
first time skydiver going tomorow static line very nervous

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I want to know how to jump out of a plane properly and when landing how to slow down and not land hard or fall on my face ?Im really nervous and want to know ways to relax and not freak out
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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You will learn all of that in your static line class tomorrow. And much more!

Slow down. Take a deep breath. Remember this is fun.

Welcome to skydiving.
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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arch? do you know how long you freefall on static line?
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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arch? do you know how long you freefall on static line?

You are already getting confusing information, you rinstructors will tell you everything you need to know...

Listen to your instructors and no one else.

And oh yeah, Listen to your instructors and no one else.

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I want to know how to jump out of a plane properly and when landing how to slow down and not land hard or fall on my face ?Im really nervous and want to know ways to relax and not freak out

Focus on what you have to do during the jump, not on the fact that you are letting go of an airplane. Being nervous is just part of it, IMO. Having nerves but still being able to do it, and perform well, is what it is all about.

Before I jumped I did an observation flight, and then took some time to think about it. At least then it wasn't COMPLETELY new when it came time for me to jump. I had at least been up in a Cessna with a parachute on my back.


Chuck Norris doesn't do push-ups, he pushes the Earth down.

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Nice to see you're going static line. I thought it was becoming a lost art. It's an excellent training program and a confidence builder right from the start. Have fun and let us know how it went.

And, of course, listen to your instructor. There'll be plenty of time later for the rest of us to confuse you with all sorts of good advice.B|

Jon S.

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My first jump was static line. Lots of fun! Of course you're nervous, any sane person would be. Use that nervous energy to help you focus on everything the instructor says, and don't be scared to ask questions.:)
I wore jeans my first time out, and found it very uncomfortable. Something looser/softer like sweatpants or comfy shorts might be a better idea. Lots of people wear running shoes.

Please come back and tell us all about it after you jump!:)


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arch? do you know how long you freefall on static line?

You'll learn all this tomorrow.

This is a great website. There's a lot to be learned from here.

However, it can also contribute to sensory overload and anxiety. Here's one suggestion (take it or leave it). Step away from the computer (or at least away from dropzone.com). Go do something completely unrelated tonight. Try not to think too hard about the fact that you're making a skydive tomorrow. Try not to worry too much about it. Try not to plan too much or learn too much before you go in there - your first jump course will go over everything you need to know, and if they don't think you're ready to go by the end of it, they won't let you. If you don't think you're ready to go by the end of it, you don't have to go.

Let loose, have fun tonight (but if you're a drinker, go easy on that, nothing worse than a hangover to compound your anxiety!).
"There is only one basic human right, the right to do as you damn well please. And with it comes the only basic human duty, the duty to take the consequences." -P.J. O'Rourke

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That is great advice im stepping away from the computer .all come back tomorow and tell every one how it went.thank you very much
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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Let loose, have fun tonight (but if you're a drinker, go easy on that, nothing worse than a hangover to compound your anxiety!).

Not so fast Krisanne. Our FJC completed training on a Friday evening and they made a point of taking all fifteen or so of us to town and making sure we got completely trashed. Then they drove us back to the airport, where we all slept (and God only knows what else) on the hangar floor. At 6:30 am the lights snapped on and we were told to hit the deck and there was coffee in the lounge room. By 8am the first load was wheels off the runway.

Of course this was back in the glorious seventies and we were all young, dumb & bulletproof. I'm probably supposed to admit this is really rotten advice for a newbie, but we really don't know how much of a party animal she is. But if she sticks around she sure will be!

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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lol im a partyer and would kill to go out tonight and get smashed but im to scared i would be hungover and get sick and make an ass out of myself (im going with all men and they would make fun of me):)
The Wolf howled from under the leaves while spiting fine feathers from his feast of fowl like him I devour myself*Jim Morrison*

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