
Is death game legal?

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Yurka, stop wining! Paranoya is getting better of you.
Or as the sign says: Shutup and Jump!

Have they changed their sign it used to say shut up and jump...hehehe. You all still getting 20 boxes of pizza and a keg every saturday night?

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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See, though, we can't put people in jail. It's as if we have the juries but no power. "You're grounded!" "OK, asshole, I'm going to Perris." "You're grounded there too!" "OK, I'm going to Eloy."

Getting banned from one of Elsinore/Perris wouldn't really do much to the person, unless they miss weekday jumps at Perris.

But having to go to Eloy...come on, they'll be reminded on this fact every time they have to trek over one state. Or at least all the way down to southern San Diego.

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See, though, we can't put people in jail. It's as if we have the juries but no power. "You're grounded!" "OK, asshole, I'm going to Perris." "You're grounded there too!" "OK, I'm going to Eloy."

Getting banned from one of Elsinore/Perris wouldn't really do much to the person, unless they miss weekday jumps at Perris.

But having to go to Eloy...come on, they'll be reminded on this fact every time they have to trek over one state. Or at least all the way down to southern San Diego.

You realize there is a big non USPA DZ in the area with cheap jumps?

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What action can I take to stop this fucking sick shit?

Bet on yourself and win the pot.

In matters of style, swim with the current; in matters of principle, stand like a rock. ~ Thomas Jefferson

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Kudos to the ranch for reviving and expanding bounce bingo, although I do prefer the original real estate based version. I guess the rumours of a PC thug takeover of that place were unfounded. Maybe I'll visit sometime. As to the original question as someone surmised earlier gambling is I believe legal in NYS provided there is no 'house' taking a cut.

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I was bad, and I was (correctly) edited, sorry

The part of my post that stands (and should have been said this way in the first place)

If your version of why you name is on the list is correct ...

Either laugh it off as someone being petty, or if your really upset you could just as easily put 10 bucks down on her and have her name right by yours, see if she likes it;)

Good Judgment comes from experience...a lot of experience comes from bad

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This was an amusing thread. I really enjoyed it. Amazing how the dynamics of the internet show up no matter what sort of message board/community your reading.

Skydiving is SICK and TWISTED. Just ask my Mom LOL Your committing suicide every time you leave a plane PERIOD you just KILLED yourself UNLESS you do something to stop it. Pretty Plain and Simple Isn't it?

I like the Idea of Bounce Bingo and from what I have read of The Farm it fits right in, hell it fits right in with Skydiving. As pointed out earlier go back and read those that ferventaly oppossed it and look at their Jump Numbers and Ages. You will see a pattern. I bet if you look through each of their lives you will continue to see a pattern. I won't go into the pyscho-babble BS but if you each PM each other I bet you all have ALOT in common. That is not a bad thing it is who you are but this is Skydiving hell change that it is LIFE... [crazy preacher]WE ALL GONNA DIE[/crazy preacher] stop worrying about it and get busy livin' that is what I take from bounce bingo and the Farm. If you want to do more of that livin' thin you'll lighten up and listen or continue to whine and miss out on all the good stuff.

My .2centsB|

Life is Short and we never know how long we are going to have. We must live life to the fullest EVERY DAY. Everything we do should have a greater purpose.

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All the newbies don't understand...Eventually they will..lol Wait till you see someone femur and the rest of the crowd standing over with their asses taking pics...maybe that is sick to you guys..lol

do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM?

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The issue of trying to make trouble for one of my most favorite people on this planet -- though I am tempted to address it -- is really not a matter for DZ.com.

Whatever may be true or lies regarding why you ended up on the list, you're out of your mind making the type of accusations that you've made here.

The list is posted at The Ranch.
Upon request, any person on the list is told who put them there.

Ask yourself why the list is public and why the bettor is NOT anonymous.

If you don't like it, too bad. It isn't going away.

I've spoken with you several times, and found you to be friendly. I've never had a personal issue with you.

Everyone messes up. Think about what you've done and why. Maybe you'll come to the conclusion that you've got an apology or two to make. Maybe you'll just drop the issue. Whatever.

Sad as it is, you may not find The Ranch to be the welcoming place that you have up until now. People don't like being attacked. People dislike even more when their friends are attacked and accused in the manner that you have.

