Yossarian 0 #1 April 18, 2007 I've seen a great range of skydiving superstition, the first was when i went to Langar for the first time and it went from lift 12 to 12a... people seem to have habits from rabbits feet to the handshake before exit to kissing crucifixes to having to touch the wing of the plane before they'll get in... personally im not religious or supersitious, but sometimes i think im alone in that! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Malta_Dog 0 #2 April 18, 2007 Usually not superstitious but when I took up skydiving I was wearing a T-Shirt that my daughter (who was 5 yrs old back then) had decorated as a gift for Father's Day and I've worn this T-Shirt on almost all my jumps. TBH, I'll have to find another lucky charm soon because the T-Shirt is now in a sad state... All your dropzone are belong to us!!!!111! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
phoenixlpr 0 #3 April 18, 2007 I hate pre-boarding pictures. I had some trouble when I had pre-boarding pictures taken. I hate even more if someone forcing me for being on a pre-boarding picture. I jump anyway any day even on the 13th of Friday. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Peej 0 #4 April 18, 2007 I've never been very superstitious or overly religious for that matter but i do have a small prayer that i say every time we're wheels up. Funnily enough though, a few weeks ago i ran out to do a distance round of competition at our Nationals and i was wearing a pair of shoes that weren't my normal jump shoes. I swooped well in the first round and before round 2 i actually thought about changing back to my usual jump shoes but then decided to stick with 'em for the rest of the comp cos they were lucky Advertisio Rodriguez / Sky Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
piisfish 140 #5 April 18, 2007 Quote i was wearing a pair of shoes that weren't my normal jump shoes...but then decided to stick with 'em for the rest of the comp cos they were lucky sunday I wore shoes which were not my usual ones and I did my 1st Superman. Now my black RW suit is the same color as my rig.. Black AND camo scissors beat paper, paper beat rock, rock beat wingsuit - KarlM Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
lekstrom10k 0 #6 April 18, 2007 I know a past DZO that would say "I am glad I'm not superstious , knock on wood" She would then rap her knuckles on a particle board plastic coated desk. Well its sort of wood. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
pinkfairy 0 #7 April 18, 2007 Eh, no, unless you mean my lucky canopy packed in the lucky way, and the lucky reserve, packed by the lucky rigger in the lucky container, with the lucky AAD turned to the lucky state. And my lucky pull hand. I always check that I have all my lucky handles at least thrice before every jump. I think it's generally more lucky to jump with all that than without. Relax, you can die if you mess up, but it will probably not be by bullet. I'm a BIG, TOUGH BIGWAY FORMATION SKYDIVER! What are you? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DougH 270 #8 April 18, 2007 Hmmm I do some things most every flight, I don't know if you would call the superstitious though., more habits. Before boarding I jokingly bitch about skydiving: "you mean I have to do this again!!!". I put my helmet on and strap it down right before take of, then a give it a few good whacks on the head. I give the plane ceiling a few love tapes while it is taking off, something along the lines of, come on baby work at least one more time for me. Oh and we usually scream something after wheels off, which is nice because that first 1000 feet is the worst for me. "The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall" =P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Orange1 0 #9 April 18, 2007 Quote Eh, no, unless you mean my lucky canopy packed in the lucky way, and the lucky reserve, packed by the lucky rigger in the lucky container, with the lucky AAD turned to the lucky state. And my lucky pull hand. I always check that I have all my lucky handles at least thrice before every jump. I think it's generally more lucky to jump with all that than without. yup, pretty much my attitude. my set routine isn't about doing things for luck but to check that everything is as it should be.Skydiving: wasting fossil fuels just for fun. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
countzero 7 #10 April 18, 2007 after we reach 10k i do a short breathing/ mental picture exercise before every jump. it's more to relax than a superstition. i jump with new a piece of gum in my pocket, which i chew while i'm packing for the next jump. the times i've jumped without the gum i've either landed off or had a rough landing. so on that point i'm superstitious. the hand shakes in the plane i view as part of the camaraderie. and as for the gear checks, pin checks and touching my handles multiple times: better safe than sorry.diamonds are a dawgs best friend Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skr 1 #11 April 18, 2007 Well I'm quite sure there is a lot more going on than the standard sensory consensus reality. But I also know that it is often difficult to know whether I'm actually tuning into something or just making it up and kidding myself. And there is also the way state of mind affects the course of events, and whether to call rituals and procedures sports psychology or superstition. I do have some set procedures, like the way I pack or the way I gear up or some other things I check in the course of making a jump, and these do