customer did not purchase the upgrade to her tickets/gift certificate that would have made the ticket refundable, so her original request for a refund was denied according to normal company procedure. She requested an appeal which was reviewed on 09/15/05, at which time the details of her case were more closely examined and her refund request was approved. Her refund check was mailed the following day. Assuming this is true (A Huge leap based on Skyrides history of Lies and deception)... Why does a Skyride have a website for Skydiving in Utah you have no-one who accepts skyride certificates anywhere near Utah?? Why was the customer sold a Certificate for a Skydive at a Place that does not accept those certificates? Why was the customer LIED to repeatedly about “rescheduling” their Jump?? Quoteso I don't expect that anyone will ever air a balanced version of the story. What part was Unfair and Not Balanced?? Your company Sold a Product they could not deliver, Lied to the Customer about why they could not deliver And then gave them the run around when she asked for a Refund. You somehow think that "the details of her case were more closely examined and her refund request was approved" makes these actions OK?? That is kinda like saying.. Yea we ripped her off, But gave her the money back so everything should be ok. Her case is not isolated. She just happened to get some attention. This type of action is exactly what Skyride is known for. If you spend anytime at all around Skyride, you will see that Lies and deception is what they are all about. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanHarrop 42 #1670 November 10, 2005 I agree with you. Unfortunately he's not likely to respond to you here as he has said he is not going to monitor this thread. PM him your question and may be he'll respond."Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
diverds 0 #1671 November 10, 2005 QuoteKing of all Trolls? Unified Heavyweight Champion of Trolls? My thoughts exactly. I can't believe all the huge responses he got. Skydive Radio Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #1672 November 10, 2005 Let's say this guy is legit, Sorry I can't do it with a straight face. jBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HydroGuy 0 #1673 November 10, 2005 Anybody who responds in depth to this guy is playing into Skyrides hands. This whuffo isn't on a skydiving site with no agenda. If they are quoting people from this board in lawsuits, this guy is here either A: knowingly, or B:as somebodies patsy, to do/gather more of the personal PM's, posts, etc. aSkyRideGuy... G.F.Y.!Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
NickDG 23 #1674 November 10, 2005 Real or not you can see Skyride would have to employ non-jumpers. It's possible, not being hip to skydiving, they wouldn't see anything wrong with it at first. What really kills me, and sorry I'm repeating it, is if Skyride had only went about things just a little better. All they had to do: -Charge ten dollars per certificate. -Not stolen art for the websites. -Not pretended to be actual drop zones. -Offer a no-questions asked refund (sure keep the ten for your trouble). -Send students to the closest geographical DZ never mind the political baloney. Maybe DZOs, especially the smaller ones, might realize they didn’t need to spend so much on advertising or maybe even none at all. Drop zones could still honestly compete with each other on cost, planes, and facilities on their own dime, but Skyride could have worked in a limited but honest fashion. However, if you think big, and there was a democratic way to divvy up all perspective students Skyride could have been the-go-to call for all first jump students. Imagine getting a sawbuck for every first jump made. That would be what, three or four million dollars per year. In any case Skyride could have worked to the point where aSkyRideGuy became manger in charge of customer service with a good wage, benefits, and a clear conscious . . . NickD BASE 194 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kelpdiver 2 #1675 November 10, 2005 Quote This customer did not purchase the upgrade to her tickets/gift certificate that would have made the ticket refundable, so her original request for a refund was denied according to normal company procedure. How does he say this with a straight face? (OTOH, had they sold it as travel insurance, maybe it would seem slightly less slimey. Then they could sell unable-to-deliver-insurance too! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites