IcarusNeededAAD 0 #1 January 5, 2007 Well convincing the parents has become quite a task, from looking around at other posts it seems that this is pretty common. However my case is a bit different: my parents don’t seem to care that much about the safety aspect, more so they keep telling me that I would just be wasting money and if I wanted a thrill I should just start riding roller costars. For me I found skydiving so much more than an adrenalin rush, as I know many of you feel the same way, I found it as total freedom. However, when your attached to an instructor there is only so much you can experience. I have tried to explain this too them but the responses I get in return are “It only last for minute and it costs too much,” “falling out of an airplane doesn’t take skill, fine something more difficult,” (attempted to tell them about all of the different disciplines, but their still not convinced). I’ve spent hours on the net researching, reading articles, posts, and watching movies to try to better answer their questions but I am kind of at a lost. Things they are worried about: -I am spending way too much and not learning good money management -I’m going to get board with it and try BASE jumping (then the safety lectures start) -It doesn’t take skill to fall -The thrill only last for 1 min and that is not worth 40$ -I don’t know what I’m talking about I’m just being obsessive/a stupid 19year old (this is possible ‘cause right now all I can think about is how much I want to be looking out of the plane door again) As of now I could not possibly imagine this sport becoming boring, I could see how the rush of “oh I just jumped out of a plane” would wear off,” but I can’t see it becoming boring, and even if it did it seems like there is so much to do with it such as: wing suit, sky surfing, free fly, etc (not BASE as I have promised my parents 1,000 times). Are there people that do become bored and drift out of the sport?? Any advice would be mucho appreciated -Ben"Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jarrodh 0 #2 January 5, 2007 Take them for a jump. That will cure em Its ridiculous for them to tell you shit about how to spend YOUR money. Your an adult and unless spending money theyve given you for school or something then tell em to fuck off. (probably not a good choice of words) You should bring them out to a dropzone, it will show them really what skydiving is about and how technical/difficult it can be. EDITED TO ADD: I dont where you are paying 40 dollars for a jump! Unless its a coach jump or something tickets should only be around 22-23 bucks. You have a funny user name.2 BITS....4 BITS....6 BITS....A DOLLAR!....ALL FOR THE GATORS....STAND UP AND HOLLER!!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
packing_jarrett 0 #3 January 5, 2007 It is expensive if your not in the sport. But if you hang out at the dropzone and get a job at the DZ then its really cheap (relatively speaking). For me I learned how to pack parachutes. 5 pack jobs got me one student jump. Now 2 pack jobs will get me up in the air.Na' Cho' Cheese Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
LearningTOfly 0 #4 January 5, 2007 Skydiving is one of the more expensive methods to partake in excessive consumption. Mostly because it involves burning Avgas or Jet A. The call is yours- it's a lot of money, and not a lot of benefit... except for personal entertainment. It's a leisure actuvity... like rock climbing, or kayaking, or mountain biking... but we burn excessive amounts of oil in pursuit of thrill. It's like burning $20's to watch the cool colors... but, we do it anyways. And don't look back. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
scratch69 0 #5 January 5, 2007 Advice : - listen to parents - quit skydiving immediately - go to community college - take generic business course - graduate with 2.00 GPA - look for career - continue looking for purpose in life - find Walmart - get a management position at Walmart (cause of the diploma) - marry high school sweetheart - buy small house - have 2.3 kids and 1.2 pets - buy minivan - raise family - get divorced - rent bachelor apartment - buy a used corvette - date a stripper - die of heart attack at age 49 Now that's where its at!! Of course, thats just my opinion. - - i was sent here to disturb the peace - - Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
MagicGuy 0 #6 January 5, 2007 Ha, money management. My idea of money management is.. how many jumps can I make if I sell my TV? Damn my car payment is 250.. that's like 12 jumps! All expenses will be looked at as in how many jumps you could make with that same amount of money. My mom isn't thrilled with me skydiving but she has come to accept it. She knows it makes me happier than anything else could and of course, wants to see me happy. I wouldn't try to *convince* them, persay. But do learn more about the sport and pass your knowledge onto them. Maybe with time they will become more understanding. If not, jump anyways!!! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Froggy 0 #7 January 5, 2007 Heh... Couple of things... First off, 19 yrs is not quite the same as 16 or so -- try thinking seriously whether you actually HAVE to convince your parents or not. Sure, I know nothing about your specific situation, but you are an adult, for all I care. Second, it might work to give them a chance to try it for themselves... My mom was really concerned when I started skydiving (well, I had an advantage of being grown up and living my own life for a long time, of course, but her being uncomfortable still bothered me). Then one weekend I took her to the DZ with me, and she decided to go for a tandem (and I swear, it was totally HER decision). Guess what? Her first words after landing were: "It was so great, I want to do it again! Now I understand WHY people would get hooked on this!" Problem solved! -------------- We were not born to fly. And all we can do is to try not to fall... Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
