Hard Opening Soreness...

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I had a hard opening on Saturday. Today I'm sore and it's hard to lift my arm without pain in my arm and shoulder. How long do you think the soreness will last?

I'm not jumping today to give my body a chance to heal. I usually exercise every weekday (alternating days of deep-water aerobics and a gym routine focusing on upper body strength). Would it be better for me to stop that for a few days?... Or would the soreness work itself out faster if I continued the exercise?
What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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I swear by my chiropractor


I routinely go to my chiropractor every four weeks. I believe I'll go tomorrow so she can put me back together. Maybe a massage in a few days would be good too.

I want to be better by Saturday so I can jump in a 4-way competition.

What do you call a beautiful, sunny day that comes after two cloudy, rainy
ones? -- Monday.

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Had a really sore one from a slight roll at deployment-see post ,bad 13th jump). I put ice on for the rest of the afternoon and slept on my right side for a couple days. During that time a really hot! shower massage kept things limber. But are'nt the colors really cool!? Just rest it best you can so you don't aggravate it. I'm certainly no DR. Hope you feel better soon, AND DO! show off the bruise!
Blue skies
P.S. I also wrote "I will be stable at pull" 100 times in my logbook;)
might lay off the upper body exercise,rest it.
I'm fine...crazy people don't know they're crazy...No,Really!

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See a Dr. and get x-rays. It could be any number of things including a spine issue manifesting itself with the symptoms you describe. You could be out a day to a year; get it professionally checked out.
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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why bother paying for chiro and physio. unless it's major and doctor worthy, don't bother. they can massage/loosen the muscle and tell you to rest it. Whoop dee doo.

I honestly believe that 30 minutes of rubbing your back once a month is a waste of money. The therapy is not intensive or frequent enough to have a major impact.

Swimming and lots of stretching are your friend. If it's painful in a few days go to a doc. After having seen half a dozen physio's for a few times a week for 3 months... Im happy to say they did nothing for me that I couldn't have done myself. If it wasn't free I wouldn't have gone along.

Perhaps not for shoulder injuries, but for backs I know lots of people who swear by yoga and swimming.
"In one way or the other, I'm a bad brother. Word to the motherf**ker." Eazy-E

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