Like I said, everyone makes mistakes. The issues now are, are you going to consider that you have, and if so, how will you deal with it.

Be safe,
Mike D. Ennis
Cofounder of Black Eye CReW and Nylon Sodomy

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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Oh, as for kiting your canopy. Please don't do that anymore.

I know you think that your head is on a swivel and that you see everything 360 degrees in three dimensions all the time, but accidents still happen. Take a look at the incidents forum and find out how many people with way more experience than yourself have 'missed' noticing someone else either in the air or on the ground.

As for jumping last so it's safe...Hah!!!

Take it from someone who almost always jumps last; you can still land with other people. I very often find myself landing with groups of people from the load following mine.

Even when the loads are spaced in such a way that it seems you can't possibly encounter traffic, it's still a risk.

People do low passes. I've been in CReW formations on level with people doing 5k hop 'n pops a lot of times.

Someone on your load may have had a premature deployment.

Stop and think, Yuri.

Be safe,


I do love to kite my canopy after landing if and only if I know it can't possibly, ever endanger anyone else. I keep my head on a swiwel well before and after landing and know where other canopies are and put the canopy down if there's even slightest chance of someone landing close. Now that I mostly jump wingsuit and land last, it's absolutely safe to kite the canopy (again, I make 1000% sure I don't put anyone in danger by doing that). There's 100x more dangerous stuff going on at the Ranch all the time than my simple landings and canopy kiting.

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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Getting banned from one of Elsinore/Perris wouldn't really do much to the person, unless they miss weekday jumps at Perris.

But having to go to Eloy...come on, they'll be reminded on this fact every time they have to trek over one state. Or at least all the way down to southern San Diego.

You realize there is a big non USPA DZ in the area with cheap jumps?

He said Eloy.

But that aside, which one do you mean? Cal City? From Huntington Beach where I grew up, that's 98 miles instead of 41 to Elsinore, and through all of LA County. Taft is even further and requires trekking the Grapevine; I wouldn't want to have to drive home from there on a Sunday. Much harder than negotiating the 91/73 option.

No matter how stupid you think the jumper might be, they're going to notice driving an extra 100 miles each time they want to jump. A very effective penalty to encourage a change in behavior.

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most people who aren't safe skydivers don't think they're unsafe. As ron says, nobody goes to the DZ expecting to go in that day, yet people still go in.

The fact of that matter is that people with VASTLY more time and experience in the sport think that you are doing things that are unsafe. Please enlighten me as to what makes your 320 jumps worth of wisdom trump theirs.

It might be a different story if it were one person, but many people view you as an accident waiting to happen. You would do well to find out WHY they think so. It might yield information that you haddn't thought of.

Oh yeah, and i call bullshit on your self-affirmed safety record. Repeatedly and eliberately landing across the common, established traffic pattern is not a spotless record. I can't speak to more than that, i've stopped watching you land for fear of what i'll see.

as far as gear tampering? please... if we wanted you dead, we wouldn't bother trying to talk to you and would just let you go in all by yourself.

THINK yuri.... do you REALLY know more about safe skydiving than the people around you with multiple THOUSANDS of jumps?

Landing without injury is not necessarily evidence that you didn't fuck up... it just means you got away with it this time

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If you are ON the list it says tons about you. It says that you do stupid things, but blame others and don't listen.

Oh Ron,

So tactful, you should be a therapist.

I would like to give some advice to our disgruntled friend “Veter”.

Please ignore 99.9 percent of the crap these guys are dishing out at you. If you really want to piss off this dropzone I would type up a review and post it in the dropzone section. Anyone who looks up The Ranch will see that you have given them an unequivocal THUMBS DOWNS.

When you type the review, tell everyone about the death list and how unfairly they treated you. This is the only way to teach them a lesson.


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Please ignore 99.9 percent of the crap these guys are dishing out at you.

hmmm......interesting comment when 99.9 percent of the crap being dished out is telling the guy to find out WHY he's on the list and to figure out how to FIX IT BEFORE he goes in.


If you really want to piss off this dropzone I would type up a review and post it in the dropzone section. Anyone who looks up The Ranch will see that you have given them an unequivocal THUMBS DOWNS.

When you type the review, tell everyone about the death list and how unfairly they treated you. This is the only way to teach them a lesson.

