
Coach jumps at eloy

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Nice! I did my ASP 5 with Tim. First diving exit for me too. Tim is a great freeflyer and canopy pilot. Plus, the guy is freakin' hilarious. I get psyched every time I'm lucky enough to jump with him. Glad you you had fun. Good luck on your solos. I'll be up there Thursday, Saturday, and Sunday. Come say what's up if you're around.

Arizona Drive 4-Way VFS - www.DriveVFS.com

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Coach dives may be free at hillbilly DZs, but debriefs will be brief - if they debrief you at all.

>:(How many of these "hillbilly" dz's have you been to RR? Do you have any experience at these so called "hillbilly" dz's?


Some people - at West Tennessee Skydiving - seem to have taken offense to my reference to "hillbilly DZs."
I apologize.
Since I have never jumped in the great state of Tennessee, I have no right to criticize their coaches.

If you want a model for good coaching, read page 9 in the August/September 2004 issue of CANPARA Magazine. The french-language version appears on page 10.

By "hillbilly DZs," I was referring to attitudes.
I grew up in the North end of the Appalachian Mountain Range and I did my first 6 jumps (1977 and 1978) at Valcourt, Quebec. Valcourt is so far off the beaten track that the next DZ is hundreds of miles away in the forests of Maine.
Quality of instruction was high at Valcourt and that single Cessna DZ produced several members of the Canadian National 4 and 8-way RW teams that consistently won gold and silver at World Meets back in the late 1970s and early 1980s.
On the other hand, I jumped for 6 years at a true "hillbilly DZ" in Nova Scotia. The only time I bought a jump ticket for a CReW coach dive, my "coach" gave a minimal briefing. The dive concluded with him letting go of my half-collapsed canopy at 800 feet, on the wrong side of the runway. The debrief consisted of the chief instructor loudly criticizing me for fixating on re-inflating my collapsed canopy at 750 feet!
Sorry, but that hillbilly did not give me my money's worth!
On the other hand, I have had the honor of jumping with the Kamloops Skydivers twice this year. Kamloops is almost as far back in the hills as you can get in British Columbia. Kamloopians take good care of their junior jumpers, offering cheap rental on club gear and charging little for coach dives. Kamloops routinely hosts CSPA coach, instructor and rigger courses, so you know their junior jumpers are getting quality advice.
In conclusion "hillbilly DZ" is a derogatory term applied to bumbling amateurs. Some of theses bumbling amateurs jump far back in the hills and some are found a DZs near major cities.
Geography is no determination of coaching skill.

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One other thing to consider is that at Coolidge you may not get an airplane.
Coolidge for the most part runs on the weekends and uses Skydive Arizona aircraft to support their operations.

You don't have to be a champion to jump here....but you just may become one if you do;)
Enjoy the journey and get out there and just jump!

My wife and I jump at Coolidge. In my opinion, it's a more laid back feel - we bring our kids as do others, etc. Less businesslike feel. They did five King Air runs yesterday.

I haven't had the chance to jump at Eloy yet - I want to one of these days, but we'll leave the kids with a babysitter.

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In my opinion, it's a more laid back feel - we bring our kids as do others, etc. Less businesslike feel. They did five King Air runs yesterday.

I haven't had the chance to jump at Eloy yet

You've never been there but you *know* its more businesslike and less laid back then your DZ?

Hmmmm...you know, I've been to Eloy more then once and not just for the Holiday Boogie and had a great time. Haven't made it to Coolidge yet, although I've been told about it, I'm not going to form my opinion on it since I've never been there!
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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opinions without experience...lovely...:S

Eloy is as laid back as you want it to be..from completely Red Bull wired high focus 4 way to nearly comatose 'pick up' freefly and every combination otherwise...

of course they will still do 5 loads before 9 am B| it is up to you to decide how many you want to catch....

sitting services are not provided however, it is a dropzone...
Those who fail to learn from the past are simply Doomed.

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opinions without experience...lovely...:S

I didn't say I'd never been there. I said I'd never jumped there. I'm also not attacking Eloy. It's just a different feel FOR ME. They have a lot of stuff there that Coolidge doesn't have - resturant (I've eaten there), store (bought stuff there) etc.

I wasn't claiming that Coolidge was better. Just different.

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