
Line twist question

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As we all know, line twists are sometimes a common nuissance but I don't encounter them often.

Unfortunately, on my 9th jump I had some due to a toggle fire that I had to chop because the canopy went into a spin which I couldn't recover from.

This past weekend I encountered line twists again, not due to a toggle fire, possibly just body position on opening or maybe packing.

My experience this past weekend was on a Quasar container, jumping a Navigator 240, still jumping rentals until I can buy my own gear.

I opened up into 2 twists which I recognized immediately and began procedures to clear them, however, the canopy wanted to go into a dive and slow spin. Most other line twists I have experienced, the canopy just sits there and waits for me to clear the twists. Usually I don't even have to kick.

My question is: Is it common for large docile canopies to still want to dive when they have twists. I know this is common on high performance ellipticals, but on a Navigator? Anything I can do to possibly prevent this? I'm always very stable on opening.

Anyone else experience this on large docile canopies?

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only on a purely mathematical situation (never had any in my 11 jumps) im guessing the spinning part would have contributed to either the twists not being perfect in length with the lines or the deployment not being perfectly straight (ie you where not travelling perfectly downaward..thus causing a horizontal inertia)

im guessing your instructer (if u had one) would be able to solve the problem...is it possible you have moved when you deployed (could you see the the horizon moving)

persoanally its easy to say what wrong when peeps say what happened but its totally different when its you in the air thinking "what the fuck" and i guess i'd do what ive been trained to do..whatever the situation.

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Not that Im an expert, but I would think it would depend on how much you were loading it as well as how severly the canopy was distorted. line twists can be caused for a couple of reasons, I would think (as I said no expert) the most frequent bad body position on opening. if you distort any canopy enough it will turn... that being said I would think as long as you are not loading the canopy more than 1.3 or so that the turn would be slow enough not to cause a problem. Im loading my eliptical at 1.3ish and have had line twists a couple of times. once it began to turn, but I only had 1 twist and was out of it before 1 revolution, and the others, it opened with twists and continued to fly foreward no turning, or slight turning. on student rigs Ive had severe line twists to the point I couldnt raise my head and the canopy keeped flying foreward, but then again I was only 120lbs jumping a 288 f111 :P

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Line twists with my PD Navigator are not uncommon. Have had 6-8 twists due to operator error, i.e. A tip to the left as the bag comes out. The twists, so far, have always cleared on their own after A push in the right direction. Mike
Kenneth michael morley

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