
Message from Bill Cole about another chuteless jump

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Bit off topic but there's reference in Dan Poynter's Skydivers Manual of a vidiot once making an unplanned chuteless jump.. his/(her?) last
..silly vidiot.

I've searched for info about this before so just wondered if anybody could enlighten me? How the fuck could you exit without a rig on your back? Doh!!
but what do I know

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Yup I guess that would be about right.

So let me re-phrase that, if you weren't planning a chutless jump how could you walk to a plane, board a plane, ride to altitude and exit without realising you're missing a parachute to save you? I'm touching my handles, checking my hackey etc more than once through that procedure. Maybe they were engrossed with a new toy camera?

Surprised nobody else on the load didn't notice either.

Whatever, I'm still interested in how this could happen.
but what do I know

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The videoit story is true.

supposedly he worked the night before, he was busy doing the video thing out of a cessna was thinking about the video (maybe back to back) and screwed up.

They recovered the camera and you could see from his head movements at pull time he was looking for his shit for the rest of his life.:(

Long time ago, thats the way we remember it. wasn't there but did see the video ( maybe on the news).

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Re: How do you get on a plane without a rig on?

As I recall this guy was a vidiot. In those days the video gear was bulky (big stuff on your belly) and required the use of an additional harness to hold it all.

Apparently, he assumed that the video harness was a rig.

I 'heard' that it was the 2nd time that day that he actually gotten on the plane without his rig on. Someone caught it and he went back and got his rig.



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Re: How do you get on a plane without a rig on?

As I recall this guy was a vidiot. In those days the video gear was bulky (big stuff on your belly) and required the use of an additional harness to hold it all.

Apparently, he assumed that the video harness was a rig.

I 'heard' that it was the 2nd time that day that he actually gotten on the plane without his rig on. Someone caught it and he went back and got his rig.



Yep. I got the story a few weeks ago from someone that was there and knew him. At the time, video rigs were bulky and belly mounted. He had been working late the night before and it was the second time that day he did that. They were jumping a beech and he was first on and sat up against the bulk head so no one, to include the pilot saw he didn't have a rig on. They just saw a bunch of harness that was the video equipment.

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Re: How do you get on a plane without a rig on?

At a popular DZ where I jumped a long time ago, it was somewhat common for the entire load to get on the jump plane and just pile their rigs at the back. It was a long ride to altitude and it was a big airplane with a nice sound system, so everyone sort of milled around and socialized till about 10k, then started putting on their stuff. It was all pretty laid back. However, we all had rigs on when we left the airplane. ;)

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when i was training,, i heard of " Vern Jump" it was a photo dude who got so tied up with his video that he loaded the plane wihtout his chute, but had his camera,, he loaded first so the others thought he was there to video the planeride. when they left ,, guess he just followed em out the door.. last thing that was heard,, was Ah,, shit... after that no chute no plane ride...

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Sounds like out of a beech most likely, still fucked up, especially if he'd been caught once allready. If i ever boarded a plane to jump and someone had to point out to me I was minus a rig, I'd majorly re-evaluate my safety checks.. Rig? check.

Then to do it again...


Guess it shows how distracting distractions can be.

Maximum respect to the dudes who've done this intentionally, I would love to do that one day but doubt I ever would.. just like I'd love to be a Mr Bill landed... one day maybe, though it's probably just as dangerous.
but what do I know

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When I first started jumping I heard apocryphal stories about a jumpmaster who'd jumped out after his last student, without a rig on. It was not unheard of for the JM to dispatch students with just a harness on; the belly-mounted reserve was stowed in the back for the unlikely possibility of an emergency.

Because a belly-mounted reserve was such an attractive target for students, the JM might take it off regardless to put them out, then put it back on for his own jump.

Wendy W.
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Anyway, the guys who had done chuteless jumps in the past had big @@ for sure, I think need a lot of mental preparation for someone to jump out of an aircraft without parachute, especially if he loves life.

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