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ahem, it's freaking easy to say this if you're a woman sized in the mid 5 foot range where appropriate beginner size canopies and containers exist by the thousands.
Yep, I had such an easy time...not. I may be in the mid 5' range, but I'm sort of a "big boned" girl, so to find a rig that was short/small enough that would fit a main big enough was not easy. See the attached picture. That is how my thigh used to look while jumping our club's transition rig, until I started putting oven mitts down my jump suit so I could get the leg straps tight enough because the container was too long. I wouldn't have had this problem if I was 6', 200lbs. So this might be a 'grass is greener on the other side'. I would think it would be easier to find a beginner rig for someone 6', 200lbs than for me. There's more men in this sport, more people that look like you than me. It's all perspective.
QuoteFor those of you who complain that skydiving is expensive:
I know that it's expensive compared to bowling but it's not that bad compared to a fews other "club" kinds of outdoor activities that many people participate in.
Would you rather spend your weekends boating? Go find out how much it costs to buy a decent boat and then rent a slip for it somewhere.
How much does a Harley cost these days?
Honestly, last night I was at a friends house and they were showing me their "aquarium". Let me tell you how easy it is to spend $5000 bucks on fish !!! Not knocking anyone else's hobbies or sports/activities, but I think I will gladly stick to skydiving. The cost of this sport may be a bit high, but who the hell has as much fun as we do ?? I think its all relative and you get what you pay for.
JohnMitchell 16
QuoteGothcha beat, RIP. First rig, a Mark I PC in an extended B-4 surplus container, $125. Still had to rent a reserve for a few months until I got one of those.Quote*** That's a shitty rig for $4,500
FWIW Cost of first set of gear: Military surplus gear, (first owner) after uncle sam, round 7tu round reserve $150 max paid cash.![]()
I've tried to sell used gear from time to time, but it doesn't seem to move, even at a low price. Maybe it's just the contraction of the sport.
rehmwa 2
QuoteFull face helmets? that stuff started with the world class teams so they could crank their points without the distraction of wind and noise.
Not true there, competitive RW has people moving super fast and very close. I have my full face to protect my chin. I prefer the wind and noise, but having taken a few really good shots of knee on chin, and seen a few busted noses, the extra coverage is well worth it.
It wasn't until later than I just found it more comfortable and convenient - and I'm an old frap hat fan originally.
If you just do "fun" jumps and the skill levels aren't so high, or if you have a very impact resistant face, I also wouldn't invest in the full face, a pro-tect if fine.
Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants
I figured if they don't want me to use it for my training dives, I would be able to use it down the line and I am pretty sure I got a good deal at 140, with a brand new spare sheild and padded storage bag.
Anyhow, flame away at my lack of cold tolerance.
Mathew Quigley
Wendy W.
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