
WHAT TO DO . . . WHAT TO DO . . .

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Ok . . . so my 100th jump is rapidly approaching and I'm curious what everyone did for their centennial dive ???

Any good suggestions out there?? I think it should be a memorable experience.

Please help.
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Naked H&P from 3,000 AGL in 35-45 degree temp on the ground.

The clouds weren't lifting and I didn't want to wait any longer. After I landed the 1st thing I did was take the glove off of my hand and put it over my member.

"You start off your skydiving career with a bag full of luck and an empty bag of experience. The trick is to fill the bag of experience up before your bag of luck runs out."

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Actually I saw a pic of a hula hoop dive in an old parachutist magazine. It looks like tons of fun but probably requires a good prep and dirt dive and definitely some outside camera. I'll keep that one in mind for sure.

The naked jumps are popular too . . . but what if its not a really hot day and you get some shrinkage :$:$ ???
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I'm going to attempt a Mr Potato Head for my 100th. We'll see how it turns out...

. . . oh do fill me in . . . is it what it sounds like ?? Are you actually putting together a Mr.Potato Head in freefall??
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I'm going to attempt a Mr Potato Head for my 100th. We'll see how it turns out...

. . . oh do fill me in . . . is it what it sounds like ?? Are you actually putting together a Mr.Potato Head in freefall??

Yep, thats the idea. Easier said than done, but we should have a blast trying. :)
"At 13,000 feet nothing else matters."
Team Funnel #174, Sunshine kisspass #109
My Jump Site

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I don't have my own experiences to quote on this one...but a friend of mine did a high altitude dive from - heck, I can't even remember, upwards of 25,000.

He always speaks very highly of it.

(And not so highly of pie).


Know of any DZ'z in Ontario that go past 16000 ???
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sunset cross-country. Get a big canopy, get one of those soft-sided coolers and bring a beverage and a snack.

Did the cross country already from 12,500 with 10 others it was definitely memorable and I highly recommend it.


Listened to Creed, pulled a little high for a longer ride, took some snapshots with my camera, smacked the tuffet, and got pie'd for mine.

Took the digi up also and have some great sunset photos under canopy. Don't know if I'm looking forward to the pie though. Last person at my DZ to get 100 got everything in the fridge, not just the pie.
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i'm a long way from mine but here's an idea. on an otter set up on the camera step and luanch back to earth while having someone shoot video from the door. then have the video guy follow as you fall back to earth then flip over at pull time. it would make a cool looking video- imo.
diamonds are a dawgs best friend

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sunset cross-country. Get a big canopy, get one of those soft-sided coolers and bring a beverage and a snack.

AGREED! Get as many people as you can on the load! Bring a fanny pack and the beverage of your choice.... oh and some of those 2 way FRS radios are fun to bring along too! Careful if you do the sunset cross country naked tho.... good chance of landing out! (Nothing like wrapping your your bare ass in nylon and trying to hitch-hike back to the DZ!)

“Sometimes you just have to take the leap and build your wings on the way down.”
~ Kobi Yamada

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Any good suggestions out there?

Stop posting thread titles in capitals? It's really annoying.

Here's an excellent suggestion . . . LEAVE THE THREAD.

What's really annoying is people responding to a thread without anything useful to say. Thanks for the feedback BOB, but I'll continue to post in CAPS as long as I damn well please. I don't recall reading any rules about not posting in caps, so in the future, if something annoys you, how about you AVOID the thread and mind your own BUSINESS.

THANKS (edited to change "thanks" to CAPS)
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Come down to Burnaby and jump the Otter!


Yah . . . a ton of people at S.T.I. are bugging me to jump the Otter at Burnaby . . . I'm a bit apprehensive though. I want to make sure my canopy skills and landing patterns are down to a fine art. I heard that with 15 or more canopies in the air, if you cut someone off or don't do a proper circuit, they bite your head off, I don't want to piss people off. But yeah Eric Chappel and Kyle Wilkes have been busting my balls to get up there for a while now. I think I'd rather be with my DZ homies for my 100th though. I'll get to Burnaby soon enough.
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