
Is static line any fun?

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Hello all,

My two day course starts this Thursday. I have had 7 tandem jumps from 13k, however the course will be a series of 10 all solo jumps.

We will start with 3-4 static lines starting at 4k and going up. Then we will move to free fall series from 6 - 13k for the last 6-7 jumps.

Being as how I have never done a static line, will it being any fun at all? I know it will be a 2-3 second fall and immediately the chute opens and you guide yourself to the LZ.

Anyone have static line experience, words of wisdom so I know what to expect. Is it gonna suck? :S

Hey Thanks for any info!

{edited for spelling}
No Worries, You're Good!

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Of course! You've not done it before. I take it you are diong RAPS in which case static line is a means to an end and who cares it its fun as long as you get your A licence and can skydive on your own.

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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Don't worry be happy:)
We learned skydiving via the static line method "back in the day".


Being as how I have never done a static line, will it being any fun at all? I know it will be a 2-3 second fall and immediately the chute opens and you guide yourself to the LZ.

Yes it's going to be fun:)

Anyone have static line experience, words of wisdom so I know what to expect. Is it gonna suck?

Since you asked:)for words of wisdom :

Get rid of the it's going to suck attitude or your going to make it suck.:|

ARCH, and count.

Listen to instuctor's

Now go and have some fun:)

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Cool. I will listen to the instructor 200% (if that's possible).

My attitude is complete excitement about skydiving. It is all I think about since I started doing it. I was a just a little leary about how a static line jump would feel like.

Thanks for the advice and the words of wisdom.

Happy & Safe Skydiving!
No Worries, You're Good!

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I take it you are diong RAPS in which case static line is a means to an end and who cares it its fun as long as you get your A licence and can skydive on your own.

That's exactly why I'm doing it, so I can skydive on my own B|.

Fun or not, I will get to my A license soon!

No Worries, You're Good!

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You will now be concentrating on body position when leaving the plane and on canopy control. You will probably get to experience line twists. After the first one or two experiences with line twists, you will realize that line twists on a student canopy are no big deal. Just remain altitude aware. Experience in dealing with line twists willl serve you well when you get line twists on a high performance canopy, where you need to react immeciately in the proper way.

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It's good stuff. It's how i got here. Then i did a tandem and was hooked.

Just focus on doing things right and in the right order. You'll be in the air cheaper and more often than a financially struggling AFF student. And you won't be afraid to get out at 3000ft.:P

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Static line is an effective, time-honored instruction method. Damn shame it's been assigned "Oh, by the way..." status. It's a great way to learn the sport without having to spend over $100 per jump.

You'll have fun, you'll learn important stuff, and you won't become a nervous wuss when the they're looking to fill a hop 'n' pop load when the ceiling is at 3000'.

Jon S.

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It's a great way to learn the sport without having to spend over $100 per jump.

You are telling me. I was spendig $100 each tandem, plus $55 for a video, tipping the TM $20 and CM $10-20 per jump. Basically, $200 each time. The course is $500 for 10 jumps and a lot of learning. Then $35 a jump thereafter to jump solo and that includes renting the equipment.

I realized right away that my wanting to skydive had to get cheaper before I went broke. I spent $1300 in less than two months doing tandem jumps. Plus another $800 because my hubby starting doing it too.

We are both doing the course this Thursday to save our bank account and feed our desire (addiction) to skydive. ;)


{edited for spelling}

No Worries, You're Good!

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no worries NoWorries
Static Line will allow you to lay out a relaxed arch, with your head up, and hopefully allow you to see the plane as you leave.
3,000 feet is OK... remember, you're not booking through that altitude at terminal velocity.., as you would be if you exited at 13,500... ( in that case, sure,, 3,000 is low)( especially for a novice)
But you'll be under an open main, likely above 2,500 feet.

