
Don't turn low.

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I harp on this. If a person is afraid to land downwind than they need to upsize. Flat turns are great and everyone needs to know how to do them but if one can't land downwind then they are on the wrong equipment!

Also, and this is no shit, click from this site directly into Skydive Radio.com and download Show #14 with the first Brian Germain interview. Brian explains a life saving radical flat turn maneuver that can save your ass if you've already been dumb enough to start a low turn. It ain't over 'til it's over and Brian explains how you can stuff a sock in the fat lady before she starts singing. Check it out, this info is as important as knowing how to cutaway from a malfunction. Then make a hop & pop and work on it 'til your legs ache.

Your humble servant.....Professor Gravity !

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I was next door when it happened and it didnt look pretty at all.B| Dont know him but I wish him all the best and a fast recovery:)

Eat, Drink and Jump for tomorrow we die.....

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