
Upsized your Canopy?

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I gained weight and it's a better wingloading for me and I'm older now and don't need to run so fast, I have injurys from repeted high speed impacts with solid objects. (earth, cement, wood, cars) But no bad major broken type injurys from jumping in the past and I want to keep it that way. Also having some disk issues from repeted body abuse and age'n. Sucks getting old, but somebodys got to do it.

Starting with a upsize in one of my reserves, it long over due, that means I have to upsize a container too. Mains I'm ok with for now, but see an upsize down the road. 170's to 190's
you can't pay for kids schoolin' with love of skydiving! ~ Airtwardo

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In CRW it's often important to have wingloadings that are generally close to what everyone else has and that are appropriate for the both the canopy (eg. Lightnings fly better at 1.3 and higher) and the application (competition, bigway, recreational, etc). Line length and trim play are important as well.

For most other general use, I'd probably upsize to the 1.0 to 1.2 range, and maybe have an AAD and RSL as well. While I've been comfortable in the setup I've had for quite some time now, a little more margin of safety would be ok as well.


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I had downsized as far down as a 75 Cobalt, but have upsized back up to Triathlon 99's. My reason? I got tired of spinning elliptical cutaways. The Triathlon is solid as a rock... I recently sold a Spectre to a friend of mine who upsized to a 7-cell for the exact same reason - he got tired of being worried every opening.

I heard someone tell this story when someone started talking about upsizing - "Oh of course you're upsizing - people downsize till they hit 35, and then they go back up." Funny thing was - it was when I was 35 that I started upsizing again!

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Never upsized, but here is why i don't down size.

1) I love my canpoy and still have yet to master it completely.

2) I'm just a weekend fun jumper.

3) Not getting any younger, lighter, or bad ass.

4) I can thermal my canopy.B|

5) What do think I'm made of money?

6) My canopy is good for demo jumps.

7) resistant to change when all is good.

8) Not using my rear risers for swoops yet so i should learn that on this canopy before a smaller one.

9) Hi Katee:)
10) What was the question?

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When I downsized for the very first time, I went from a Manta 280-ish to a Falcon 215 (my instructors thought I could handle it, and had in fact recommended it to me).
When I had about ten jumps on the 215 (which was loaded at 1.0) I was telling one of my instructors how I enjoyed the control and the responsiveness I was getting out of the Falcon.
He smiled, and said that in that case I might enjoy the Navigator 240 even more.
That was the only reason I upsized.
And he was right.
Canopy control jumps on a Navigator that size are loads of fun - the thing just doesn't want to come down meaning that on a H&P from 6 you can do all the exercises you want, and then some.
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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4) I can thermal my canopy

??? .. Well this really caught my attention!! I was told paraglide canopies could, but not ours. Is there anything you do? watch for? etc.
_ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _

I feel a memory coming on. Casa boogie, Ellijay, GA 1995. Star Trac 290. Caught the thermal over the runway at about 1400', held deep brakes for a few minutes. Watched the rest of the load land, gather up gear, and return to the hangar. Watched the plane turn on final, land, and taxi to the loading area. Lost about 300' in 3-4 minutes. Finally couldn't take the pressure and returned to full flight and landing.

The best part was imagining the spectators seeing nearly 30 canopies in the air, then watching everybody land except for one guy...

I've since downsized to a 220, and there I'll stay for a long time. Landing first is overrated.

Jon S.

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I went from a Safire 149 to a Spectre 170 for two reasons. The fusing of three discs in my lower back and the realization that the reason I wasn't jumping much was because I was scared of my canopy.

It was a good decision. I doubt I'd still be jumping today if I hadn't upsized when I did. After 300+ jumps on the 170 (and a canopy control course), I now have 12 jumps on a Spectre 150 and I'm loving it.

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funny, i was always scared much more under those 210's or 230's more than with my 150 sabre1..

at least, that "pocket rocket" flies and does not only float..

EDITED to add: but i was really scared on the first flight with the above mentioned..
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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