What kind of aircraft???
are you doing a "poised exit " from a step??
or a seated exit?
It's best if you can exit facing Uphill relative to the propwash...
lay right out into that relative wind and ENJOY !!!
I did 5 static line jumps on each of my first 5 airplane rides....what a hoot. then On to LONGER DELAYS!!!!!B|;):)Have fun...The plane ride is short, which is cool, especially on a warm day, the View is terrific !!!! You should have a jumpmaster with you to guide you along and assist with the static line,.. just be sure to be careful moving around in the plane if your back is against anything...
have fun "practicing your parachuting"
accuracy boy jimmy

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What kind of aircraft???
are you doing a "poised exit " from a step??
or a seated exit?

Well, Bill Dause (Parachute Center) has a few planes. Not sure which one we will be going in.

We will be standing from what I hear. Hands at the top opening of the plane door, head back, let go and fall out. As far as arching, i have no problem here being an X-Gymnast...I can arch.

DAMN....is it Thursday Yet! I'm ready now.

No Worries, You're Good!

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It will be fun. Just stick with it and you will be in free fall in no time.

Don't worry about 3000 Ft jumps. Most of my staticline jumps were from 800 ft AGL at night, from jet aircraft with all kinds of heavy stuff tied to me.:S

Muff Brother #4041
Team Dirty Sanchez #467

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Most of my staticline jumps were from 800 ft AGL at night, from jet aircraft with all kinds of heavy stuff tied to me.:S

Yeah, but at least you got to sign the back side of the checks. :)

PLF does not stand for Please Land on Face.

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It will be fun. Just stick with it and you will be in free fall in no time.

That is my thought exactly. I can't even explain the enthusiam that is bursting from me right now. Before I was one of those, ok skydive once and check it of the list of things I can say I have done.

Well, that was until I did it. Then it was, can I get back in line and do that again...and again...and again. I am so hooked!

Another awesome thing is...the people you meet are so fn cool. Bonus.

Thanks for the advice!

No Worries, You're Good!

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Don't worry about 3000 Ft jumps.

At first I wasn't afraid of 3000 ft hop n pops. That was until a guy at my local dz hit the back of the plane 18 days ago. Kinda got me wondering.

But I know one thing for fn sure.....DON'T JUMP UP.....JUMP DOWN!!!!!!!!

Anyway he's recovering and I send my best to him.

No Worries, You're Good!

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Hey you,

Fun is an understatement. Most people tell me I'm crazy because I always looked so happy at the door grinning ear to ear (vs the look of filling your pants at the door).

I definetly know to listen. I even did a tandem instructional jump on my last one. I wore the alti and controled and stopped all spins and guided the chute all the way to landing.

I can listen well. B| Skydiving has really put life into perspective. The little shit doesn't even phase me anymore and I realize life is what you make it.

So make it good! Enjoy and live!

Thanks for your support and information. I appreciate anyone who takes a moment to share a little knowledge with me.

P.S. I know the beer rules at the DZ too......I will have at least two cases on ice for when I finish my course. They will either be celebratory beers or sympathy beers cause I had to do two extra jumps to pass [:/]

Cheers Mate! No Worries...I will do it....right!
No Worries, You're Good!

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I bought my LOG BOOK today!!!! :D:D:D I went to the DZ but didn't do another Tandem. I figure 7 is plenty and the course is this Thursday. My girlfriend had to get one more tandem in before we do the course. Since we have videos and have signed the TM's log books we can put our 7 tandems in the book.

So come Friday after the course if all goes well, I will have 17 jumps in my log book!

I am on my way and thanks for all the great advice!

Happy and Safe Skydiving,

Will Thursday hurry up and show itself!!!!:P
No Worries, You're Good!

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Static line is a ton of fun. It's how I started to skydive, and I highly recommend it. I actually recommend it more than Tandem or AFF progression, because it is cheaper to start out, you get more initial jumps for less money, and you start out focusing on canopy control before having to deal with learning to fly your body in freefall. You also get to look forward to making the freefall jumps ;).

It's a great method, and its a shame that many dropzones don't teach it anymore [:/]

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Hey Thanks,

I am getting that from a lot from people. It does sound like its a shame they don't offer it more.

I am really looking forward to it! I like the idea of more jumps...more jumps.....:ph34r:

Thanks for taking a moment to share your thoughts!

Four days and counting! Happy and Safe Skydiving!

No Worries, You're Good!

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