
pre-jump rituals

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I do a gear check on myself and others, check for clear airspace and a good spot, check the plane, and then say GAME-ON.

Before I exit, I do a chest pound with my fist twice and point to the sky to signify God and my grandfather and my best friend Josh watching over me while jumping and then say "Its GO TIME"
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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Just recently, I have liked to just totally zone out. I pop some earplugs in and close my eyes and slow my breathing right down. Its a lovely calm before the hostile environment of freefall. Its quite bizarre how calm and composed you can make yourself before stepping out the door

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I always grab a handful of grass or a small piece of paper, what ever happens to be handy, and toss it up to get an 'imprint' so to speak of the wind direction...Doesn't work real good though if you're standing behind the running aircraft!:ph34r:

~ If you choke a Smurf, what color does it turn? ~

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I take a couple of deep breaths and hope those farts I've been holding in since 1000' stay in for a few more moments until they open the door.


so that when the door opens and you fart it blows into the back of the plane really quickly


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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am I the only freak or does anyone else have have crazy little things they do before each jump? ( not including the normal gear check)

Nah, I'n a freak like that,too.
It probably annoys people but My pre-jump rituals include:

I insist, I just dont feel comforatble until I do this but I HAVE to get in a plane and allow it to fly to altitude before I am comfortable enough to jump.

I mean I do this on EVERY jump. People make comments and point at how I have the same routine and all that but fuck em--they're the morons sitting on the ground.
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