Stumpy 284
Quotemy only problem that really gets to me and makes me worry in this country is the fact that the dropzones i jump at Freefliers are getting out of the plane first.
Jump somewhere else then?
bigway 4
The dropzone i like is an hour away that has this problem. I have tried another that i also like that is three hours away, has this problem.
It is not very practical just to go to the other side of the country each weekend without a car.
Also, jump somewhere else does not solve the problem does it. It may for me but does it solve the problem for the rest of the loads that are going up?
Anyway, who am i to say what is right and wrong. I am not a CCI, nor am i an instructor.
It will change one day when someone figures it out. Hopefully it does not take a tragedy to happen.
.Karnage Krew Gear Store
billvon 3,031
> may for me but does it solve the problem for the rest of the loads
> that are going up?
If they realize they're going to have to shut down because everyone is going elsewhere due to safety issues, then they will suddenly see the issue in a new light.
>It will change one day when someone figures it out.
Sounds like lots of people have figured it out, but they're like you - and so no need to change.
bigway 4
Quote>Also, jump somewhere else does not solve the problem does it. It
> may for me but does it solve the problem for the rest of the loads
> that are going up?
If they realize they're going to have to shut down because everyone is going elsewhere due to safety issues, then they will suddenly see the issue in a new light.
>It will change one day when someone figures it out.
Sounds like lots of people have figured it out, but they're like you - and so no need to change.
Actually the dropzone that i go to now and then is close but people have stopped going there in masses, however it is not due to this factor.
If people have learnt at these dropzones that do it this way they do not know any better so that is not an effective solution.
People need to be taught. I wish i could but with my lack of jump number(experience) it is not going to be me teaching them.
Would you not agree with that Bill?
.Karnage Krew Gear Store
damion75 0
QuotePerhaps you could have decided to make your opinion known without belittling another publicly; this might have created an environment where others will be more receptive to the point you are attempting to make rather than taking defensive position
Fair one - sorry. Perhaps less coffee for me in future!
To Meistwer
Quote700 doesn't to me that much either
Me either - that is kind of my point. I wouldnt seek to generalise or re-write policy at my experience level, let alone less.
To Bigway
QuoteI hate someone checking my pin, opening my flaps and closing them, having to sign me off to make a jump, signing back in after a jump or getting a bollocking. I HATE HOW FREEFLIERS get out of the plane first. That is the dumbest thing i have ever seen. You call that safe in this country!!
I think we are getting away from the purpose of the thread here and the FS1 v FF question is always going to be a heated one since it is all about opinion.
Personally I agree with gear checks, they save lives. I also agree with signing back in, but not with (public) bollockings when you don't - a quiet word should be enough. I strongly disagree (as do you) with the FF before FS exit order. It is not the policy at my DZ though, which is nice and on the very few occasions when JMs have tried to send the FF out first I have objected and it has been altered. Inexperienced I may be in the bigger picture but its my life so I will speak up, not stay silent on issues like this.
Promoting a 'sheep' culture on a DZ where people will not bring safety problems like this into the open for fear of being shouted down is sure counter-productive in safety terms?

Not one shred of evidence supports the theory that life is serious - look at the platypus.
Is it not the Dz controls job to count the canopies?
I dont mind the buddy checks. I dont mind signing back in either but i think it is pathetic seeing people getting yelled at if they forget.
My mate got in a yelling at cause this persons canopy took 1000 feet to open. It is made to for heavens sake.
Anyway, my only problem that really gets to me and makes me worry in this country is the fact that the dropzones i jump at Freefliers are getting out of the plane first.
Why is this safe? and while we do this we are also using the 45 degree rule.
It scares the shit out of me that i pull lower or at least ask everyone else behind me to pull higher.
.Karnage Krew Gear Store
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