
Skydiving Photos

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I am currently working on my skydiving related website and got no photos as I am not a camera-diver due to my lack of jumps (80 so far).
I am looking for pictures of tandems, solojumpers and groups... no matter what as long as they are nice/cool/crazy.
oh, one more thing: as I am using the photos as background images - it would be nice if the people are "complete", so no cut off arms or missing legson the photos ;)

I hope I am not asking for too much and would be thankful if I could use your photos!

blue skies

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I wouldnt worry about it, anyone who can afford "laser safety glasses " for his dog isnt short of cash :P

I didn't buy laser safety glasses for my dog... I just borrowed them to take the picture... :D:P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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hm, cant remember asking you for money, did I?

thanks all for being so friendly & helpful

No... but it does cost a lot of money for those that do take pictures to put together their equipment (cameras, helmets, what not...), gain experience, etc...

not that I have a whole lot... of experience that is... :D

I'm sorry I was so flippant about it... I probably shouldn't have been... but... hrm... its important to realize that there is a lot more depth to your "simple" request then you might first think... :|:)
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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hm, as you apparently do skydiving/photos for living and not for fun (as i do) i can understand your point.

I just wanted to make a website with nice pics to motivate other people to do that great sport but I'll have to wait for another year or two and do a couple of hundred jumps more. Then I'll also be a professional skydiver as you are and will try to sell my photos to someone who was asking for a few pics to use on his website and hopefully get all the money I invested in my boring job as a skydiving-photographer back, buy a villa, my own airplane and have 100s of blonde girls with big t*ts around me adoring me and asking me to shoot some photos of them... [could go on and on with this story ;)]


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actually I do take skydiving photos for fun... I don't do it as a profession.

I don't really have a whole lot of photos to share... (at least that I haven't already shared some or other on this website...)

your welcome to search for them... and if you find them... feel free to use them... just... be sure to credit them to me... :P
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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actually I do take skydiving photos for fun... I don't do it as a profession.

I thought so, my post was intentionally ironic anyways ;)

to be more specific now for what reason I need the photos here a further explanation:

I make the website for a (at the moment as we are a startup) non-commercial skydive club.
we are a few friends that started skydiving a few years ago at a dropzone in **** (don't want to publish the country as you never know who is reading this post ;)) but we were just not happy with the things that were going on there (promises that were not held by the dropzone owner such as planes that did not come, being unfriendly to people that did not do more than 100+ jumps a year and so on...)
So we decided to make our own thing and bought a plane because we wanted to have fun and not being slaves of a tyrant.

p.s.: as we need a few hundred tandems to break even with our expenses I cant offer any money...

p.p.s.: I hope my situation is clearer now and I hope that I'll get a few nice pics from people who don't just do everything for money and help out someone who just wants to have fun! (and - of course - get the 100 blonde girls and the villa ;))

p.p.p.s.: If your pictures are really nice I'll send you a few pics of the 100 naked girls as soon as they want to get photographed by me :P

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So you have started a commercial operation you will be making money from and want us to supply you with free promotional photos for your advertising website?

Since you are running Tandems, do any of your TI's have personal photos you could use?


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he could go to the photography forum and solicit pics from beginners in exchange for photo credits too

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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