
What if you fell out of an airplane without a parachute?

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Even if the average person could locate a body of water I would think it would pretty hard for them to get into either a head down position or a standing position to enter the water. If I found myself outside a plane without a parachute I would look for other victims and attempt to dock on them just for the fun of it.

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I loved the 12 foot part too. I thought though, doing a pencil dive from a diving board would get you at least 10 feet. Add about 100Mph to that and 12 feet is umm......death.

not to mention, in a track (to find water of course) your speed is increased, then once you go head down or feet first, it's just increasing more. You're gonna hit that water well about 125mph. Geniuses!

Here's another interesting article:


HAHAH, Thanks for that link!
"When once you have tasted flight..."

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not to mention, in a track (to find water of course) your speed is increased,

Wrong. If you are tracking properly (flat track) , your rate of descent is decreased. With good form, your descent rate can be significantly less than your normal belly to earth fall rate.

My mighty steed

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Actually, in a track...your vertical speed is reduced. So optimally, you would track to the water and just at the last possible moment go into a stand. I've been below 85 mph (vertical) in a track...not sure that I would want to be in this situation though.
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I remember reading that a while back . . . those guys are on glue . . . Elmer's finest . . .

"aim for water" "12 feet deep minimum" ??? Enough said . . .

It must be true - it worked for David Hasseloff in Baywatch.:S

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What would i do?

Put my head between my legs and kiss my ass goodbye! :P


What if you track like the spectre of death is on your back and try to skim like a stone across the water.

If jacketsdb23 can get down to 85mph, his forward speed has got to be at least what, 50mph?
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aim for the most expensive object I can see, If I'm going to have a shitty day might as well make some one eilses too :P

great idea!

theres a guy with a lamborghini that comes to the dz sometimes (think hes with the gliding club on the airfield). Ill aim for that! :D
Some dream of flying, i live the dream...

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If you fall out of a plane without a parachute then you need not ride in a plane again.

Perhaps they are talking about getting sucked out of an airliner or something. But if you are in a plane for skydiving and you don't have a rig on AND you jump/fall out of a plane you ought not be skydiving again....and likely won't be!

The actual landing to the ground is not what kills you. It will break every bone in your body. But when you bounce up and come back down all those broken bones will be driven right into your organs. So just remember to grab the grass as hard as you can the first time you hit so that you don't bounce :)
Damn, this is fun!

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was discussing this with another skydiver i met on a plane back from Cali..

we agreed if the plane 'opened up' we would both track starboard.. then at least our friends could argue over who had the best track at the wakes...

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I loved the 12 foot part too. I thought though, doing a pencil dive from a diving board would get you at least 10 feet. Add about 100Mph to that and 12 feet is umm......death.

To increase chances of survival into a body of water....(umm, it would have to be about 40 feet deep)...

You would have to cup air to slow down to about 90 (if possible). Get some tunnel time, that may help.

And then, at about 80 feet from impact, go into a missle-like standup - very quickly, stable, hands by your seems at about 20 feet - do it later to avoid instability when transitioning.

Upon impact, wait 2 seconds and spread your body out wide to avoid descent underwater.

Then, if someone sees you go in, they can help rescue you, because you will be unconscious from the shock to your body. CPR, return to conciousness, avoid further injuring your broken limbs, etc. etc.

Otherwise, just do what Armour said, aim for something cool. Like the snob jumpers car at your dz who shows in his ferrari or viper, if not a beemer is always good too. :ph34r: Avoid planes, that just isn't cool. :ph34r:

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Option 1: Look around for someone who wants to try a last minute variation of a Mr. Bill. No takers?

Option 2: See if the A/C is diving and try to get back in. If you do make it back in then play it off real cool like you were just trying to cool down.

Option 3: I like the idea proposed about aiming for the expensive car. (Aim for the windshield and make the largest bug splat possible.)
"That looks dangerous." Leopold Stotch

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Take one shoe off and put it down my pants.

It won't help, but it'll drive people crazy trying to figure out how it happened, and it'll give me something to focus on besides the ground. :P

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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