evolve over time, although at any given moment they are pretty fixed. And it's not like an OCD thing, I can do things out of order or differently in some unusual situation. But I'm quite aware of where I'm deviating, which is what I want. I developed those procedures over time because I've caught myself in the past getting tired, dehydrated, stupid, distracted. I remember once at Quincy catching myself suiting up, hands raising flaps, eyes aimed at pins, mind a million miles away. My body was going through the motions, my mind wasn't registering any of it. But I do think it's highly premature for so called hard nosed scientists to just dismiss stuff that doesn't fit in their idea of reality. I was a scientist once "Back off man, I'm a Scientist!" :-) :-) It seems to me that we've barely scratched the surface. Skr Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
chanti 0 #12 April 18, 2007 Quote but i do have a small prayer that i say every time we're wheels up. Me too. I pray for the same things always: 1. That we have a successful jump (as in turn lotsa points!) 2. That we have fun 3. And above all for all of us to land safely Then I always have my lucky Eyeore socks on and never go on load 1 because the last time I did, I broke a femur. -Chanti- Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ChrisL 2 #13 April 18, 2007 I have a prayer I say before the plane leaves the runway on every jump. Its for everyone on the load and I never neglect to say it.__ My mighty steed Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
darkwing 5 #14 April 18, 2007 I'm not at all superstitious, but I do have a routine. Routines are great routes to being safe. Checking handles, etc, on my rig and on other rigs I can see before and after loading. -- Jeff My Skydiving History Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
stitch 0 #15 April 18, 2007 I often give my love to the plane. "No cookies for you"- GFD "I don't think I like the sound of that" ~ MB65 Don't be a "Racer Hater" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
sraja 0 #16 April 18, 2007 My first cutaway was on my 13th jump - I have a prayer that I say as the plane takes off. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Jumpah 0 #17 April 18, 2007 That reminded me...I scratched from my jump #13 when rig I was jumping wasn't packed in time. The Otter had an engine failure on that load and everyone was out at 9k, scattered 5-10 miles out from the DZ. Found a load of people who dropped in on a guy getting ready for a BBQ...the good host broke out the beer The plane landed fine at a nearby airport. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
schuey87 0 #18 April 18, 2007 Quote Quote but i do have a small prayer that i say every time we're wheels up. Me too. I pray for the same things always: 1. That we have a successful jump (as in turn lotsa points!) 2. That we have fun 3. And above all for all of us to land safely I do that aswell, plus the handshakes, plus checking my handles at least 3 times in the last 2-3000ft of the plane ride... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ZigZagMarquis 9 #19 April 18, 2007 I do have a "lucky charm" so to speak... the following printed on a small slip of paper in with my reserve packing data card... Meet me Jesus, Meet me Meet me in the middle of the air And if my wings should fail me, Lord Please meet me with another pair Most folks see it and assume I'm deeply religious or something, but mostly its just a cool line from a Led Zeppelin song. Anyway, does it also count to be reverse Superstitious?? Like making it a point to go skydive on a Friday the 13th. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
udder 0 #20 April 18, 2007 Im very superstitious. I eneded up doing my first jump on Friday the 13th. "In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
FallingDuck 0 #21 April 19, 2007 I always seem to check my beanbag about three times in the airplane. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
freeflyn 0 #22 April 19, 2007 I always practice my emergency prior to exit, I complete my skydive mentally several times prior to boarding and during the ride up. Prior to a day of skydiving I never say "good-bye" to my wife only "I will see you soon." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Eule 0 #23 April 19, 2007 My other half gave me a ring and I've had it with me on just about every jump. When it was cold and I wore gloves, I took it off and put it in my pocket. Lately I've also been putting another small item from the other half in my pocket. It's not any bigger than a car key. This maybe falls under general dive preparation, but I've noticed that when I'm rushing around to get on a load, the dive tends to not go as well as it otherwise might. Once or twice I've decided to manifest on the load after next, instead of the next one, so I can get ready in a leisurely manner. I know a guy who has pillow handles for both cutaway and reserve. He's got Bible verses embroidered on them - a different one on each. Not the whole verse, but the book, chapter and verse, like "John 3:16". I don't now remember what they are specifically, but I do remember looking one of them up once and finding it appropriate. I file this under "religion", not "superstition". EulePLF does not stand for Please Land on Face. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
mnealtx 0 #24 April 19, 2007 The last jump I did on vacation this time back was load 13... Mike I love you, Shannon and Jim. POPS 9708 , SCR 14706 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites