floridadiver81 0 #1 April 16, 2007 I did a search and found stuff..but it was the opposite. I started doing AFF and due to funding constraints i want to switch to static line. I know it take more jumps...but cost per jump..static line is cheaper...at least doing it the way i plan on. My question is...would having 3 AFF jumps(all passed with no problems) somewhat be able to put me ahead when i start static line? I know static line concentrates alot on canopy control...but i was able to land level three without any radio assistance..other than the ground radio having me do a second control check so they could see it. I sat down and actually figued out how much ill be spending if i continue with AFF and it will be between 2300-2500 dollars. I can go through static line for 1/3 of that...so even with switching now ill be saving around 1200 dollars(including the airfare to go where im going). And the static line price i was given covers everything up to the A license. So i will have the A faster that doing AFF(funding wise)...and signifigantly cheaper. Has anyone been in this situation before? If so i would appreciate a post about your experiances and if starting with aff actually shotgunned you forward going through static line? Personal note....from now on i am researching every aspect to any other decisions i make. Had i started with static line when i started with AFF i would already have my A and prolly been somewhere around the 50 jump number!"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MagicGuy 0 #2 April 16, 2007 $2500 for AFF? Where are you jumping?!? That seems awefully high. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
steve1 5 #3 April 16, 2007 I'd take it jump by jump, and leave it up to your instructor to decide when you are ready for freefall. In the old days most people made five static line jumps before moving on to your first hop and pop. I made four static lines before making my first free fall. Again it was my instructors decision. I had a lot of prior military jump-experience and that confidence carried over to sport jumping. You are definitely ahead of the game if you have already made three AFF jumps....Steve1 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L.O. 0 #4 April 16, 2007 I can't say I've been in the same situation, but I have seen it happen. My DZ is a mostly S/L DZ and we have taken several people from other DZs AFF programs and made then in to S/L jumpers. It depends on the DZ you chose and how they apply the USPAs ISP. I would guess you will progress through S/L at an accelerated pace. I am very happy to see several threads as of late, that are speaking out about how much cheaper S/L is over AFF. S/L is cheaper, but no less safe and in most cases much more cost effective per jump. I know this will most likely turn into a "Aff is better" "no staticline is" argument thread but it is obvious that both programs get you to the same place in about the same condition. S/l just gets you there for much much less $$. No question. It is sad that S/L has not proliferated in the same manner as AFF but there is no money to be made with S/L so the reason is obvious. Instructors can't live on the money they make of the S/L crowd. I know I can't HPDBs, I hate those guys. AFB, charter member. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Scoop 0 #5 April 16, 2007 I wish I had done SL looking back now. I'd have had much more money and be alot more comfortable with getting out low Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #6 April 16, 2007 By the 2300-2500 i meant for all 25 jumps and gear rental etc etc etc to get my A license. Where i jump now it would be 1325 for the 7 aff jumps becasue i would have to repeat level three due to going uncurrent. Being that the dz that i will be doing static line at is a sport club and not for profit...for the same 1325 i would have my A license and be around the 60-70 jump number. S/L is DEFINATELY more cost effective. Im hoping they take my three AFF jumps into consideration. Most of you know what happened on my level 2 aff...where i was in freefall on my own and for the experiance i had(second solo jump) my freefall ability is what numerous people called exceptional considering i had no wind tunnel time. Of course im going to do what im told...but im just hoping it works out in my favor. And either way...weather i have to start from the beginning and go completely through the S/L program i will still be saving a considerable amount of money!"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #7 April 16, 2007 Im really hoping that is doenst turn into an "argument" thread because i never meant it to be that kind of a thread. I was just asking for anyone that made the same decision as me and decided to go the static line route already having made a few AFF jumps."Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #8 April 17, 2007 Quotebut there is no money to be made with S/L so the reason is obvious. Actually, a 182 DZ with three S/L's on the plane is the most profitable method of instruction.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #9 April 17, 2007 QuoteQuotebut there is no money to be made with S/L so the reason is obvious. Actually, a 182 DZ with three S/L's on the plane is the most profitable method of instruction. For the DZ or the instructor?Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #10 April 17, 2007 In most cases for the DZ.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #11 April 18, 2007 ok so then you don't actually disagree with L.O. who said: Quote Instructors can't live on the money they make of the S/L crowd. I know I can't Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
