
AFF lessons

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Hello i am new to skydiving, and at the begining of next year i am hopefully going to start AFF lessons, i have been looking around for the best prices but what i have noticed is that some require you to do 8 jumps with an instructer to get a licence and some require 8 jumps with an instructer plus 10 consolidation jumps what i want to know is why on some do you only have to do 8 jumps, to get a licence and on other ones you have to do 18 jumps in total.

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I'll let someone else more qualified answer your question about different student progressions and options...

but I did want to point out that when you are finished with your progression, whether that's 8 or 18 jumps...you are NOT licensed yet. To aquire your USPA "A" license, you have to have completed a minimum of 25 skydives as well as have everything on your proficiency card signed off.

so regardless of what progression you sign up for - you don't finish the progression as a licensed skydiver. That takes a bit more time and work....

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Hi Boris.... I am a "student" at this time, off jumpmaster supervision.

There are different progressions as mentioned but they all seem to end up at the same point. You are not "A" licensed without the card completed. You will find that you must have coaches or instructors fly with you in freefall after you complete an 8 level progression. That is where I'm at. So this must be included when you think of the total costs involved. You need a few "RW" jumps. Remember, you are not allowed to jump with ANY other jumpers except USPA coaches or instructors until you are A Licensed.

Don't know if that helps, but I hope so. Figure ALL your costs when you try to compare. I was real lucky also, managed to get through the 8 AFF Levels in 9 jumps. Look out for repeats... you get to pay again!!


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well thank you for answering me so would i have any licence if i did 18 jumps in total because i was thinking of doing my jumps with[/url] www.ukskydiving.com[url] because they are cheap compared to the prices which i have seen and they do more jumps i would prefer to do 18 instead of 8 anyway because then i have more experiance, also if i do complete 25 jumps with everything taught me will i then get an A licence, if so i might as well do 25 jumps with them because it means i only have to do 7 more jumps, and how many jumps did you do before you were qualified

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If you are jumping in the UK (which I guess you are, looking at your profile) once you pass the 8 AFF levels and then do the 10 consols you get your A license and will no longer need an instructor with you. You are deemed to be an intermediate skydiver. (and will need to buy beer :)
The BPA ops manual will have all of the details (http://www.bpa.org.uk/opman.htm) of what you can and can't do as an intermediate skydiver. It also lists the requirements for each license. You will need to (are supposed to:)) read it for your IC1 qualification that you'll come too as part of your B license.

This is my recollection; I may of course be wrong. The ops manual will be right. ;)

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thank you that is what i thought happend, so after 10 consolidation jumps i will be able to jump without a trainer great;)

under the UK system. If you go abroad, eg Spain, you may find yourself with a USPA instructor who will only issue a USPA A licence which I think requires more than 18 jumps. Many Spanish DZs do have BPA instructors as well, so check when you book which system they use.

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