
Interesting read (new dropzone issues)

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Its funny how people think. I especially like the "He Plans to put signs in his yard facing skyward warning people not to land in his yard".

Small and fast what every girl dreams of!

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I think it's the same issue discussed here, as well.

I couldn't get the clicky to load, but Skymama had copied the text.

Good times were had at Jimmy Godwin's place when I was there :). I'd brought my blender, so pina coladas were drunk nightly.

Wendy W.
There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown)

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hahaha my thought too.
sounds like a Farmer McNasty... on steroids.
Someone should brief him about "bad spots"
years and years ago,,,,
THAT would have been a challenge to me and some of my "balls to the walls" " no cares in the world" buddies.
We would have all thrown a dollar into a helmet and had a "mini-money meet". to see who could Land ON the sign.....B|
signed, jimmy,"no longer crazy after all those years" tavino :)

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As much as I think the operation should be allowed, I still gotta say, "Maybe this guy has a reason for being concerned."

I don't think anyone would like the thought of random folks dropping into their yards. Plenty of people out there in the world just want to be left alone, and I think it should be respected.

So, it's up to the skydivers to not give people a reason to complain. Don't land on people's property. In a sense, prove to them all that their notions are misplaced.

My wife is hotter than your wife.

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true enough lawrocket true enough...

property owners should have their rights respected and what we used to get away with, we no longer can...[:/].
Hence the byline,,,,, " no longer crazy "[:/]
Todays canopies can get a jumper back to the dz 9 times outta 10 and as long as this neighbor is identified as an >ABSOLUTE NO LANDING AREA<.... the skydivers simply do not select it as an "out"..... and then the neighbor is less of an issue... If he survived the hazy crazy days of the Paragators era,,,,, he'll learn to deal with 21st century skydiving. :|. after all he lives next to an airport...
... Responsibility and civility will be important issues here..

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"He Plans to put signs in his yard facing skyward warning people not to land in his yard".

I wonder how this putz would feel if someone politely and reasonably explained to him that this could cause someone to be injured on a bad landing trying to avoid his yard when then could make a safe landing there?


Anyway, such things seem to crop up from time to time in this sport... some DZs seem to have it worse then others... like lawdude said up post, its up to the skydivers to not give "them" extra reasons to complain.

... except for the folks that buy houses next to airports and then bitch later... I blame the courts for even listening to those folks.

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