
Being a DZ whore?

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Thanks everyone for your comments! I definitely feel better about my moving around. Its just so hard....I work weekends most of the time and get one day off a week if I'm lucky, so finding the time to jump is difficult to say the least. Plus, I like having the whole dz experience....I'm not the type to jump and leave. I love the social life at dzs(tho don't get the wrong impression of whore, :ph34r::D) so I want to make sure that I feel totally welcome at the places I go. But I listen to the advice of those that brought me into the sport...I listen to the instructors, am far more patient than those close to me could imagine, and buy lots and lots of beer ;)

“Everything looks perfect from far away.”
Postal Service, Such Great Heights

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I travel a lot with work too and like going to new DZs, in fact I'm giving another new DZ a go this coming week-end in a different country and continent! I often find that I meet people at DZ A in one part of the world and then meet them again at DZ B many miles away - it's one of the great things about this sport.

Also, I often find that I feel more at home at a new DZ than in the hotel I'm staying in while working abroad. I'll never forget the Easter I spent at Skydive Dallas completely unfit to jump, eating as much paracetamol (tylenol) as is medically advisable, sleeping a few hours in a bunk room, waking up, watching a few landings and starting again from the top. I'm sure that had I been in the hotel I'd have been miserable, as it was, I could bum around in my pyjamas get fresh air, no-one cared lots of people chatted to me and I felt a lot better within 2 days!

Don't ever save anything for a special occasion. Being alive is a special occasion. Avril Sloe

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