
fun jumps?

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So, I got my A license 2 weekends ago... :)
But now I'm hunting for things to do...

What kind of jumps would you all recommend for me to make?

I can't do any freefly on the the transition rig at our dropzone. but I've done a "spinner" and a couple of 3ways. I was supposed to do a 2 way tube dive, but didn't get on a load.

what's fun, what's it called, and how do i do it?

(btw, our plane is a C182 so no bigger then 4ways)

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what's fun,

Anything that you walk away from without a scratch and can manifest for another load


what's it called,

From what I understand, its safety, currencey and knowing when to say no...


and how do i do it?

Im not sure, its why I have grounded myself until I can be a weekly jumper and I do not have medical things affecting my decsion making process.

Good luck and have fun but most importantly remember to be safe. Sometimes we jumpers get away with alot in the air and we get these great "no shit there I was" stories, and other times people arent so lucky.

Oh and to not be a spoil sport, my favorite thing is a kiss pass. Its easy, its fun, and it doesnt require more then one other jumper ... if you dont know how to kiss well I cant teach you that lol. Theres something major cool about kissing someone while falling... I dont know what it is... but it is my favorite, oh and stay away from anything if it doesnt feel right... the sky will always be there...
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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What's fun jumping with people.

If you want to reach some kind of goal. Try to work up to your B liscnce requirements. You don't need the B, but try to see if you can gain the skills to obtain the B liscence.
Divot your source for all things Hillbilly.
Anvil Brother 84
SCR 14192

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what's fun, what's it called, and how do i do it?

Buy a couple cases of good beer for your DZ. Pass it out to all your new friends at the DZ.

Its amazing how things like that get jumpers with experience and ability to help you to jump with you. I know that up-jumpers should jump with you regardless (there are folks like myself, J. Schrimsher, Doc Stewart and others that are similar who go out of their way to jump with low time jumpers, but that's not the norm now days), but beer helps with the other jumpers.

Secondly, go do some classic fun loads. Stuff like an altitude clear and pull on the sunset load. Watch the sun set as you desend and make sure that load is a hit and chug. Get your SCR. Do your SCR ceremony.

Things like that are very important for the new jumper. It helps define you as an experience jumper later. For instance, you remember your SCR and you go out of your way to help low time jumpers get theirs. You actually find it an incredible time to go make an 8-way round.:)
--"When I die, may I be surrounded by scattered chrome and burning gasoline."

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broke: totally going for my B license, and eventually my C and D.

mjosparky: well, of course i want to do them all... i'm just at a lack for insperation. :-P

aggiedave: never heard of a SCR before... I'm going to hillybilly boogie at mt. vernon next weekend... i wonder if i could get it there... :S

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Hey you didnt mention my response about a kiss pass... go find a chick and kiss her in freefall... its more fun then a SCR (this coming from someone who isnt lucky enough to have her SCR yet so I am completley biased and my opinion on it being better should be ignored)

BTW Skyfest might be a great place for ya.... go to the events thread... I hear they are big on SCRs and us student jumpers trying to have fun while being safe...and achieiving a award in the sport :)
Sudsy Fist: i don't think i'd ever say this
Sudsy Fist: but you're looking damn sudsydoable in this

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SCR= star crest round (8 jumpers in a round)

From glossary: SCR. The oldest award for formation skydiving achievement, for those who have been in a star of at least eight people in which each person left the aircraft separately and flew to the formation.


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Talk to your coaches and try some backflying if you haven't already.

I'm at similar jumps as you and I was thinking the same thing and decided to work on some back fly stuff.

I wanted to work on getting more agile rolling over back to belly and belly to back without thinking about it for safety reasons, being altitude aware on my back, doing turns etc, and apprently it's also helpful when you move onto sitfly stuff.

It was trickier than I thought it would be getting stable on my back and I was all over the place for a bit and at one point started to spin out of control trying turns but I'd just flip over on my belly and stop spinning immediatly. So, besides being a good safety skill, progression to sitfly and overall confidence booster these backfly jumps were also some of the most FUN jumps I've done so far.

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Ummmmm, don't get injured or die...

Never stop training as much as you did as a student.

Practice and Study EPs and Canopy Piloting.
about the Gear, get Pin Checks (and all that Safety stuff)and the rest will come with time.

Congradufuckinlationz on getting your A, good times are ahead, have fun and keep it safe.
Mykel AFF-I10
Skydiving Priorities: 1) Open Canopy. 2) Land Safely. 3) Don’t hurt anyone. 4) Repeat…

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SCR= star crest round (8 jumpers in a round)

From glossary: SCR. The oldest award for formation skydiving achievement, for those who have been in a star of at least eight people in which each person left the aircraft separately and flew to the formation.

SCR= star crest recipient - docking in 8-man (or bigger) star
SCS= star crest soloist - docking 8th or later on star

My reality and yours are quite different.
I think we're all Bozos on this bus.
Falcon5232, SCS8170, SCSA353, POPS9398, DS239

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oh... i saw a bat hang on our end of year video, but i don't know if i have the balls or muscle strength to try that....

whats the worst thing that happens you fall off :-P

you have a prachute...

get silly have fun and do silly as things...

but remember all youe safety shite :-P

and heres one work accuracy work it a lot...find someoen to teach you accuracy cause one day it will save your arse...(and its kinda fun to be able to land where you want)


CSpenceFLY - I can't believe the number of people willing to bet their life on someone else doing the right thing.

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SCR= star crest round (8 jumpers in a round)

From glossary: SCR. The oldest award for formation skydiving achievement, for those who have been in a star of at least eight people in which each person left the aircraft separately and flew to the formation.

SCR= star crest recipient - docking in 8-man (or bigger) star
SCS= star crest soloist - docking 8th or later on star


cool - thanks guys!

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I don't know if you can do it with the rig you're using, but I saw a video of some jumpers doing what's called a "horny gorilla". None of them were freeflyers, but they pulled it off pretty well. They locked their legs together while standing on the step of the Cessna, facging together, and then jumped together. Using their arms, they started spinning in different directions while keeping thier legs locked. It looked like a lot of fun.

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I personally would not recommend rushing into jumps where your rig is exposed to the wind in a sit position, like a horny gorilla, because from your original post it sounds like you do not have a freefly friendly rig...

Plus there are lots of fun things you can do on your belly for a while. Tracking is a great skill to have!! It will help you get further from other jumpers prior to opening, you can do it in a group or alone, and it lasts a long time. Just be sure to know the winds aloft and jump run prior to exit.

Sunset hop & pops from altitude are fun and last a long time, land and chugs are cool especially if someone else is doing it also, if not you just look extra thirsty, and kiss passes are fun but sounds liek they will have to wait.

Some fun two-ways you can do too are a fruit loop where a friend docks on you in a two-way (pin) and then flips you, plus it might sound weak but the coach jumps from your training are fun too, have someone exit, give them a 1 second head start and then catch them, after each dock have them back up or down, etc.
Rigger, Skydiver, BASE Jumper, Retired TM

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