
Your Skydiving Goals for 2006

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Ive thought of this alot recently, and I have come to a conclusion, that my goals in this sport are on a jump by jump basis...I didnt meet my goal of the amount of jumps I wanted by my one year sky-birthday, and at first I was disappointed in myself. It is then I realzied it is about the quality and not always the numbers.
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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- 250-300 Jumps.
- C License (should happen in the next few weeks.)
- Build Camera Flying skills (mostly for RW)
- Night Jumps
- Ballon Jump
- Get some tunnel time to improve my RW skills.

C license done B|
Livin' on the Edge... sleeping with my rigger's wife...

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Howdy Back :)
My goals as you're asking are :

To pass my 4 Way test jump and get my FS1 so I can get off solo's.

By my own Rig that will fit like a glove.

Break my hundred and then some.

Get my A Licence.

Oh yeh, and have it Large ;)
Fly Like Zie Eagle, Not Like Zie Chicken !
Good advice from an instructor I know.

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To keep jumping, as financial pressures in other areas of life are getting worse and sucking away the money at an unbelievable rate.

I already took a canopy course in Feb., so that's one goal already realized. Hope to jump with my daughter in June when she makes a tandem. This year I need to get up off my belly and learn how to fly on my butt, at least some of the time.

And not get killed, that would be good too.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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1. Make a minimum of 20 jumps per month.
2. Get my C license by August.
3. Make at least 10 night jumps.
4. Make a helicopter jump.
5. Start spending time in the tunnel with Sally teaching.
6. Increase my wing loading.
7. Get an AAD
8. Make a HALO jump.
9. Average at least one new person a month for a tandem.
10.Make some good friends.

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like tbrown I plan to come back to jumping after 20+years away. I am booked in this weekend.

simple objectives:

learn and have fun
dont break me
dont break anyone else

if I can do that for a few months , I will give it some more thought , dont wanna get ahead of myself
regards, Steve
the older I get...the better I was

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Get my 'D' license by the end of the year, preferably by October 12, the three-year anniversary of my first skydive. [...just need 182 more jumps and a written test.]

Attend a 4-way wind tunnel/skydiving camp...

Compete in 4-way...

Get better at spotting...

Milk a cow... [Okay, that's not a skydiving goal, but I know a skydiver who can probably make that lifelong goal happen when I'm at the DZ one day.]
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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stay alive and not get injured, of course. Beyond those:

1. Get my B (I just need to take the test. I've got water training and all that, I'm just lazy)
2. Get my coach rating (Next month!)
3. Night jumps! (once it's warmer)
4. Stable headdown, forward/backward movement, turns, and smooth transitions to sit & stand.
5. Get my C
6. Get an AAD
7. Couch Freaks!
8. Ten jumps in one day
9. Safely downsize to a 190
cavete terrae.

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OK lets see my goals for 2006,
Stay safe and uninjured
Improve landing technique
get my head down happening (I suck at head down)
Get my instructor rating and B rel tutor endorsement
Stay safe and uninjured:)
You are not now, nor will you ever be, good enough to not die in this sport (Sparky)
My Life ROCKS!
How's yours doing?

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Definitely agree with the year with no accident! :D That would be a very good start, then:

1. New Wings container (ordered and paid for YAY! Now it just has to get through customs...)

2. B Licence (hopefully in the next month or so)

3. C Licence then maybe try some camera jumps

4. Start learning how to freefly and get a stable sit by the end of the year (have been waiting for the new container to start learning! :( )
How is it that we put man on the moon before we figured out it would be a good idea to put wheels on luggage?

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Hmmm Skydiving goals....2006

(1) Keep my ass alive
(2) Go Faster that 300MPH average consistently:)(3) Keep my ass alive while doing (2)

(4) Get moved to a warmer place where I can actually skydive most of the year in comfort.... out of Otters and Skyvans :D

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