johnny1488 1 #8 January 5, 2007 Forget skydiving, and start researching something called "death camp". That should be were you focus your attention. Dont let your parents stop you from doing what you want. Johnny --"This ain't no book club, we're all gonna die!" Mike Rome Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jbanning 0 #9 January 5, 2007 Your parents claim skydiving takes no skill, get them in a windtunnel and watch them bounce off the glass. My parents wer not thrilled when I started, but they have supported my dreams no matter what they are. You only live once and life goes so quickly! I being a skydiver will fill a void in your life, DO IT!!!! You only get 1 shot @ this life, you do not want to look back 20 years from now and wonder.....what if?.................Blue skies Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
cocheese 0 #10 January 5, 2007 Tell them: some people talk about their dreams, while others live them. Tell them you love them. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IcarusNeededAAD 0 #11 January 5, 2007 QuoteBut if you hang out at the dropzone and get a job at the DZ then its really cheap (relatively speaking). that's a good idea, I'll have to look into that when I get back down there. Do you have to be pretty experienced before they would consider you? QuoteForget skydiving, and start researching something called "death camp". like auschwitz?? I'm confused Quoteit might work to give them a chance to try it for themselves... haha oh man if only I could convince them to do that I think this would be a lot easier, or it could backfire horribly, not sure Thank you guys for your responses."Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
floridadiver81 0 #12 January 5, 2007 People that dont/never had sjydived before most commonly think that all skydivers are crazy. Most ask why they do it. we give them reason and they think we bullshit. Saying we are crazy and suicidal blah blah blah. Your parents are thinking of that same path. they will never understand it...as well as others that have never done it..unless they do it. You are 19 years old..and we dont know your current living situation but leagally you are an adult and fully capable of making your own decisions. if you can pay for it yourself...there shouldnt be a problem. Im kinda almost int he same situation. Im in the military....so think of the military as my "parents" so to speak. They know im doing it(i start aff tomorrow), they think im crazy and they dont want me to do it(something like im too valuable at work to lose me to an outside the navy accident...blah blah blah). Do you think that is stopping me? Fuck no. Everyone at Skyive Palatka will be seeing my ass there at 9am in the morning ready to start my ground school. The military cant stop me from doing something that i love to do..and if your parents really loved you they SHOULD support you in anything you want to do. Like someone stated above....you only have ONE life..and its YOUR'S..not THEIRS. Dont let them stop you in doing something that you want to do. Life is to short to let things jsut go by. "Age has absolutely nothing to do with knowledge, learning, respect, attitude, or personality." -yardhippie "Fight the air, and the air will kick your ass!!! "-Specialkaye Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IanHarrop 42 #13 January 5, 2007 I started jumping in 1976, stopped jumping in 1987, started jumping again in 2003... I'm 50 years old, my mother is 82 and she still hates me jumping. This may be a problem you can't fix."Where troubles melt like lemon drops, away above the chimney tops, that's where you'll find me" Dorothy Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJmikeD 0 #14 January 5, 2007 Well when I started jumping, My mother was not crazy about it and My dad loved the idea. My mom came around when I told her that I was selling my motorcycle to buy gear. That perked her up and she said have fun. As for the comment about will this get boaring. Well I started in July 06 I have done 76 jumps Got my B Licnese, Bought new gear, and spent a but load of money doing it. Now 6 months later I am Board. Every jump I take seems like I could fall asleep. I live only 30 min. away from the drop zone and I can't even bring myself to taking the time out of my day to put my gear in the car let alone drive there.>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>>> Ok I can not keep a straight face any longer, why lie, to date it is the best thing I ever got involved in. I am planning on jumping on the coldest day of the year this weekend just because it may be clear outside. No matter what I do on a dive from getting in the plain to packing my rig. I love every second of it. Anybody have any advice on how to keep the little guys warm on a cold day. HE He. "Falling is the easy part, Landing smoothly is the most importent part! -DJ Mike Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RogerRamjet 0 #15 January 5, 2007 -I am spending way too much and not learning good money management True -I’m going to get board with it and try BASE jumping (then the safety lectures start) Possibly, but at least you're not starting with BASE. -It doesn’t take skill to fall This is true, from the most skilled to the least skilled jumper, they all fall when they exit the aircraft. -The thrill only last for 1 min and that is not worth 40$ They can not know this if they have not tried it. -I don’t know what I’m talking about I’m just being obsessive/a stupid 19year old (this is possible ‘cause right now all I can think about is how much I want to be looking out of the plane door again) For me it was 20 ----------------------- Roger "Ramjet" Clark FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RogerRamjet 0 #16 January 5, 2007 QuoteI started jumping in 1976, stopped jumping in 1987, started jumping again in 2003... I'm 50 years old, my mother is 82 and she still hates me jumping. This may be a problem you can't fix. I started in 1973 and stopped in 1980. At the end of this month I'm going to make a few jumps in Deland and my Mom (89) is not too thrilled but understands. My parents came to watch me jump one time at Z-Hills when I had around 500 jumps. Afterwards, they said, ok we saw it and you seem to know what you're doing. They never came out again and still worried about me even though they got a better understanding of what I was doing. ----------------------- Roger "Ramjet" Clark FB# 271, SCR 3245, SCS 1519 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
