
Jumping with RW jump suit

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I was wondering if folks can help me understand what are the benefits of jumping with an RW jumpsuit Vs no jump suit.
I'm investing on a used RW jump suit. Besides the reasons I can think of
a) it is safe, no fabric is flying around,
b) better control of fall rate
c) it shows I'm serious about the sport
d) helps in RW jumps where people can latch onto you.
I'm sure there are a whole bunch of technical reasons such as the booties, grippers, fabric etc. I'm sure all those aid in flying better in RW jumps, anything people can add. thanks,

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d) helps in RW jumps where people can latch onto you.

First time you get on the plane in tee-shirt and shorts and are asked to change your solo freefly into a 4 way RW - and you exit with someone taking an arm grip, you will realize those funny little grippers are much more comfortable to receive a grip on, instead of a bite of your arm muscle... OUCH.:$

A wingsuit is to a birdman flier as a RW suit is to a formation skydiver...

The amount of - or lack of fabric - on the arms and arm pits allows you to reach out for a grip without changing fall rate. Booties allow you to really leg turn powerfully when the rest of your body is holding on to someone...

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>a) it is safe, no fabric is flying around,


>b) better control of fall rate

Yep. Large booties give you a suprising amount of fallrate control once you learn to use them.

>c) it shows I'm serious about the sport

Well, more like "you can't really learn much RW wearing shorts."

>d) helps in RW jumps where people can latch onto you.

Yep. It makes taking grips much less painful for both people!

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i purchased a used RW suit a few weeks ago. I played around with it and spun my self silly then did the funnest track ive done. Booties are great!!!:)

Wish I would have seen that one! ;)
"We've been looking for the enemy for some time now. We've finally found him. We're surrounded. That simplifies things." CP

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i purchased a used RW suit a few weeks ago. I played around with it and spun my self silly then did the funnest track ive done. Booties are great!!!:)

Wish I would have seen that one! ;)

Hey - I was working on a project with a guy with thousands of jumps... He wore a bootie suit for the first time. I looked at him expecting him to be relearning how to fly... Nope, perfect docks and orbiting as planned. He was doing great. Then came the track...:P:)

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Hey - I was working on a project with a guy with thousands of jumps... He wore a bootie suit for the first time.

I got my first bootie suit when I had a couple of thousand jumps. Two seconds out the door I thought "Hey, this is nice."

End of adjustment period.:D

Now, if only I could learn head down so easily.[:/]

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I'm not sure if I understand the mechanics of tracking with a jumpsuit(with booties). Can someone pl. explain??.

Just adds a lot of surface area near your feet... If you don't balance it out, you go in different directions than you are used to. Also, gives your feet more power so smaller movements do more. Uneven feet will cause a twisty track where without booties you might get away with more sloppiness.

Now - walking the net in a tunnel with booties is even more fun the first time you try it when you get used to no booties.B|:P;)

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I'll never forget PM'ng AggieDave about flying with booties. I was afraid that I'd go into an unrecoverable spin and die.

I'm sorry...didn't mean to hijack...but, true story.

Your OWN RW suit doesn't define you as a skydiver, but, if you ask for proper advice, you'll get the correct materials, etc. which could help with fall rate issues, if you have any.

good luck and don't buy anything ugly.:)


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I had a bootie RW suit with 26 jumps. It was what the people i was jumping with suggested i have. I love it. Its lots of fun and even after almost 100 jumps it really doesn't show any wear. I love it. Bev Makes a great product. On a side note. Black is really really hot in the GA summer.
Yeah...You need to grow up. -Skymama

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