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Don't they have a phone at manifest? :P

What I was wondering, and it goes along with your question, is what rating is required to do a recurrencey jump?

I thought the BSR's called for a rated I, not a coach, but it seems like the industry standard is way more lax then the USPA recommends.

"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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What I was wondering, and it goes along with your question, is what rating is required to do a recurrencey jump?

I thought the BSR's called for a rated I, not a coach, but it seems like the industry standard is way more lax then the USPA recommends.

It's SIM section 5-2:

"Students who have not jumped within the preceding 30 days should make at least one jump under the direct supervision of an appropriately rated USPA Instructor.

USPA A-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within 60 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a currently rated USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating altitude awareness, freefall control on all axes, tracking, and canopy skills sufficient for safely jumping in groups

USPA B-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding 90 days should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of that license.

USPA C- and D-license holders who have not made a freefall skydive within the preceding six months should make at least one jump under the supervision of a USPA instructional rating holder until demonstrating the ability to safely exercise the privileges of that license."

Instructional rating holder = coach or instructor. So only an instructor is required for students after 30 days.


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According to the SIMS, any USPA instructional rating holder can give refresher training to B, C, or D licensed jumpers. It does not take an instructor. A coach IS a USPA instructional rating holder. A coach can also give refresher training to an "A" licencsed jumper who hasn't made a skydive within 60 days.

And yes they could do a hop and pop and show proficiency depending on the person.
Think of how stupid the average person is and realize that statistically half of them are stupider than that.

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Has anyone answered your question yet?

Sure, there will be someone there and going by the cool staff at skydive chicago, i am sure it will only set you back the price of a slot.

SDC is the greatest dropzone with the greatest staff and family.

.Karnage Krew Gear Store

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Has anyone answered your question yet?

Sure, there will be someone there and going by the cool staff at skydive chicago, i am sure it will only set you back the price of a slot.

SDC is the greatest dropzone with the greatest staff and family.

Thanks for your reply. I need to know for sure to budget. Slots would be grand! :)

~ Lisa
~ Do you Rigminder?

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I am not sure what you mean exactly by a recurrency jump but I'll assume it means that you have been out of the sport for a significant amount of time ( > 6 months) and are now looking to get back into the sport. That would mean a coach jump which is like $40 for the coach and the price of your slot $23. If you can find a coach you know they'll jump with you for free and you only pay the proce of your slot. Oh and that includes a 2 hour refresher course on emergency procedures, landing patterns and basic canopy control techniques.

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Dave, check the 2007 SIM, as the recurrency recommendations have been simplified considerably from the 2006 SIM.

I quoted directly from the SIM on the USPA website. You're right though... but those are the 2007 recurrency recommendations.


On this page: http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2007SIM/SIM.htm the file is SIM2007.pdf and the section5.htm is current too as far as I can tell.

Perhaps you had downloaded the 2006 at an earlier date and quoted from that?

The first paragraph you quoted above is the same in both versions but the other paragraphs have been removed in the 2007. No more 30 day... 60 day... if trained using this or that instructional method.. convoluted stuff.

Unfortunately this document changes so often that it is difficult for any of us to keep up with it.

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You don't have a lot of jumps and you've had a very long layoff- 5 plus years, right? AND you're going to a new DZ, right? They are going to be cautious- they have to be. $95.00 per person for what is essentially an AFP jump isn't so bad under the circumstances. Does that include gear rental also?

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I finally called and they said the recurrency course was $20 each and then $75 for the jump.

Edited to remove fact that I came across like it was too expensive.

If you're there on a weekend and you just want someone with a coaches rating to jump with you, you won't have any problem finding someone willing to jump with you for no charge; if you feel that you would benefit from the class and a more instruction and education oriented coach jump; then go with what they offer in the office. It all depends on what level of confidence / training you feel you would like getting recurrent. I personally recommend sitting in on the class; it can't hurt to go over the entire course once per year, it's not like you regularly experience each manfunction that is reviewed in the course.

Also, having an actual "coached jump" (instead of just a jump with someone who's got their coaches rating) is beneficial to help you get back into thinking about how to improve your flying.
Matt Christenson

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No, they said we could jump our own gear. And we have jumped this DZ before so not entirely new.

I think it is a perfectly reasonable price. Doesn't mean I can't wish it was cheaper. ;)

Hey, I hear that. I cost me a lot of money to get current again this past weekend, but most of that was for my repack and cypres batteries!

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You may be right that I'm reading an old version of the SIM, but the address is: http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2007SIM/section5.htm#52d. That's the HTML version of the 2007 SIM, section 5-2 (D). See the table at the bottom. Is that a mistake left there from the previous revision?

Edit: I just checked the PDF version as well and the same table is there (Page 108). Doubting it's a mistake... I think the recurrency recommendations are still what I quoted above.


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You may be right that I'm reading an old version of the SIM, but the address is: http://www.uspa.org/publications/SIM/2007SIM/section5.htm#52d. That's the HTML version of the 2007 SIM, section 5-2 (D). See the table at the bottom. Is that a mistake left there from the previous revision?

Oops, you're right. I was thinking about another part that had a lot of 30 day, 60 day 90 day stuff.

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