
Plane dives with you

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What are you seeing?

2 instructors and a cameraman whos focus is on the diving plane not the student and a pilot whos focus seems to be hotdoging for the cameras.

There's a time and place for goofing off and an AFF dive isn't it.
You're not as good as you think you are. Seriously.

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I'm actually going back to that dropzone (Southern France) next year for a week.

Video of that jump here: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=hZpICbuTOYw

That is without doubt THE dumbest thing I have seen in a skydiving movie clip to date.

If I was on that jump I wouldve been looking at the plane also. It looked to me like the bottom of aircraft in which case the pilot had no idea where he was going.

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I did in fact see the plane pass below me. When I was back on the ground and asked my instructors why that plane flew so close they told me "It's a little trick of the pilot that he does to 'scare' students". (Personally I think that's totally out of the line, the student will probably be scared enough making one of their first jumps ever, and a stunt like that will take the focus off a student while he/she should be focussing on his/her AFF, not only that but it's also plain dangerous). The camerman had at that time 4000+ jumps, the female AFFI had 4500+ jumps and the male AFFI had, I don't really remember, but in any case also over 3000+ jumps. The pilot was supossedly very expierienced. Still I'd like to know when somebody does something like that on a dive.
"In a mad world, only the mad are sane"

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Does anybody know if they had any special waivers when Greg Gasson and those guys jumped out of the Otter and got into the Porter?
Was that legit?
Either way, it was frick'n COOL

I can't answer that question for sure, but given the reputation of the guys involved, I'd be extremely surprised if they hadn't spoken with the FAA or they had done anything that might hurt the sport. They really seem more like the kind of people who do stuff like this to push the envelope, raise the level of interest/excitement in the sport and have a little fun along the way.

Here's a link to a thread about one of his other stunt jumps. There's even a link at the end that will take you do a description of all the preparation that went into it, including discussions with the FAA prior to going ahead with the jump. If you look hard enough, you might even find an article or posting somewhere that discusses all the planning that went into the plane-to-plane stunt jump.

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