
stolen log book

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There's nothing in your profile to indicate where you are, where you jump, any organizations you might belong to, or how much experience you have so your question is hard to answer.

If you're in the USA and you've jumped at one DZ most of the time they can probably help you recreate your log book if you don't have many jumps.
Owned by Remi #?

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Yep. You'll have to re-take the FJC and do AFF or SL over again, of course. Maybe if you talk to the DZO they'll give you a break on the costs . . .

Just kidding. Easiest thing to do is to get a new logbook and reconstruct as best you can from memory. You'll be able to get your instructors to sign off that you graduated (and that you did coach jumps etc) and you'll probably be able to get people to sign off the rest. If all else fails, ask manifest for load sheets, go through them, and get the pilot to sign off the loads he flew with you.

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Wouldnt the USPA have a copy of your application as you FAXed or mailed it in? They'd definitely have a record of your "b" license being issued. That doesn't help with the other 24 jumps, but it should rate acceptance of your license. Seems to me the worst you'd have to do is pay for a recurrency jump, no?
My logbook was stolen from a locker in Hawaii, so now I keep my electronic logbook both in my laptop and as a backup file on the web in an FTP location.

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Maybe chec k with Calvin. Maybe he could forge you a new one. :D:D:D

Sorry if this was inappororiate. I'veb een drinking, so mods, feel free to delete. I was jus t sjoking.

I actually think that is funny as hell and something I would say if you had not beaten me to it.

Hey are the Wissota Shockers still around?

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Maybe chec k with Calvin. Maybe he could forge you a new one

Girl you rock. :D:D

To the original poster, depending on the software the DZ uses they can at the very least tell you when you jumped, buy a new log book.... write it down, get the latest one signed. I keep my log book seperate from my gear bag just incase someone wants my gearbag. Ive lost one and the thing that sucked the most was the loss of signatures and drunken quotes... (I got my book back though) Good luck...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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To the OP: Dude--That sucks. I'm sorry. I should have said that in my original post. I write a novel for each jump so I would be totally crushed if I lost my log book.

To LMWB and Spence: Thank you. I take a bow. It was literally the first thing that popped into my head when I was reading it and couldn't help but hit the reply button.

Spence: The Shockers pretty much disbanned after this year. Soden moved to Dallas, haven't seen much of Mo, Tallant has been around a little bit, and well, Todd, he lives in the hanger now, so he's always there. Todd will probably go back to Gang Green and then I'm sure (I hope) that some of us newbies create a team next spring/summer, just to get our foot in the door of the competition world and have some fun.

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This is why I've taken to sitting down every so often and scanning in the most recently completed pages of my log book and saving them as simple PDF files... Doesn't take too long and is probably worth it, just in case...
Skydiving is more than a sport and more than a job: skydiving is pure passion and desire which will fill a lifetime.

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jumpdr...thats a good idea, i'm suprise with me being a computer geek I didn't think of that...cool advice

to the OP, I highly recommend the scanning thing, I had to reconstruct mine after Katrina, the storm took it all away, but I had my computer...I know better now.

Oh, one more piece of advice...take your license tests at the appropriate number and SEND IT TO USPA! I had my signed off A license paperwork for 10 years before I sent it to USPA.

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