
Dad trying to prevent me from skydiving as much as possible...

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Cool I was hoping ythatr was the case....

BTW- you'll have to rent gear. you can probably double your jumping expense until you get your own gear.

If I go through with everything, i just might go into buying used gear of my own. What's the gear rental a day where you guys are? I know just for the 1st tandem its like 30 or 40$.

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Gear rental at my dz is $25/jump. So it can get expensive and then you either pack yourself or have to wait to get it packed. Make friends with the packers...you won't regret it.

Also, as they said, when it comes to beer rules, age doesn't matter. You wanna learn to pack, walk up to a skydiver with a case of beer and ask them to teach you to pack and see what happens...(make sure they can pack themselves before you ask for their advice)
Puttin' some stank on it.

----Hellfish #707----

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I know just for the 1st tandem its like 30 or 40$.

Any place that charge "gear Rental" for a Tandem is ripping you off. Almost every DZ in the county includes Gear Rental in the price of the Jump. A Few (VERY FEW) unethical DZ`s will advertise a Lower price for a tandem and then try to Add on Gear rental fees when you get there.

Again 99% of all DZ`s do NOT charge a gear rental fee for tandems. That cost is included in the price of the jump.

AFF Jumps also include Gear rental at almost all DZ`s. After AFF most DZ`s will chage around $25 per Jump for gear rental and some also have a Daily rental price as well.

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Gear rental at my dz is $25/jump. So it can get expensive and then you either pack yourself or have to wait to get it packed. Make friends with the packers...you won't regret it.

Also, as they said, when it comes to beer rules, age doesn't matter. You wanna learn to pack, walk up to a skydiver with a case of beer and ask them to teach you to pack and see what happens...(make sure they can pack themselves before you ask for their advice)

Well does anyone go to Free Fall Adventures in Cross Keys NJ? LoL I got the beer for teaching how to pack ahead of time for me.

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Well, my dad is one of the people who buy into the media portraying skydiving as insane...
Any of you guys know a good article on easing peoples anti-skydiving views and proving that it's dangerous but the sport is relatively safe if the jumper is too?

Good luck with that. I'm 32 and I haven't told my parents that I'm jumping.. it's just easier if they don't know.
Looking for newbie rig, all components...

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Look at it this way:
As a wise man once said, if skydivers had a death wish, they'd probably only make one jump.


Yeah I've been reading that but I don't wanna go and look like im ahead of myself, not even legal to jump just yet. Keep thinkin their gonna be like "Wtf, this kid doesn't even know what he's in for and he's trying to learn to pack?"

You know, I actually met someone who can unravel the worst knots out of a parachute *and* do a spendid pack job all within ten minutes - who actually doesn't jump himself "because he isn't sick of living".
"That formation-stuff in freefall is just fun and games but with an open parachute it's starting to sound like, you know, an extreme sport."

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There is nothing you can do. What you are dealing with is belief. Once a person believes something, there is no amount of fact, logic, reason or truth that will persuade them. The best thing to do is to hide your jumping activity as much as possible until such time that you are fully out of the house and even then just don't mention it. There is simply no talking to some whuffos.
Skydivers don't knock on Death's door. They ring the bell and runaway... It really pisses him off.
-The World Famous Tink. (I never heard of you either!!)
AA #2069 ASA#33 POPS#8808 Swooo 1717

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I think I might be getting him to give in though, because now he asked about going to watch at the dropzone of other people jumping, sound good?

Hopefully nobody ends up with their femur hanging out of their thigh that day ;)

My mighty steed

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Yeah I've been reading that but I don't wanna go and look like im ahead of myself, not even legal to jump just yet. Keep thinkin their gonna be like "Wtf, this kid doesn't even know what he's in for and he's trying to learn to pack?"

Don't let that stop you. You don't need to know how to jump to know how to pack. I know quite a few people who learned how to pack first, then used the money they earned from it to fund their AFF.

No one would think you're wierd, if anything they'd respect your commitment and you'd make some good friends/ contacts that might come in handy further down the line.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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I think I might be getting him to give in though, because now he asked about going to watch at the dropzone of other people jumping, sound good?

Hopefully nobody ends up with their femur hanging out of their thigh that day ;)

damn, i came across that recently.. well, it was only a broken femur, and as it turned out to be, a broken neck too.. but the guy will be alright! and, uhm, yea, the other day a guy that landed in the forest. and funnily everybody thought it was me. and everybody thought that i couldnt have survived that. that guy ended up with a broken foot..

both of them did things they shouldnt have done, the first was a swooper in the making, the second was just very uncurrent and jumped on a day with rather high winds..

accidents suck.
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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