
Flatulence at altitude

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The discovery show myth busters did a special one on the air quality and a small room and found that you will not die if in a inclosed areas from this.

But Ive heard of some who like to do it in the tub and try to capture the gases.????

I personally liked doing it under water at depth and you could feel it run up you wet suit... And no one ever knew it because it mixed with the other bubbles from your breathing... NO smell underwater but not sure if they got it on the surface..hahaha
Kenneth Potter
FAA Senior Parachute Rigger
Tactical Delivery Instructor (Jeddah, KSA)
FFL Gunsmith

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Much like testing the notion that you can't piss in your wetsuit at 120ft

You should get a drysuit...120 feet in Cali is drysuit territory...and DUI makes a piss valve that is pressure compensating I believe...maybe its a Halcyon, don't remember.

You can piss at depth...think dudes aren't pissing on a deep dive with deco stops? Or deep cave routes?
Get in - Get off - Get away....repeat as neccessary

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You should get a drysuit...120 feet in Cali is drysuit territory...and DUI makes a piss valve that is pressure compensating I believe...maybe its a Halcyon, don't remember.

I got one, but I don't like having to hold it (or dehyrate myself) because I'm in the water a couple hours straight. And I'm not interesting in half assed plumbing solutions that require me to wear a condom catheter. The complexity there is a total DIR/KISS violation, at least for those of us not needing deco profiles.

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Trust me. Take a liter of gas in a closed envelope ie. a ballon, reduce the pressure to 18,000 feet and it will double in size... Wet gas (what's in your body) expands at a faster rate than a dry. It would double by 16,500 feet.

What kind of chart are you working off?

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Often its a competition on our plane.
there are a couple who always are at the top of their game. ONE of which is a woman. Dammit her ass stinks.
Last weekend was one of the worst I have ever smelled. A different person, but twice i thought I was gonna puke, and i have an iron stomach. seriously, i had to choke back chuncks. :|
Goddam dirty hippies piss me off! ~GFD
"What do I get for closing your rig?" ~ me
"Anything you want." ~ female skydiver
Mohoso Rodriguez #865

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Trust me. Take a liter of gas in a closed envelope ie. a ballon, reduce the pressure to 18,000 feet and it will double in size... Wet gas (what's in your body) expands at a faster rate than a dry. It would double by 16,500 feet.

What kind of chart are you working off?

Here are 2 examples of what is being described for those not familiar with this. Note the size of the rubber surgical glove in each picture and the altitude. :)
"It's just skydiving..additional drama is not required"
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hahaha this is getting silly.

My take on it (not that I want to step on the toes of any professors of flutulence) is this:

Lets say at 0 feet, the pressure in a balloon is 2 bar absolute and atmospheric is 1 bar. The balloon is a given size for that pressure, and the skin tension in the balloon rubber is proportional to the difference between the two pressures, inside and out.

Take it up to another altitude. External pressure decreases lets say to 0.5bar. Now our 2 bar in the balloon exerts a higher net force on the inside the balloon. So the balloon expands. But, in the same way that pulling the ram out of a piston full of air will a) increase its volume b) decrease its pressure (imagine pulling the plunger out of a syringe), so the pressure of the air inside the balloon will decrease as the volume of the balloon increases. This is shown by the ideal gas law p = vrt and has been experimentally proven for about the last 5 centuries(before anyone tries to deny the laws of physics in favour of 'having more jumps than me' :P)

The balloon expands, its internal pressure decreases. Atmospheric also decreases.

SO the pressure in your guts DOESNT go up, it goes DOWN - BUT your guts expand. At ground level, when your guts expand due to the presence of gas, (e.g. due to a WHOPPING fart that wants to come out), you will FEEL the need to let one go. Float an air biscuit. Squeeze cheese. Parp. Chunt. "Do a rudey". This feeling is set by the sensitivity of your nerves in your intestines and 'ring' :$

On the ground, when you FEEL you need to fart, you can also choose NOT TO fart or TO FART. This comes down to MANNERS.


Skydiving increases the feeling of the need to fart, but does not CAUSE you to fart - you still have the choice of holding it in until a more polite junction in time, or until the tensile strength of your ring muscles decides to let go. In which case you may be incontinent anyway.

Via science and argument I have proven that you are all very childish for finding posts about bottoms funny.


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Trust me. Take a liter of gas in a closed envelope ie. a ballon, reduce the pressure to 18,000 feet and it will double in size... Wet gas (what's in your body) expands at a faster rate than a dry. It would double by 16,500 feet.

What kind of chart are you working off?

a standard pressure versus altitude chart. We were talking about Boyle's Law, right?

So the question remains - how do you only get 20% at 8000ft? If anything, your notion of wet gas means it should be greater than the 36% I stated.

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>Much like testing the notion that you can't piss in your wetsuit at 120ft.

That's a bizarre notion. Who came up with that?

beats me, a lot of stuff wanders around the diving world, just as seen at the DZ.

Dunno if it's supposed to be the 4-5 atm of pressure on the bladder, or the narcosis distracting you, or perhaps the mere fact that no deco time is so short at that depth that the need to piss again doesn't come before you go shallower.

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Scuba diving is one thing. Flying is another.

And somebody was right, you can prolly easily hold a fart in up to most jump altitudes. However, go unpressurized past oh, about 18K, and you will most definitely have to release said pressure buildup cause it HURTS....:o I've seen students in an altitude chamber pass out from to much GI gas buildup because they didn't want to "pass flatus"!

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SO the pressure in your guts DOESNT go up, it goes DOWN - BUT your guts expand. At ground level, when (e.g. due to a WHOPPING fart that wants to come out), you will FEEL the need to let one go. Float an air biscuit. Squeeze cheese. Parp. Chunt. "Do a rudey". This feeling is set by the sensitivity of your nerves in your intestines and 'ring'


Your guts expand, but only to a point. Remember there is still smooth muscle tone in your intestine and it will resist to much stretch. In fact if you stretch it wide enough it will spontanoesly contract and you would.... well fart.

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there is still smooth muscle tone in your intestine

I've seen a lot of skydivers with absolutely no muscle tone.

How can you expect them to hold it in? :P

Driving is a one dimensional activity - a monkey can do it - being proud of your driving abilities is like being proud of being able to put on pants

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