
Door Open On takeoff?

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my humble take:
cessna focus -- well mostly
made first jump in May 1970 and dont think the cessnas used had doors until around 1972 -- TSO and stuff.

my guess on reasons -- first the climb performance -- ours was a small non-commercial club and jumps were cheap so anything that helped keep costs down and besides the a/c owner was one hell of a guy -- he bought beer ALOT!!!!!!

second -- any of you ever jump during the winter in those less fortunate northern states might appreciate what 3 degrees per thousand feet means especially when it is below freezing on the ground.

jumped in deland while at school and Mr. Douglas never had a door neither did a twin otter.

anyone know if Mr. Douglas is still flying>????

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Maybe I've got this all wrong, but isn't closing the door something the FAA insisted on after the rash of crashes on takeoff in the nineties ? I was not active in the sport at the time, so I don't really know. But I thought two things the FAA really wanted to see, along with better aircraft maintenance, were use of seatblets and keeping the door closed. Maybe I've got that wrong ?

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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anyone know if Mr. Douglas is still flying>????

Nope. Been sitting on the tarmac at the Tullahoma TN airport for the last several years without engines. [:/]
"Mediocre people don't like high achievers, and high achievers don't like mediocre people." - SIX TIME National Champion coach Nick Saban

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Almost every C-182 I jumped had doors in 1967. Usually at permenant DZ-s. though. One DZ had a C-182 fly out door on and pull pins. Mean while a van with a gutted camper trailer showed up with the gear . I really dont understand the whole issue. The pilot complies with the manufacturer that agrees with the FAA's determenation,case closed. Since when is it the right of a non-pilot jumper to decide whats best for an airlpane.I agree about 1972 was the first time you could take the back seat out. With the seat belt mod you can finally drop four jumpers Add a jump step you were in business We also had a U-206 without a door in 1970 ,it was fun on take-off kneeling forward in the open door
PS : Mark flew a PAC-750. at Midwest Free-fall in MI last summer, Still proud to jump anything he flies.

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>But with loss of ONE engine, the pilot is already in Zero Side Slip.

Once he has stabilized the aircraft - true. However, most aircraft will see a pretty strong yaw in one direction the moment power is lost.

>I was taught Never to "Forward-Slip" (not to be confused with
>zero-side-slip) the plane at low altitudes or when on short final.

When faced with the alternatives of overshooting a clearing and running into the back of a mall or sideslipping to get in, I think most pilots will slip. It's how the pilot of a 767 in Canada got his powerless airliner onto a small strip in the middle of nowhere when he lost power. No injuries, minimal damage to the plane.

The Gimli Glider! No doors open, though.

The only sure way to survive a canopy collision is not to have one.

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