
Broken finger?

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I'm trying to decide if I should get this messed up right middle swollen finger checked out by a doctor...or "doctor" myself.

Been a while since I messed up my fingers, and I THINK that it IS NOT broken...But it is still swollen and hurting since saturday when I stupidly put out my hand when I slid in a little to my right side on landing...

I want to move a long a little faster to finish up my training...and get my A. Don't want this to hold me back any!

thanx- LiLa

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well, you're not packing yet and you can just flick people off while comming down under canopy w/ toggles in hand, lol

I've jammed my fingers seriously hard before and had them hurt for a week and a half. you'll know if your bone is broken or not.

but hey, if it's cheap, why not get it checked out? :)

are you gonna be out there this weekend?

we're goin on today to get in some fun jumper loads, you should come out and make some w/ us. call ahead though. but yeah, i'll be there wed. thurs. fri. sat. sun. come on out!

Good luck w/ your A, get workin on that A Card!

blue skies!

*looks up* yeees, they aRE!


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You should definetely get it checked out.
I once hit my hand not so hard on a patch of ice while
snowboarding, and my thumb was really swollen.. Didnt hurt that much but I got it checked out and there was a partial fracture.
You probably shouldnt jump with any kind of hand injury though.. but it should heal pretty fast.

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when I stupidly put out my hand when I slid in a little to my right side on landing...

I did that, too. Mine didn't get TOO swollen, but it was painful. I ended up leaving it and not going to the Dr. I think the joint will have arthritis one day, because it still hurts a bit compared to my others, and it was about 4 months back. In other words, i'd go get it checked out if I were you.


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Went & got finger looked at.

It is maybe a hairline fracture, most likely just sprained due to hard jam/dislocation when I landed.
That reflex to put your hands out to catch your balance gets ya HURT! OUCH!

Good thing I've always liked milk AND inherited good bones from my Celtic & Nordic ancestors!

Will jump this Saturday AND Sunday.

See ya Then!

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exact same thing happened to me on my reserve ride 2 weeks ago..except to an index finger..

the swelling went away after a couple of days. but kept hurting, and movement felt weird. then after feeling it a little i noticed the joint felt different than on the other hand, and it doenst bend the same exact way :D
in my case i'm going to a doctor though, as soon as my new job sends out the health benefits plan :|

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Will jump this Saturday AND Sunday

I partially dislocated one of my fingers oin my left ( reserve side) hand. Ever since, when it gets cold its hard to bend my fingers ... as in it could be a bitch to grab my reserve pillow.. SOOOOO I replaced the pillow with a low profile silver that I could get with my thumb and or other fingers easily even if I could not bend the finger that got dislocated.

Check to make sure you can still pull your reserve even with the wounded hand.

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Good point about making sure I can still grab the reserve handle with this hurt hand!

Swelling is coming down, but hurt the middle joint- so it is stiff...Motrin is helping, but I'm toughing it out too much... I think...

AND I haven't done ice or heat YET...[:/]

I'd love some insight if you'd help me out here.


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The injury was the middle joint on my ring finger.. and it is susceptible to reinjury...and is one reason I had the WORST landing at the rope swing at the lake :Pof anyone else this year at the Boogie in Lost Prairie.. I did not have as much strength in my left hand so I slipped off the rope swing when I let some slack in it. I scared the shit out of a bunch of people watching as I barely made it into only 1 ft of water.

I immobilized mine for a couple weeks but it did not seem to help.. it now is sore every morning when I wake up... and hurts till I get it moving. Cold at this point is pointless for you.. in fact cold just makes mine hurt more.. heat may help.. but immobilize it as mush as you can.. and give the joint time to heal.

Good luck.

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Hi Amazon!

Yeah injuried joints are a bugger! Work last night was TOUGH:S! Still needed to work hard lifting, carrying etc...The brace is just a nuicance!

Just gonna tape the fingers together, take LOTS of Motrin...and GET ON WITH IT!

I'll just throw a bag of FROZEN PEAS in the work freezer to ice my digit during breaks if it gets:P TOO OUCHY!

Gonna tough it out and make things work out better!

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Good point about making sure I can still grab the reserve handle with this hurt hand!

Swelling is coming down, but hurt the middle joint- so it is stiff...Motrin is helping, but I'm toughing it out too much... I think...

AND I haven't done ice or heat YET...[:/]

I'd love some insight if you'd help me out here.


Dropzone.com is a site about skydiving. If you have concerns about your injury, the smart thing would be to go see a Doctor. Injuries to the hands, if not delt with properly. can give you problems for the rest of your life. Asking skydivers hov to treat an injury is like asking the Doctor to pack your reserve, not to bright. How is that for insight?
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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>Asking skydivers hov to treat an injury is like asking the Doctor to pack your reserve, not to bright.

Unless the doctor in question is Amy, of course.

Amy is the exception. Not everyone has a Doctor, rigger and wife all in one woman.:P
My idea of a fair fight is clubbing baby seals

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I dunno about that.

I grew up in a big family
& we doctored ourselves up A LOT!

Give me a MAMA or PAPA with lots of kids,
and I can bet they know their share of doctoring!

Medics, ex-military...we all got tips to dish out.

I've done some doctoring on others MYSELF, and I'm by no means a nurse NOR doctor...
...But in the course of a life of B|OW-ies you DO learn a thing or two!

...Especially if you have lived
any sort of adventurous life.

My finger is healing up ok- but stiff middle joint!

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