As if he hasn't already pissed off the dropzone and a lot of other people with his claims and comments. :S
Life is short! Break the rules! Forgive quickly! Kiss slowly! Love truly, Laugh uncontrollably. And never regret anything that made you smile.

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Please ignore 99.9 percent of the crap these guys are dishing out at you. If you really want to piss off this dropzone I would type up a review and post it in the dropzone section. Anyone who looks up The Ranch will see that you have given them an unequivocal THUMBS DOWNS.

Please, go right ahead and write the review yourself. Really. And don't forget to tell everyone how dirty our bathrooms are, too.


When you type the review, tell everyone about the death list and how unfairly they treated you. This is the only way to teach them a lesson.

Please!!!! Do you know anything of The Ranch??!!
Again, go right ahead and tell everyone yourself about the death games, dirty bathrooms, and unfair treatment of skydivers at The Ranch. Though I can't imagine that anyone has missed all of that in this thread.

Jeez, next thing you know we'll end up in the Jeers section of T.V. Guide.


Stay safe,

Edited to add: Oh yeah, we also belch and fart at The Ranch. Sometimes there's nudity. People get drunk sometimes. Sometimes I forget to comb my hair. Maybe a few of us sweat in the heat and give off an offensive odor. Sometimes there isn't enough pizza for everyone to have a slice.

If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid.

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See, though, we can't put people in jail. It's as if we have the juries but no power. "You're grounded!" "OK, asshole, I'm going to Perris." "You're grounded there too!" "OK, I'm going to Eloy."

Has anyone considered endorsing the culprit's logbook, like some countries do with driver's licences for DUI's etc? Sure, he could rip out the page or 'lose' the book, but if he is that desperate to go jump somewhere else, being on a Bingo list is not going to deter him.

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I love the thread so far, but would love to:

1/ find out what Veter did to be on the list, from experienced jumpers (who either put him on or concur with him being on the list). Obviously, Kiting his canopy was not the main reason.
2/ hear how Veter rebutes #1
3/ will have fun reading all the replies to UntamedDog's post...

"For once you have tasted Absinthe you will walk the earth with your eyes turned towards the gutter, for there you have been and there you will long to return."

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How do you equate what i have said with doing something to let someone i know die rather than speak up? If anyone - friends or otherwise - are doing something i consider unsafe to themselves or myself, i speak up.

All BB is about is speaking up about a jumper's habits. It also can have the benefit of offering a warning to other skydivers that a jumper amongst them may pose a danger to others and/or themselves. Is it sick and morbid? Yes. But that does not make it bad. It adds to the shock value, which is exactly the point.

The game is a way for jumpers to collectively say, "Dude, you're not ten feet tall and bullet proof. If you keep acting like it, you're gonna die, or worse yet, take someone else out. Stop it."

I think i have a much better understanding of the game now and can see it does serve a good purpose as long as someone is willing to listen and take on board those betting on them and find out why.

"Skydiving is a door"

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Oh Ron,

So tactful, you should be a therapist.

See tact has been used. It also has been ignored. Which is why people make up these lists.

If a person does something stupid and when approached about it they say,"Yeah, I screwed up, how can I fix it?"

Then life goes on.

If they respond with, "You don't know me, Leave me alone, Your just jelious....."

Well then these kinds of folks end up on these kinds of lists.

No, I am not politically correct. Yes, I am blunt and to the point.

People not being honest is a problem in this sport, people want to be hugged when they should be yelled at.

If you think *I* am hard on people who do stupid things, you should see what the ground does to them.

This sport is not for eveyone.
"No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334

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Oh Ron,

So tactful, you should be a therapist.

No, I am not politically correct. Yes, I am blunt and to the point.

I think you've been trolled. :P

His was the only post in the thread that made me laugh out loud.

If you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb

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Edited to add: Oh yeah, we also belch and fart at The Ranch. Sometimes there's nudity. People get drunk sometimes. Sometimes I forget to comb my hair. Maybe a few of us sweat in the heat and give off an offensive odor. Sometimes there isn't enough pizza for everyone to have a slice.

And sometimes we try to steel other ranch jumper's girlfriends.
(insert philosophical quote here)

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Jeez, next thing you know we'll end up in the Jeers section of T.V. Guide.

If nothing else (and that's probably true), this thread has made me want to come check out the Ranch some time when I'm on your side of the pond again.

"I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan

"You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at?

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