
Experienced pilots

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hmmmmmm do you think that the pro swoopers never tumbled ever?


Damned if I do, damned if I don't answer this honestly.

PRO swoopers are excellent canopy pilots, however, there are aspects of the competition I simply will never understand.

I personally think points should be deducted for contact with the surface of the earth (not water) with anything other than the soles of one's feet.
quade -
The World's Most Boring Skydiver

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It's called an uncontrolled airport for a reason. ;)

I have flown at uncontrolled all over this nation. Its the incorrect and misspronounced that is hard to deal with.

I think you maybe missed the point I was trying to make; ain't nobody required to talk to nobody.

See and be seen.

I have been hanging out at uncontrolled airports all over the Houston area watching planes landing patterns and listening to their radio announcements.......not much different than canopy landing patterns, but every once in a while someone will make a straight in approach and screw everyone in the pattern.........I have yet to hear any pilot tell them to enter the pattern and wait their turn to land!:D:D:D:D

"Some call it heavenly in it's brilliance,
others mean and rueful of the western dream"

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Out on the west and east coast there are a great many flight schools that cater to overseas students. Due to the cost of getting rated through commercial-double I- ATP in their homelands can be very cost prohibitive.

On the west coast we get enough students that still haven't captured the english language or more importantly some of the meanings during pattern annoucement. This is strictly the fault of their CFIs for releasing them for solo flight. You would be amazed at some radio calls by rote that don't pertain to anything they are actually doing in the pattern. And the lack of understanding of what the ten other guys in the pattern are doing.

I have actually heard several of the ten other guys yell back over the radio at such backaroos if it happens enough. It usually at least gets the attention of the FBO who's plane they are courting disaster in.

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Not sure if we are talking about piloting airplanes or parachutes…

I think the OP was addressing "Canopy Piloting" no?
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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