
how much would it cost to open a DZ?

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i know its a broad question but seriously, how much money would it take to open up your own DZ, from the cost of property to equipment, to structures and employees, i'm talking starting out small with cessnas and minimal staff, or what ever input you have would be great
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If you have to ask, then you can't affoard it. :ph34r:

That being said I have tossed around starting a *jumping centered business*. I figure I could sell landing photos to tandems that don't get video, pack here and there, and work towards a coach rating. Then I could capitalize my gear, and write off jumps as a training expense.

I have to see what the other accountants in the office think of my crazy idea. :D
"The restraining order says you're only allowed to touch me in freefall"

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on that same note, would a DZ let you open a gear shop on thier property if you paid them rent and a commision?

Where d'ya think most gear stores are located?:P

Of course it all depends on the individual DZ.
Do you want to have an ideagasm?

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ok so i read all that and i've come to the conclusion that I'm going to open my own DZ when i...

Win the lottery:S

You could do worse when winning the lottery. In fact, if I won the lottery, I might do just that.

BUT, I don't play the lottery. :(
I am. I think.

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ok so i read all that and i've come to the conclusion that I'm going to open my own DZ when i...

Win the lottery:S

You could do worse when winning the lottery. In fact, if I won the lottery, I might do just that.

BUT, I don't play the lottery. :(

Ha! I've began buying tickes! Two regular ones a Euromillions one a week. And a block of Premium bonds.

If I win the £75m this Friday, there'll be a DZ named after me by Monday! Is Langar still for sale? :P

Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club

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First I have to admit I agree with Zing.
If you want to start a small DZ you should look for a wide body C-182. That way you can put at least two tandems and one camera man in. The wide body is easyer to sell if you have to. If you can rent it great.
If you start from 0 you need a plane at least $50000 US one tandem rig and three solo rig use at least an other $10000 plus an office plus a snack bar for your staff and your custumers , plus, plus.
I don't think you can start a DZ under $100000. That's gone a be strick min and I think I am too friendly it is probably twice that as a minimum.
When you think you're good...this is when you become dangerous.

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this roth ira i started up, only 6 months in and ive already picked up 8000 so far

I thought you could only put $2500 into a Roth every year. Even if you maxed your's our for CY2006, that means you more than trebled your money. I'll pay you one large if you just tell me where you put it. That is an almost unbelievable return on your investment.
Shit happens. And it usually happens because of physics.

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Hey, this is the land of debt (I'm mean "leverage", which is a nicer term).

I started a DZ for about 10k (a small, homey one, of course). We financed the 182, bought five good, but used student rigs and one tandem rig. Also, of course, a pilot rig, radios, jumpsuits, altis, helmets and such from another DZO that closed near the time we were opening. What the 10k wouldn't pay for, we used those nice credit card checks. Most public airports rent hangers cheap. Find one that wants you...you'll buy a lot of expensive fuel and the airport gets federal funds credit for takeoffs and landings.

That was about six years ago. The DZ has been one of my greatest joys and one of my greatest headaches. The debt is paid (except the plane) and we make a little profit ("little" being the key word).

Advice? 1) Doing what you love as work can be incredibly rewarding, 2) Don't quit your weekday job just yet, 3) You'd better like risk...there's no insurance for this business, 4) It's better to not have much in other assets (see #3), and if you do, put it in your spouse's name, if married, and own the DZ corp. in your name only, 5) If you're looking to maximize the return on your investment, try mutual funds instead, 6) Find hungry teenagers to pack for you (nothing causes small DZO burnout like packing dozens of new 290 sq. ft ZP mantas in August), 7) Static line or IAD is most efficient and profitable for a Cessna dz, but you need tandems, too., 8) remember not to stop skydiving (yes, your slot could generate another $20 on the next load, but you need to remember why you are doing this. 9) You've gotta be an instructor/rigger, or have a partner who is, or get to be one ASAP. In fact, going to a rigger's course is a good thing to do over the winter.

I was bored eating lunch...thanks for listening to my ramblings...it was entertaining for me.

Best of luck!

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What about pay that Instructors, ground school teaher, or tandem master to earn after students pay for AFF or tandem? Am I hear right, tandem master get $50 each jump? Forgot to add, videographer? For example, a tandem student pay $80 for that video and still and how much videographer earn it while DZO's profit?
Flyin' Dawg or SkyDog

"To understand is to forgive, even oneself."

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You can withdrawl from an IRA for a few different reasons before you're 59.5 years old without taking a tax penalty. I believe that two of them are the purchase of a first home, and for a childs education. If you're putting money in at 23 I would strongly suggest you max it out with the idea that you'll empty it on your first home; you will need to pay income taxes on it, but not the 10% early withdrawl penatly. I did this a few years ago. This is a particularly good way to go if you have a company that it willing to match contributions.

Also, I don't know for sure but I'm pretty confident that (at least for a simple IRA ) the max per year is $6,000.
Matt Christenson

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What about pay ... that tandem master earn after students pay for ...? Am I hear right, tandem master get $50 each jump?


T.I.s deserve $50 or $60 per jump, but few North American DZs pay more than $30, because there are far too many amateurs willing to work for free.

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What about pay that Instructors, ground school teaher. Forgot to add, videographer? For example, a tandem student pay $80 for that video and still and how much videographer earn it while DZO's profit?

T.I.s deserve $50 or $60 per jump, but few North American DZs pay more than $30, because there are far too many amateurs willing to work for free.

What about answer the questions of "What about pay that Instructors, ground school teaher. Forgot to add, videographer? For example, a tandem student pay $80 for that video and still and how much videographer earn it while DZO's profit?"

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