
Was this a good deal?

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Although, kind of odd that the reserve is smaller than the main ]

Wow! Times certainly have changed when someone finds this "odd". The change to much smaller main canopies - thereby making the reserves bigger in comparison - isn't that old. It also indicates how few people actually know the history of the sport.

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Remeber that the PDR193 is actually larger than that as well.

Even to someone jumping a Spectre? I thought that all PD canopies were measured the same way.

To the guy that started this thread, the reserve canopy flies a bit differently than the main. Try to get a demo canopy(the 193 reserve) from PD and jump it as a main.

It seems to be a pretty good deal.


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Sounds like a decent deal to me. Although, kind of odd that the reserve is smaller than the main :S

Hehehe......I remember having the opposite thought a number of years ago when I downsized and realized, "Huh, my main is smaller than my reserve?"

You're right....how times have changed.
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To the guy that started this thread, the reserve canopy flies a bit differently than the main. Try to get a demo canopy(the 193 reserve) from PD and jump it as a main.

It is a good idea to demo a reserve to check out how it flies. I find my PD reserve handles very similar to my Spectre my Spectre is a 170 and my reserve is a PD 176
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