BIGUN 1,345 #12 April 18, 2007 I don't actually agree or disagree. It depends on the DZ and how they handle it. When I had a DZ, S/L was the bread & butter for both, then tandems, then AFF. If one looks at the total number of hours spent with AFF FJC versus S/L FJC with a greater volume of FJC students willing to spend less money for the S/L instructional methodology - that will derive a higher income for both the instructors and the DZ. The DZ needs to be honed in on balance as the S/L student progresses and in balancing the instructors to ensure every Instructor gets an equitable share in Tandems, S/L & AFF. In a lot of cases, the 182 DZ is the nearest DZ and if balance is not maintained for both the DZ and the Instructors, the DZ will cease to exist and then no one makes any money. Finally, if Instructors think they're going to make a full-time living at a 182 DZ, they are mistaken.Nobody has time to listen; because they're desperately chasing the need of being heard. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydave114 0 #13 April 18, 2007 Go with the s/l. That's how I learned, and I'm glad I did. With 3 aff's, you may get to skip the rope and start out @ 5 sec. delays. It makes much more sense to me to learn to exit & fly your canopy first. I've seen aff & s/l side-by-side, and the s/l folks ALWAYS came out with more knowledge and better canopy skills. (and more $$) I love getting on the load with an aff'er doing thier first hop-n-pop. The look of terror in thier faces cracks me up every time! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jeremy_o 0 #14 April 18, 2007 Quote I love getting on the load with an aff'er doing thier first hop-n-pop. The look of terror in thier faces cracks me up every time! Heh, nice. I also love launching 4 ways from 3500 feet http://planetskydive.net/ - An online aggregation of skydiver's blogs. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skydivermom 0 #15 April 18, 2007 I 2nd what you said about having better canopy skills. I also believe my static line training is part of the reason I fell in love with CReW.Mrs. WaltAppel All things work together for good to them that love God...Romans 8:28 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
L.O. 0 #16 April 19, 2007 QuoteQuotebut there is no money to be made with S/L so the reason is obvious. Actually, a 182 DZ with three S/L's on the plane is the most profitable method of instruction. The plane makes some money on the first jump, but not the instructors. The second jump student doesn't pay much more then the fun jumper. So, after the first jump the plane isn't making much either. I'm just looking at the big picture.HPDBs, I hate those guys. AFB, charter member. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
rave4funn 0 #17 April 25, 2007 Just get a credit card ang get yourself eyeball deep in debt. I know a few people that have gone that route.--------------------------------------------------- http://www.myspace.com/rave4funn Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #18 April 26, 2007 im getting myself outta debt..not trying to get deeper."Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyjunkySean 0 #19 April 26, 2007 I think they BOTH have their benefits. It TOTALLY depends on the student & that students natural ability. example: I passed my aff in 8 jumps, (took 8 cuz I had a cutaway on level4) was a real bad day. hop & popped my first pack job to get both of those out of the way on my A card also spotted that load. It depends on you & your abilities & how bad ya want it. just like any sport. just my opininon.do what works for you & listen to your coaches Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Unstable 9 #20 April 26, 2007 Quote I wish I had done SL looking back now. I'd have had much more money and be alot more comfortable with getting out low You know - I hear this a lot from jumpers at our DZ. We train SL, and you can get your license with use (gear rental + jumps) for about $650. I think training on SL has a LOT of advantages, don't be afraid to change because it's not the most 'modern' or fast paced way to learn. =========Shaun ========== Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #21 April 26, 2007 Quote don't be afraid to change because it's not the most 'modern' or fast paced way to learn. on the contrary...it is faster to get to the A for the simple fact that the jumps arent nearly as expensive and AFF...which means i can do more jumps for less monsy...and as far as the check dive is concerned i can just do some tunnel time to work on that...at least thats my plan anyway...and with S/L ill get more canopy time too!"Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
JohnMitchell 16 #22 April 27, 2007 Quote I passed my aff in 8 jumps, (took 8 cuz I had a cutaway on level4) Why would you have to redo level 4 because you had a cutaway? Unless you were pulling totally unstable, it has nothing to do with the skydive. The most important 2 things when you jump out of a plane are to get an open canopy above your head and then to make a good landing. SL lets you practice that with very few distractions. I might start my son on SL, then go AFF after a few jumps. We'll see. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
SkyjunkySean 0 #23 April 28, 2007 jump went bad that day. everybodies head was f****ed up mikey went in at 2:30 we all found out the outcome at 5 right b4 takeoff. was my fault should have begged off the dive was all over the sky upside down at pull time rigt side 3 cells disintegrated on opening.....totally my fault. didn't really want to get into the particulars but thats the reason had to repeat. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
joedirt 0 #24 April 28, 2007 I did it, but I had about a dozen jumps before I switched (I moved). They made me do 3 static lines to see that I could pull a ripcord, then they let me jump from altitude. If your just thinking about money, it may not be a terrible idea. Your a student and probably want to keep some continuity to your jumping instead of saving a couple hundred bucks between jumps. That's assuming your young and poor of course. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #25 April 29, 2007 The thing i dont understand about s/l and aff is with tatic line you jump the line for the first 5. If you are progressing nicely then you go to delay jumps...without and instructor jumping with you. With aff you jump with the 2 instructors from the start then downgrade to one instructor. When ya think about the 2 methods of training it doesnt really make sense. I know the methods have their meaning...but when comparing them both....how much sense does it really make to have a student exit with delays with no instructors and then have an aff student require 2 instructors for the first three. I know delay jumps arent the same amount of freefall time..but they are still in freefall. "Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites