
found a willing balloon pilot....

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As fate would have it, a VP at a my new job owns a balloon.... I (of course) asked him about flying a jumper, and he mentioned that he's already done it before, and would be willing to take me up next year (he's not flying it this year).

So, my question to those in the know - is there anything special that I need to do prior to the jump? I assume that there's no "clearances" or anything available, and that this is just going to be a "bandit" jump.

But, if there are "procedures" to follow, I'd like to know more about it.... I don't want *him* to get fined due to my lack of knowledge about proper "pre-jump preparation".

Thanks for any info...

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Would turning the aad off be sensible? It could be quiet a a long flight before you get to a suitable drop point out of town - and i'd imagine changing weather and a long flight that isn't solely a climb isn't ideal aad territory...

Ex-University of Bristol Skydiving Club

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I think he's wondering if the possible up and down, or slow climb of the balloon might cause it to get confused about where ground level is.

I would think there is no problem. It really isn't that slow of a climb, and going up or down a little is no problem as this happens all the time at jump run altitude. The limit on time at altitude is quite long, and unless you go below the altitude of your takeoff (plateau near a cliff situation as described in the manual), no concern.
People are sick and tired of being told that ordinary and decent people are fed up in this country with being sick and tired. I’m certainly not, and I’m sick and tired of being told that I am

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Guest 1010
no need for anythng "bandit" about it :)
I'd talk things over with your pilot to be sure he knows the risks, ie why he may want to be in a descent as you leave the balloon.

And I found my earlier post about it here ... have fun, good luck, they rock!

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Guest 1010
oh yeah - if you jump at the dz later that day don't forget to cycle the power on the AAD so it can re-zero itself!

You can have it good, fast, or cheap: pick two.

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Its a real bugger when you fall out of these ballons isnt it. Just be grateful that the pilot was so thoughful and made everyone wear a parachute.

Two of the three voices in my head agree with you. It might actually be unanimous but voice three only speaks Welsh.

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