
Stable pull

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Good point. But thrown that PC like it's a live grenade, and clear your burbble. A PC in tow is not that fun

You can't throw a PC in a 120+ mph wind. What you need to do is make sure you let it go at arms length from your body.

My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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3) Enjoy the experience, don't take on the attitude of "I wish this part was over"

It's been a while since you've jumped student gear eh?


What is the difference between pulling student gear and any other gear, if they both have BOC and hand deploy PC's?


I think he's referring to the lack of fit and comfort common to one size fit none student gear. You can get whacked on the opening (esp with some of the canopies in use) and the canopy flight till landing can be uncomfortable with many of the leg straps out there.

I did a single jump on Saturday and had a sore shoulder Sunday-Monday. This was a gear shop rental, but Infinities as I encounter them just don't fit me well. The shoulder strap goes right over bone.

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