
Beer at Perris this Sat

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ok beer people, beer's on its way. I already owe a case for jumping my own rig and (god willing and weather permitting) I might owe another one for my A license this Saturday.

so... cast your vote on the type of beer you'd like to see. I know that Corona and New Castle will be appreciated by some, any other preferences?

also being new to the traditions, what's the best time/place to drop off beer? Do I just set it on the table at bomb shelter at the beginning of the day and let anyone help him/her-self or what? it might be a busy day for me as I'll try to fit 2 coach jumps, hop'n'pop and a test that day, so I want to clear the beer question right now :)

looking forward for some pointers :) thanks!

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Hmm...I always just bring a cooler full of beer to the dropzone because there will likely be several firsts every day I jump. Its up to everyone else to grab one if they want but I would never just leave a case of beer at the Bombshelter!!!

BTW you got a rig before your license?? Whoa...Oh yeah to answer your post. Miller High Life.
Someday Never Comes

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When I graduated from AFF, Farney was kind enough to drive me to the grocery store in town (Stater's Brothers or something I believe they were called). I bought one or two cases or Bud there, as well as some bags of ice cubes, and Tim was kind enough to lend me his ice box. I personally handed the beer out to those who had helped me (instructor or not) or had otherwise been kind to me.

Except of course for Grayson, who for some reason wanted a Smirnoff Ice...

Alphons (yes, I did bring Grayson his girlie Vodka-based drink B|)
And five hundred entirely naked women dropped out of the sky on parachutes.
-- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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3,2,1, to the bonfire.

well, from what I've read having bad beer karma leads to very dire consequences, so I don't see how discussing such an important part of BSR can belong to a bonfire ;)

but point well taken, I think I might have made a mistake by posting here :)

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So far this thread hasn't been moved to Bonfire so perhaps your initial choice of forum was right...

And five hundred entirely naked women dropped out of the sky on parachutes.
-- The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy

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also being new to the traditions, what's the best time/place to drop off beer?

This probably doesn't apply in California, but in theocracies like Oklahoma and South Carolina, beer can be hard to come by on Sunday. Either you can't get it at all or you can only get 3.2% beer. One way to get loved by all is to hold some beer in reserve (like stashed in your car trunk) on Saturday. Don't forget to go out sometime on Sunday afternoon and get some ice and cool it down. Then on Sunday evening when everyone is depressed because they drank all the beer on Saturday, you can pull some cold "real beer" (>3.2%) out of your trunk and be a hero.

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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thank you all for replying. we had tons of fun saturday night especially after 5 people from Air Trash showed up... man they are funny. such a wonderful celebration of our first license. Now I cannot even imagine that some people don't observe beer rules.. they are totally missing out :D

Blue skies!

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I want to echo Mr. Woosh's comment. The Air Trash members just seemed to have crawled out of the woodworks when they saw us carrying the beer this weekend :D.

From the singing and story telling in the packing area to further debauchery in the Bombshelter, we have much thank them and everyone who showed up.

And apparently, we did some more firsts so we still owe the dz more beer next time we're around! Hope to meet more of you great people then. ;)

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as an "alcoholic to be", whats all the reasons to buy beer for everyone else anyway?

and what was this "S-D-F" again? something along the line of one asking: "what do you love to do?" (Skydive-Drink-Fuck)
“Some may never live, but the crazy never die.”
-Hunter S. Thompson
"No. Try not. Do... or do not. There is no try."

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Do a forum search on "EFS" and on "beer rules." Both topics have been covered extensively.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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