kkeenan 14 #17 January 5, 2007 If this is a problem, come back when you consider yourself a grown-up._____________________________________ Dude, you are so awesome... Can I be on your ash jump ? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #18 January 5, 2007 QuoteIf this is a problem, come back when you consider yourself a grown-up. Agreed. To the OP: Cut the apron strings and stop trying to convince your parents, or anyone else, of anything. You don't need their approval. Stop trying to explain. They will never understand. Ever. You want to jump? Shut up and jump. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DougH 270 #19 January 5, 2007 QuoteQuoteIf this is a problem, come back when you consider yourself a grown-up. Agreed. To the OP: Cut the apron strings and stop trying to convince your parents, or anyone else, of anything. You don't need their approval. Stop trying to explain. They will never understand. Ever. You want to jump? Shut up and jump. My guess is that the OP still derives a good deal of financial support from his parents. I don't know many 19yo's who are paying their own rent, and schooling, without their parents help. I could be wrong, but if his parents are paying for him to eat, and keeping a roof over his head, then I could see them not approving with his using his "discretionary" income for fun. If they aren't providing your support than grow up and jump!!! Otherwise tough noogies!!!"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall" =P Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #20 January 6, 2007 QuoteMy guess is that the OP still derives a good deal of financial support from his parents. I don't know many 19yo's who are paying their own rent, and schooling, without their parents help. That was my guess, too. I started jumping at age 18 when I was a college freshman. My dad hated it and threatened to cut me off. I never told my mom; and as for my dad, I just never mentioned it again. "Don't ask, don't tell" worked for us. Frankly, if he'd asked, I'd have told him I wasn't jumping and then just kept jumping behind his back. You gotta do what you gotta do. But seeking the approval, or even understanding, of whuffo family members, is pointless - not just IMO, but based on my own experiences. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
IcarusNeededAAD 0 #21 January 6, 2007 hahaha true just saying "get the hell off my back, it's my life" would most likly work. but yes, seeing as they are paying for me to go to college out of respect for them I would at least like to get their blessing. I'm not looking to make them gung-ho about it or even for them to encourage it, I'm just looking for ways to help them better understand my point of view."Life's journey is not to arrive at the grave safely in a well preserved body, but rather to skid in sideways, totally worn out, shouting "...holy shit...what a ride!" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Andy9o8 2 #22 January 6, 2007 Quotehahaha true just saying "get the hell off my back, it's my life" would most likly work. but yes, seeing as they are paying for me to go to college out of respect for them I would at least like to get their blessing. I'm not looking to make them gung-ho about it or even for them to encourage it, I'm just looking for ways to help them better understand my point of view. Why do they need to understand your point of view? They don't. The truth is: you still feel that you need them to understand your point of view. Actually what it really is, is that you want them to validate you, to say "it's ok that you do that". You may not realize it (yet), but that's really what's going on inside of your head. As long as you want (need) their "blessing", that gives them the ability to control you by depriving you of it for being a bad boy, or granting it to you for being a good boy. All people, if they are to truly grow up, need to get past the emotional baggage of that psychological threshhold with their parents. Once you realize that, and stop instinctively needing, and seeking, your parents' validation, it will be quite liberating, believe me. And, in the meantime, if it means doing your own activities, like skydiving, without your parents knowing about it (if you can manage that), then that's what you have to do. Your parents may view that as "sneaking around behind their backs", but so what? Being an adult means your parents no longer define you; you define yourself. Adults don't owe a duty to keep their lives an open book to anyone (except maybe their spouses), including their parents. When you're 39, your parents aren't going to know every damn thing you do; and by that time, that will be normal both to you and to them. If you're truly an adult, even a young one, there's no reason why that process can't begin now. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tbrown 26 #23 January 6, 2007 Well there's always crystal meth..... Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity ! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Suavel 0 #24 January 6, 2007 It's a problem though when his parents say "Fine, go be an adult." and pull his college funding. Then he has a skydiving addiction and a tuition bill. (read: oil + water) I'm just glad that my dad drove me to the dropzone the day I started static line. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Digitalmafia 0 #25 January 6, 2007 I think its swell that at 19 you are looking for your parents to back you or ok your jumping - but they are making arguments about a subject they know nothing about. Honestly, no offense, but stop being a pussy and go live your life - get a small side job or something to make jump cash - jump. Free advice: dont go to mom n dad when you end up with two sorority girls after ten beers at a house party...JUMP! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites