frost 1 #151 August 3, 2005 Quote Oh Ron, So tactful, you should be a therapist. I would like to give some advice to our disgruntled friend “Veter”. Please ignore 99.9 percent of the crap these guys are dishing out at you. If you really want to piss off this dropzone I would type up a review and post it in the dropzone section. Anyone who looks up The Ranch will see that you have given them an unequivocal THUMBS DOWNS. When you type the review, tell everyone about the death list and how unfairly they treated you. This is the only way to teach them a lesson. Sincerely, UntamedDOG You need to think before giving such advice. While I can clearly see the sarcasm, I bet you a jump ticket that Yuri will not. As wont a few others here.SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frost 1 #152 August 3, 2005 QuoteI love the thread so far, but would love to: 1/ find out what Veter did to be on the list, from experienced jumpers (who either put him on or concur with him being on the list). Obviously, Kiting his canopy was not the main reason. 2/ hear how Veter rebutes #1 3/ will have fun reading all the replies to UntamedDog's post... 1/ read all the posts 2/He DOES NOT care to even LISTEN much less to analize and reply. He already dismissed this post as he didnt get what he expected from it. 3/ enjoy :)SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
skinnyshrek 0 #153 August 3, 2005 Ron Ron you should know by now untamed dog is a troll. His posts can be funny but really, don't take him On another note is egor the mad russian still up there? do you realize that when you critisize people you dont know over the internet, you become part of a growing society of twats? ARE YOU ONE OF THEM? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
speedy 0 #154 August 3, 2005 I think UntamedDog's advice was only an attempt to help fullfill his desire. You will probaly see him at the ranch observing veter with interest. Dave Fallschirmsport Marl Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
tdog 0 #155 August 3, 2005 QuoteThere's a lot of garbage poured on me here, so let's set the record once and for all. Handle the truth, if you can. I have 320 jumps. I got my licence in October 2004. I had an accident on my 42nd jump on Oct 23rd. Being too enthusiastic after getting my licence, I jumped that day in strong, very turbulent, cross wind. I miscalculated my landing and landed on the runway. I flared all the way down, but the down draft or rotor negated the flare. I hit the edge of runway with my bottom and hands, breaking tailbone and both wrists. I almost died that day. I lost a lot of blood and was airlifted to the hospital... I learned a painful, but valuable lesson. I returned to the sky after 7 weeks. Since then, I made almost 300 jumps. I went to Eloy in December, Florida in February, Alaska in June, jumped at a few local DZs to gain more experience landing in different layouts and conditions. I took Brian Germain's coaching lessons. I regularly spend a lot of time learning my canopy - opening high or doing hop-n-pops. I flew Spectre 210 until jump #175, and now fly Spectre 190, which puts my wingloading at a suggested 1.1 and 1.25 lbs/sq.ft., respectively, which fits just fine in my jump numbers. I never do any dangerous landings or radical maneuvers near the ground. Never landed on front risers, nor have any interest in doing so. Always land in a standard pattern approach, respecting landing direction and stack order. I now have about 200 nice stand up landings in a row. And those few non-standup landings before that were just minor mistakes. I land within 10-20m from my intended target 95% of the time. I do love to kite my canopy after landing if and only if I know it can't possibly, ever endanger anyone else. I keep my head on a swiwel well before and after landing and know where other canopies are and put the canopy down if there's even slightest chance of someone landing close. Now that I mostly jump wingsuit and land last, it's absolutely safe to kite the canopy (again, I make 1000% sure I don't put anyone in danger by doing that). There's 100x more dangerous stuff going on at the Ranch all the time than my simple landings and canopy kiting. I'm very conservative and not going to downsize anytime soon. In freefall, I follow the exit order and time separation religiously. When I'm tracking or flying wingsuit (my two favorite disciplines), I follow the pattern described in SIM. I listen to my fellow skydivers and try to absorb as much information as possible -- if and only if they talk politely. If they don't talk politely from the start, they get equally impolite response from me. The person who puts me on the death list one day asked me at the loading area about flight plan of my tracking dive. I replied that I'm going to track perpendicular to the jump run all the way, but she didn't like the exact wording (English is my 2nd language) and started ridiculing me, calling me motherfucker, etc. I told her to fuck off. Since then, she got winded up against me and put me on the death list and spreads the lies that I'm a dangerous skydiver. She just can't let it go. I don't know what her problem is. It's amazing that the people that don't even know me base their opinions on all these lies upon lies about me. But it's even more amazing to hear nasty comments from people I respected. Good to know your deep motives now! Obviously, "you can't handle the truth". C-ya! God, I read this post and thought, "it sounds like you are doing a lot of things "right" and are interested in learning." But others see it differently. Perhaps there is one or two things you are doing that you don't even know you are doing that are scaring your friends? I jumped with a newly minted "A" skydiver... He was racking up jump numbers like crazy (renting rigs to do back to backs as his was being packed.) I am not a coach but I will offer anything I have learned to someone once they got their "A" with the proper disclosure of my own skillset and experience... So we were doing drill dives - I was being a base and he was docking/fall rating/etc. Well, I tracked at 4.5K as planned. I pulled at 3.2K. I looked down AFTER my canopy sniveled and AFTER I did a control check and saw him still in freefall. I went back to my protrack to see where I pulled, and counted the seconds from his canopy over his head till landing (downwind at the other end of the DZ) because he did not have time to turn and setup a landing. I told him, "dude please pull higher because I am selfish and I want to jump with you again." Next jump - marginal improvement but he had time to setup and he landed 10' to his spot. I told him I would land on his canopy as my spot. I missed on purpose by a few feet, but I saw he is a real accurate canopy pilot and flew well (since I had to follow him to land on my spot landing) So I went to a coach who was doing his next coach jump and told him my observations... The coach gave him some learning objectives. This guy, after that jump, came up to me and said, "You would be happy, I pulled by 3K this time." I said, "I think I pulled that low by accident once too." In his mind he is 100% safe and "knows" what he is doing. He is real safe and predictable in the sky before breakoff and would jump with him any day, but the part after breakoff is scary. Perhaps there is one thing you are doing that your friends see? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frost 1 #156 August 3, 2005 Quote On another note is egor the mad russian still up there? Igor has been here, is here and will be here long after. He is our hero. Check out the tribute: - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron 10 #157 August 3, 2005 Oh, I know he is a troll. I however do see the PC, I wanna hug thing being a problem with newer jumpers."No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
frost 1 #158 August 3, 2005 Quote I had an accident on my 42nd jump on Oct 23rd. Being too enthusiastic after getting my licence, I jumped that day in strong, very turbulent, cross wind. I miscalculated my landing and landed on the runway. I flared all the way down, but the down draft or rotor negated the flare. There WAS no "strong, very turbulent, cross wind" that day. I was at the loading area on the next load, watching you land. That means i was going up and I wouldnt go up in "strong, very turbulent, cross wind". We watched you go across the traffic pattern going towards the runway and hitting it with not much flare. No rotors there, son. Clear area. But even if there WERE strong, "very turbulent, cross wind" you speak of, then you would have been advised to not jump. IF you were advised, that means you didnt listen... what does it say about you? With 41 jumps? Two words come to mind. "Dumb" for jumping if your story was true, "liar" if what we all saw was.SoFPiDaRF - School of Fast Progress in Downsizing and Radical Flying. Because nobody knows your skills better than you. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
UntamedDOG 0 #159 August 3, 2005 QuotePlease, go right ahead and write the review yourself. Really. And don't forget to tell everyone how dirty our bathrooms are, too. OK, I’ve just submitted the following review for the Ranch. It is currently awaiting approval. The Ranch, a troubled dropzone. Although I have never actually visited this dropzone in person, I have been made aware that I am on their so called “death list”. At first I assumed the list was for newer jumpers who have yet to witness a skydiving fatality. Now I find out that I’m on this “death list” because people want ME to die! I was shocked. Who would want me dead? I went to my rig and unpacked the main. To my horror, I found that my slider had been tampered with. Someone from the Ranch broke into my house, unpacked my rig and collapsed half of my slider then repacked it without me even knowing. It is a good thing that I am so diligent, a compliment to my impeccable safety record. To those at the Ranch who doubt my skills, I’d like to send this special shout out...... Don’t fuck with me! We’re a new breed of skydiver. We learn things quicker, and we aren’t afraid to downsize. We only act cocky because we have more skills in 300 jumps than those who have thousands. You are all just jealous! Yes, I have been injured before in this sport but that is all ancient history. I'm not a weakling groveling for sympathy and I will not die so easily. P.S. The bathrooms suck! Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
wmw999 2,473 #160 August 3, 2005 Shit, that's too funny. Wendy W.There is nothing more dangerous than breaking a basic safety rule and getting away with it. It removes fear of the consequences and builds false confidence. (tbrown) Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
jlmiracle 7 #161 August 3, 2005 QuotePeople not being honest is a problem in this sport, people want to be hugged when they should be yelled at. Ain't that the f-ing truth! I'm done playing the good cop. JudyBe kinder than necessary because everyone you meet is fighting some kind of battle. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #162 August 3, 2005 QuoteSomeone from the Ranch broke into my house, unpacked my rig and collapsed half of my slider then repacked it without me even knowing. Ok, there's where jumpers will know that you're full of shit. No skydiver would pack a rig if they didn't have to!"I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nullified 0 #163 August 3, 2005 Looks great! Be safe, Mike QuoteThe Ranch, a troubled dropzone. Although I have never actually visited this dropzone in person, I have been made aware that I am on their so called “death list”. At first I assumed the list was for newer jumpers who have yet to witness a skydiving fatality. Now I find out that I’m on this “death list” because people want ME to die! I was shocked. Who would want me dead? I went to my rig and unpacked the main. To my horror, I found that my slider had been tampered with. Someone from the Ranch broke into my house, unpacked my rig and collapsed half of my slider then repacked it without me even knowing. It is a good thing that I am so diligent, a compliment to my impeccable safety record. To those at the Ranch who doubt my skills, I’d like to send this special shout out...... Don’t fuck with me! We’re a new breed of skydiver. We learn things quicker, and we aren’t afraid to downsize. We only act cocky because we have more skills in 300 jumps than those who have thousands. You are all just jealous! Yes, I have been injured before in this sport but that is all ancient history. I'm not a weakling groveling for sympathy and I will not die so easily. If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Nullified 0 #164 August 3, 2005 QuoteAnd sometimes we try to steel other ranch jumper's girlfriends. Jesus, Grouper. Is your boyfriend still pissed about that? Stay safe, Mike If you're gonna' be stupid, well, then you're most likely stupid. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
nael 0 #165 August 3, 2005 hehe I wonder if it'll be approved.'s largest skydive gear store Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Greene 0 #166 August 4, 2005 Great answer. Veder needs to look at himself and rethink why he just might be "on the death list" Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
HeatherB 0 #167 August 4, 2005 Jermany: If you receive $10 in the mail from me, you know what to do with it! QuotePlease enlighten me as to what makes your 320 jumps worth of wisdom trump theirs. Mad skills! Silly, Silly Jerm. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
ezfly 0 #168 August 4, 2005 Mamma-mia! What a thread I don't know what to say? You guys are the greatest! The Ranch is the BEST DZ in the world and I'm the #1 in that "bounce" list. Realy. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
juliebird 0 #169 August 4, 2005 Okay, this whole thread is freaking hilarious. They should make a new forum for "paranoid delusions." Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Trae 1 #170 August 4, 2005 This game used to be called 'Bounce Lotto'. The difference is that the money used to go to the wife or children or parents of the deceased. So who's the greedy psycho what started this sheet? Sounds like one of the 'Herd's grandchildren managed to survive somehow. funny --thought they all bounced. Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
gkc1436 3 #171 August 4, 2005 >When I was a young pup I had the BIGGEST attitude in the sport. I busted every rule and honestly thought I was bulletproof. Umm, I was wrong. It took a while (and one grounding) to figure that out, but hey, even dumbass skydivers can live and learn. . like the time you had us turn off your cypress in the airplane.......heh heh Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
RhondaLea 4 #172 August 4, 2005 Quotelike the time you had us turn off your cypress in the airplane.......heh heh You let him take a tree on the airplane? Sorry. It's lame, I know, but I couldn't help myself. rlIf you don't know where you're going, you should know where you came from. Gullah Proverb Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Joellercoaster 6 #173 August 4, 2005 *golf claps* This has been the best-executed and most amusing troll since I've joined, bar none. Thank you. You totally had me going yesterday, and you clearly have a few people still on the hook this afternoon (UK time). Bravo, sir (if indeed you are a "sir"). And I still want to come jump at the Ranch (could you be someone from the Ranch, but not the person they think you are? Anyway) someday.-- "I'll tell you how all skydivers are judged, . They are judged by the laws of physics." - kkeenan "You jump out, pull the string and either live or die. What's there to be good at? Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
DJL 235 #174 August 4, 2005 QuoteThe difference is that the money used to go to the wife or children or parents of the deceased. Speaking of psycho... "Mrs. Smith, we'd like to give you this money. You see we all bet that your husband would splat and congrats, you win! Here ya go.""I encourage all awesome dangerous behavior." - Jeffro Fincher Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites
Ron 10 #175 August 4, 2005 QuoteSpeaking of psycho... "Mrs. Smith, we'd like to give you this money. You see we all bet that your husband would splat and congrats, you win! Here ya go." Doug The trick is you say, "Mrs. Smith, we are sorry about John. We took a pool....Er, I mean *collection*, yeah thats it COLLECTION at the DZ.""No free man shall ever be debarred the use of arms." -- Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Jefferson Papers, 334 Quote Share this post Link to post Share on other sites