
Packing Woes

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So I got my new Wings/Sabre 2 a week ago and finally took some time today to practice packing it. I found out that I have exactly 1/2 of a second from the time I squeeze the air out of the cacoon to get the s-folds in it and into the d-bag before it nearly fully re-inflates![:/]

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Ah yes, the woes of a newbie packing brand new ZP for the first time... okay, I'm not laughing at you, just near you... :P just kidding... we've all been there... :)

You can do a search on the forums and find lots of stuff on this and I'm sure others will be along with lots of "do this... don't do that" comments, but its really hard to expalin in words... at least for me, it is :$... how to pack new ZP, but much much easier to "show". Anyway, as techniques can varry, my 2 cents to you is to find someone on the DZ you trust to show you how to bag new ZP.

Good Luck.


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I don't know if you found it with a search, but you can try psycho packing. Icarus recomends it for the Safire and Omni, and it makes it way easier for new ZP. You can check it out here http://www.icaruscanopies.aero/canopies/Safire/packing.htm or there's a more detailed version if you download the safire owners manual here: http://www.icaruscanopies.aero/order_forms/ownersmanual.htm.Good luck!

Sean LR
God made firefighters so paramedics would have heroes...and someone can put out the trailer fires.

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So I got my new Wings/Sabre 2 a week ago and finally took some time today to practice packing it. I found out that I have exactly 1/2 of a second from the time I squeeze the air out of the cacoon to get the s-folds in it and into the d-bag before it nearly fully re-inflates![:/]


Hey one thing that works really well for me...here goes:

Once you have the parachute in its "cacoon", take the top of the cacoon and "S" fold it down as you would usually do last. This is much easier to contain. Put that in the bag. Then take the bottom of the cacoon that is still sticking out of the bag (keep your slider high & tight!!!), and stuff it into the bag making what would essentially normally be your first "s" fold. Just make sure your slider stays in and doesn't slip out.

Probably doesn't make much sense to you. Its hard to articulate. But if you can follow what I said it helped me out a lot.
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I don't know if you found it with a search, but you can try psycho packing. Icarus recomends it for the Safire and Omni, and it makes it way easier for new ZP. You can check it out here http://www.icaruscanopies.aero/canopies/Safire/packing.htm or there's a more detailed version if you download the safire owners manual here: http://www.icaruscanopies.aero/order_forms/ownersmanual.htm.Good luck!

Sean LR

I know that Icarus recommends the psyco pack, but I own a Safire 2 and pro pack it every time without any issues. Just a FYI for the OP.
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Lots of good advise...and some not so good on the ol search on packing tips etc.......

Best tip I have recieved is to reach under and grab a mitt full of canopy after cacooning...that way once you get up...the new ZP dosent "balloon" near as much.

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Well, I went back at it and it just ain't goin in there! I know it fits because when I got it from my rigger and opened it up it was in there all neat and pretty. I'm going over to his place this weekend to go through it a few times.

I really want to get it down so that I can get some jumps in at eloy. I'm going to be there in about a week and I don't want to spend the whole time trying to pack!
Good, Better, Best, never let it rest 'till your good better and your better best

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Your story sounds nearly identical to mine. At about the same jump numbers I bought a 170sabre 2 and had to fit it in a TSE d-bag that was for a 150 to 170 canopy. Good news is once you get this mastered packing will never be any harder. Unlike others who learn on used canopies and then buy a brand one and then struggle to bag it.

Your packing time should be under an hour within the next few pack jobs;)

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Get a 150 hornet and a 170 D-bag

Your lines are a little messy, with a little practice it will get cleaner and reduce the chances of tension knots. One thing I do notice from your pictures is the tail (the piece behind the rubber band) it too long which is inviting a bag lock to provide some additional excitement.

Some here seem to believe that having a larger D-Bag is the solution - if this were the case why wouldn’t the manufacturer have figured this out? Chances are if you have a D-bag and canopy that are made for each other and it is not fitting then you just need to practice a little more.

One last thing, I would not allow my dog that close to my stuff - for some reason dogs love to tinkle on canopies when our backs are turned.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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I have exactly 1/2 of a second from the time I squeeze the air out of the cacoon to get the s-folds in it and into the d-bag before it nearly fully re-inflates!

Try using a piece of carpet to assist in getting all the air out, I use an old inflatable mattress, works great.

Also when you go from S-fold to getting your D-bag around the canopy, try using your knees to help hold the shape of the folded canopy.

Hard to explain over the internet.

Learning how to pack is well worth the investment of time. If you pay for 100 pack jobs, that money could go towards quite a few jump tickets and if you pay for 1000 pack jobs, well that is enough money to buy a new rig!

Keep practicing! Packing only sucks untill you get good at it, then it still sucks, but for a much smaller amount of time...
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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Even easier is cocooning the canopy, then folding it in half and stuffing the folds into the top corners of the d-bag. Then S-fold the top part of the canopy and shove it deep into the d-bag. Finish by S-folding the bottom part of the canopy and shoving it into the middle of the d-bag.
It also helps if kneel on the top corners of the orange label and slide the d-bag under your knees. .. this method is easier to demonstrate than type over the internet.

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The rolling step - of psycho-packing - makes it far easier to stuff a new canopy into the d-bag.

I rolled canopies far several years before ever hearing about psycho-packing.

And to all those people who are arfraid of psycho-packing: HAH!
Psycho-packing is just a minor variation on PRO-packing. People have been psycho-packing for a decade or so, with only a tiny malfunction rate.

In conclusion, psycho-packing is the easiest way to stuff new canopies into d-bags.

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When I had my new Wings/Sabre2 rig (stolen 12/26/06), I had the same problems. Did the reverse-S packing and it seemed to work alright. Was at Eloy and paid the $6/pack to keep jumping. Save your beer money and just have someone pack it for you.

Blue skies

I'm fairly new to skydiving but grew up on the dropzone. As much as it sucks to learn how to pack on your own...I don't recommend paying a packer until it is required (i.e. you are instructing, doing videos). This typically means you have a higher license and have been jumping for some time. I know everyone has a different view on this but its my thoughts that not only are you taking the time to learn how to pack but you are also learning about your gear. I don't see the value in getting more and more jumps in withouth truely understanding the equipment you are jumping.

Plus, I like my beer!!:P Can't save that money to pay packers!
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