
new vibe at csc - jumps on monday

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i finaly got to jump on monday without it being a holiday - doug (dzo) of skydive csc in hinckley said on safety day that things are going to get better for the fun jumper and started prooving that yesterday by sending up light loads on the pac 750 on monday - new min loads of 6 made it possible to get 3 jumps after 5 pm - doug hopes to get people to jump more during the week and from what i see he is serious - also with the new lounge with a pool table, big screen tv, and couches now we can wait out the weather and have something to do - doug also addressed swoop safety by closing the swoop lane when winds come from the north so the swoopers don't interfer with the main landing area - swoopers helped to come up with this for safety - swoop lane is still open for all other wind directions - 2007 is getting off to a great start thanx to the new changes

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Thank you, Doug! Thank you thank you thank you!!B| I know that letting us go up was a wash situation for you but it really made my evening and want you to know how much I appreciated that! being a newbie and having the opportunity to do 3 jumps in a row on a smaller load than normal helped me work on alot of details for my dives in the future! Your awsome!!:) I DO have alot to learn!!!:D But I had a total blast!!!!

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