
What can we do about Skyride?

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I assure you that skydive.com is not associated with 1-800-SKYRIDE. skydive.com is the official site for Chicagoland Skydiving Center in Hinckley, IL. We, as a DZ and as internet marketers, are doing everything we can to put that company out of business and educate the consumer.

Joe Jennings and I have swapped links for years. He does, however link to skydiving.com (another Ben and Cary site). Although he has been linking to that site since Lyle Presse managed the domain for St. Catherine's Sport Parachute Club. He might not know that he is now linking to the enemy.

rumor has it that skydiving.com was stolen also, well not stolen, but not paid for in full. but i dont know that for a fact. maybe someone should ask lyle.:)

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I just called skyride and found out which DZs in my state accept their certs... It was an easy call, "say I am visiting my friends this weekend, they live.... Do you have a jump nearby?"

So, I am safe at my home DZ - but another reason not to choose the "other" DZ.:P My money won't go there.

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I just called skyride and found out which DZs in my state accept their certs... It was an easy call, "say I am visiting my friends this weekend, they live.... Do you have a jump nearby?"

You can't count on them getting this right. A while back they said that Richmond/Skydive Wayne County was affiliated, when they are not. Some other DZs in my area were correctly said to not be affiliated though.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Isn't this the whole problem though? They will tell you anyone accepts their certificates in order to get you to buy one and then when you show up at such and such a dropzone, they won't accept it and you get "ben"t over and "carrie"d down the stream without a paddle.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Hi Cliff

At least the guy got a response. I got a 15% off coupon from skyride and they still haven't returned my call:(

Damn 15% off a Tandem is a hell of a deal:S.

My puppy is going to be very disapointed:( she isn't going to be able to do a tandem. I refuse to pay "full price".:D:D:D


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If I recall correctly, today (Monday), August 15 is the day that all three of Skyride's real DZs, and affiliate Chuting Star rigging loft, officially loses their USPA DZ Group Memberships. Or is it the 16th? Small victory...

Adding to what you have said Ben & Cary have also been banned for life from USPA for unethical practices and some other stuff. There is an investigation going and all Skyride supporting DZ's that are USPA group members will be having some problems when USPA gets a hold of them.

CSA #699 Muff #3804

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There is an investigation going and all Skyride supporting DZ's that are USPA group members will be having some problems when USPA gets a hold of them.

So if my DZ advertises through Janet Jackson and Janet Jackson showes her boobie, do we have to pay her fine, lose GM status, or does everyone just get more altitude?
"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher

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Maybe not support drop zones that accept skyride by not leasing aircraft to them?

An interesting thought, but there are always people who will lease aircraft to them.

If Larry does this, kudos to him for sticking to his princinples, but there's more than enough aircraft in the ASC family to keep skyride flying for a long time.


You put the fun in "funnel" - craichead.

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It looks to me more like Skyride is bringing in business that wasn't there to start with. As I understand it, they pay the DZ it's going rate for a tandem but charge the customer a higher amount. The customer is the one who should be mad. If the DZs tell all of the Skyride customers that they got screwed and offer that customer a fee for bringing in new tandems as a way to get their money back, the DZ gets more business through word of mouth and the customer gets some of his money back. Skyride gets the bad press. Just a thought.

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No, the DZ gets charged a lesser fee then what they normally make.

For example;

DZ normal price is $189
Skyride pays the DZ $159 per certificate they redeem
Skyride charges the customer $259 for the jump after all the fees.

DZ loses $30 over what they would have made, Student is charged $70 more then what they would have been charged originally. Only one that comes out ahead is Skyride.
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who cares anymore.

it is obvious that they are lying stealling cheating theives.

they will steal from a dead man. and then steal from the dead mans family's fundraiser.

enough said.

i dont want to be in any way shape or form connected with them, and the fact that uspa pulled the group membership makes it so i have no more ties whatsoever.:)

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I think that's great! No, I think that's freaking awsome!

But.... I also wonder why it took so long to happen. I mean, c'mon it didn't happen until the USPA stepped in and pulled the GM's that Ben and Cary held... I know it's great, but if the integrity (that is so prevailent in that thread) is so good, why wait?

Not trying to play devil's advocate here, but anyone could have seen this coming, yet they decided to wait until after the fact...

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RB#684 "Corcho", ASK#60, Muff#3520, NCB#398, NHDZ#4, C-33989, DG#1

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Not trying to play devil's advocate here, but anyone could have seen this coming, yet they decided to wait until after the fact...

Because it was a very difficult decision. Difficult decisions take time to make.

'nuff said.

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Not trying to play devil's advocate here, but anyone could have seen this coming, yet they decided to wait until after the fact...

Because it was a very difficult decision. Difficult decisions take time to make.

'nuff said.

Very hard decision indeed, but the right one! I say let by-gones be by-gones...Mike's got a lot of work ahead of him, but even more support!


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Skydive Radio's most recent show includes a conversation with Mike Gruwell of Chuting Star rigging. In it Mike talks about his decision to move his business and cut ties with Skyride. The conversation is in show #5 and will be up on our site at www.skydiveradio.com by 9:00pm central time on 09.07.05. Kudos to Mike for doing the right thing.


Skydive Radio

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what sucks is i have no choice but to support skyride. i can't afford to drive 2.5 hours away just to go to a different drop zone. gas is expensive and i have very little money. the closest dropzone to me is only like 1:15 away but is a part of skyride. i think they work in connection with the cedartown dz. everyone there is super nice and awesome but i too still disagree with the way they do business. but what can i do? some people just don't have a choice

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what sucks is i have no choice but to support skyride. i can't afford to drive 2.5 hours away just to go to a different drop zone. gas is expensive and i have very little money. the closest dropzone to me is only like 1:15 away but is a part of skyride. i think they work in connection with the cedartown dz. everyone there is super nice and awesome but i too still disagree with the way they do business. but what can i do? some people just don't have a choice

Many Nashville skydivers drive the 2.5 hours to jump at Cullman, at least until Beezy can get the Tullahoma DZ re-opened. I'm sure you're talking about the Pell City DZ. That was my home DZ for 7 years until ASC bought it. I live 10 minutes away from there, and I'd rather go to Cullman not only because of the association with ASC, but also because nearly all of my friends started going to Cullman, and I didn't like the vibes at Pell City anymore. I'll drive the hour and 40 minutes to Cullman instead. It's worth it to me. Granted, I only get out an average of once a month, so I make sure I get a full day's worth of jumps in. ;)
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