
collegiate skydiving clubs...

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We are trying to start a skydiving club at the University of Vermont and have been asked by the activities board to speak first with risk management (University's lawyers) about it first. I was wondering if any of you have any experience will this and how your club worked out an agreement with the university in order to be recognized?


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The club I was in existed to promote awarness of the sport, arrange carpools to the dropzone, and work with the DZ to get deals for club members. What we did once we got to the dropzone was our own business, not a club- or school-sponsored activity. Some college clubs actually do own their own equipment and even airplanes, but I think we were prohibited from doing that for liability purposes.

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The club I was in existed to promote awarness of the sport, arrange carpools to the dropzone, and work with the DZ to get deals for club members. What we did once we got to the dropzone was our own business, not a club- or school-sponsored activity. Some college clubs actually do own their own equipment and even airplanes, but I think we were prohibited from doing that for liability purposes.

That's a good point. Colleges tend to be squirrely about liability and risk management; understandably so, I guess. Remember: if you ask for permission for something, there's the risk you'll be told "no". If the club has no formal "connection" to the school, those concerns are is greatly lessened. Why do you need to be sanctioned by the school? Just put together a group of people, call yourselves a club (without formally being one), carpool and get group discounts (or discounts for bringing students in; that's what we did), and go jump.

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If you can get around the liability with the school lawyers there are lots of benefits of being associated with the school.

Most schools have funding boards and give money to recognized organizations. It is your money that comes out of your fee bill, and if the school is going give the roller hockey team 5k to rent a rink, you might as well get in on it too!!
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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I started skydiving with Louisiana Tech Parachute Team, and the school did put forth some funds to send us to Collegiate Nationals. They also recognized us as athletes, I actually lettered in skydiving, along w quite a few others. Got some looks and comments wearing my letter jacket w USPA wings on it, pretty cool thing. But then came our infamous pool jump (see scary jump stories in history & trivia if you like) and alas, that was the beginning of the end. Best of luck, BSBD

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from the UK, so different liability issues i am sure...

but we had to do a massive risk assesment. I basicly coppied it from the BPA, then the union changed all the risks to 5x5 (death x likely) so i had to go in and explain that a cut away DIDNT reult in certain death:)
the dz should have their own liabiltiy insurance, you are not instructing ANYONE in skydiving,m the dz is doing that. all you are doing is taking people there and booking them onto courses. so the uni shouldnt need insurance for actual skydiving. if you have club equiptment, then that would be a bit different. we have 3 rigs and can't get a clear answer from the uni about where we stand if anyon hurts themselves on our equiptment. but as a new club then you probably wont need to wory about equiptment anyway.

kath x
Leeds University Skydiving Club

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