
any Ranch regulars?

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I have 45 jumps and i jump at a smaller DZ where fun jumps are rare and you have to wait for tandems or students and fill slots in a 182. As things slow down so does my jumping, when i keep wanting to go more and more. I want to start making the extra trek to the ranch every now and then so i can jump more. And no at my dz has the time/money/balls to go down.

I was wondering if i paid for a slot or 2 and or beer (i can think of several firsts), if someone would show me the place, and give me the ins and outs. Ive been there a couple of times (to watch the swoop contest, and to get some rigging done) but never jumped.

I could go this sunday or next weekend looks good, or whenever.


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Probably not much help if you can't go Saturday, but there is the mystery boogie (don't ask, I don't know) and then the halloween party. I would have to guess people will misbehave...

Great group of people. Show up at manifest and ask for a local briefing. Chances are that who ever helps with that will point you in the right direction if not go up with you right away.

PM me if no one else gets in touch, and I'll make sure to get together with you at some point soon.

Best of Luck,
"Baseball is 90% mental. The other half is physical."

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im a Ranch hommie. i havnt been there in a year, but its were i did all but 30 or 40 jumps. ill be there sunday the 4th for my birthday. im bringing some freinds to do their firsts so if you pop me a pm ill through you my cell and you can gime a call if your around then. like i said though, i havnt been there for a year besides stopping by a couple weeks ago so, things have changed and i dont know half the people but i can still have a jump and a beer with ya;)

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Hey Ryan!

Please come on down -- the air is great! Yes, if you ask any of the folks at manifest they'll make sure you get an orientation briefing. You could also call the school and book a coach jump -- nice way to get the feel of a new DZ. And did you mention beer?? Dude, you're so in.

If the weather clears up this weekend look for a guy in a red and white striped jump suit that kinda looks like a candy cane. I'd be delighted to show you around and make a jump with you -- no slot required! (But did you mention beer?) :-)


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this sunday looks windy as all get up

there are a shitload of people that will be willing to help you out...usually what happens is this...

person goes to manifest

manifest eyeballs whatever coach is on the floor and visible

manifest spots dave holm cause he has ginormous sideburns

manifest pages dave holm

dave holm gives new person to ranch a view of the over head and mentions something about dont mind if you suddenly see a purple whir and hear operatic tones when you are on your base leg

tells you about the outs

tells you about alpaca

tells you about the children of the campground which look very creepy when you land there, kinda like that movie with all the blond haired blue eyed children.

tells you about our very own mcnasty

tells person about a rogue spaceball almost killing a farmer

person starts to dart eyes around frantically looking for an out

finds dru or candycane man (who is hella fun to jump with) and says something to get himself away from man with crazy sideburns and gets himself on load

person has a shitload of fun with us "heathens" at the ranch and wonders why everyone seems to think we are the devils children

after jumping all day sunset occurs and person finds out


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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When it is windy it is a good excuse to get water training done. Good times.

Although you want to shower the pond off you ASAP.

Peter is a regular at the ranch. He still has yet to post the video of the hybrid we did.

High alti hop and pop on sunset load is awesone with the sun sinking behind the gunks.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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